Daily Post


Daily Post - 08.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 08.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1
• • « • • • Searlet See Page 2 DAILY POST n — 282 Monday. December 8, 1941 The ooly daily nm- paper in Englieh printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a.m, every day. Price 23 aurar. Japan and U. S. A. at war Nippon ‘Blitzes’ Hawaii and Manila: Great Naval Battle off Honolnln U. S. ARMY MOBILISED amamam > ■ ■—■' Chnrehill Talks wlth Winant 150 Bombers Raid PearlHarbour as Jap. Envoys Confer with Cordell Hnll 1 ♦ .. A S THE DAILY POST was going to press last night, news came from London that President Eoosevelt had just announced tiiat an air fleet of 150 Japanese bombers had attacked the “Pacific Gibraltar”, the U.S .A-, Hawaian naval base at Pearl Harbour, Qahu. The U.S. Cabinet was already in session.' A few minutes later the President announced that Manila, the capital of the Philippines, had also been attackted by the Japanese. Then came the first news of a naval battle off Honoluhi. Honolulu is the capital of the Hawaian Islands, and Pearl Harbour a few miles outside the town itself. Japan taas 130,000 Troops in Indo~Chlna f^ondon, Sunday night, Dec. 7. A naval and air battle is in progress off both Honolulu and the Philipp- iöes. The U.S. Army has l^en mobilised, and orders ío the U.S. Army and Navy, Previously prepared for the •lefence of U.S., have been Put into immediate execut- ion. PRIME MINISTER CONFERS WITH U.S. AMBASSADOR The Prime Minister of Great ■^ritain, Mr. Churchill is con- ferring with Mr. Winant, U.S. Ambassador to Britain. Mr. Churchill’s statement, that in f®86 of Japan attacking the ■S.A., Britain’s declaration of ^ar Would follow within the our. is now being recalled here London. ®URNING documents Washington has just reported that the Japanese Enabassy staff in Washington had been busy burning documents this afternoon. IN CONFERENCE Admiral Nomura, Japanese Ambassador to U.S.A., and Mr. Kurusu, Japan’s spfecial envoy to Washington, were in con- ference with Mr. Cordell Hull to-day, and Mr. Kurusu was handing over his Government’s reply to President Roosevelt’s notle when the raid on the Phil- ippines was already in progress. It is now very clear what was behind the orders that Messrs. Nomura and Kurusu received from therr Gcvernment, as stated by the Japanese Press yesterday, that they should “carry on the negctiations up to the last minute”. FROM AIRCRAFT CARRIERS The first news of the treach- erous Japanese attacks reached Washington from Pearl Har- bour. The Japanese airfleet had attacked from plane carriers. and fires had started on Hono- lulu’s famous flying field at Waikiki. Fires had also started on the flying field on Ford Island. 7 P.M. ZERO HOUR The attack took place at 7 o’clock to-night, English time. Amongst the first news coming in, was the torpedoing of an American lumber ship, 1300 miles west of San Francisco, and of another American ship torpedoed just off San Franc- isco. R.A.F. OBSERVED JAP MOVEMENTS Earlier to-day news had reached here from Singapore that British Catalinas and (Continued on page 4). Libya BIG NEW BATTLE JOINED Bulk of Rommel’s Forces Involved London, Dec. 7th. According to thte land and air communiques from Cairo to-day there are indications that a new important battle has started between Bir el Gobi and Tobruk. From all over the area many succtessful minor operat- ions are reported. In the main battle already joined, the bulk of General Rommel’s forces, mainly in- fantry, is said to be involved. During the last 24 hours our operations have met with con- sideraible success, particularly those of our mobile columns. Four miles east of Bir el Gobi our forces attackéd and dis- persed an enemy column of 100 vehicles and two tanks. South of E1 Douda the enemy w'as also engaged. Fifteen ve- hicles were destrcyed; three A.A. guns and 25 prisoners Were captured. Near Sidi Rezegh South African forces captured supply and petrol dumps, and destroyed 62 enemy vehicles. In the frontier area clearing-up opérations are proceeding successfully. With the exception of a few isolated pockets, few enemy positions remain. Between Sidi Rezegh and El. Adem 23 Italian tanks and a complete Italian battery were wiped out.


Daily Post

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