Daily Post


Daily Post - 09.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 09.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4
L ÍUULY tmt Wlnter Brlngs Stop to Major Operatlons Along Russian Front OFFICIAL GERMAN ADMISSION London, Dec. 8th. Germany at last officially ad- mits that Nazi operations in Russia are now at the mercy of r / the Russian winter. Few details have come in from the Russian front. Fight- ing is going on all along the line. The “Pravda” claims further Russian successes in the Mos- cow area. stating that they have regained complete control of the Tula highway, the enemy having abandoned tanks and equipment in their retreat. From southern Russia there is no news to-day. hut it was claimed by the Moscow Radio last night that the Russians had then penetrated 75 miles west of Rostov, in puxsuit of the re- treating Germans. Italian soldiers are said to be taking part in the fighting in the Donetz Basin. R.A.F. RAIDS London, Dec. 8th. A strong force of home-based bombers raided north-west Ger- many and ports in occupied France last night. Aachen, the important railway centre, was the main target. The harbours and dccks of Ostend, Calais. Boulogne, Dun- kirk, and Brest were also heavi- ly raided. Four of our planes are missing. DAELY POST CROSSWORD SOLUTION TO No 2. Across. — 1. Damage; 4. Cherub; 8. Bustle; 10. Blonde; 11. Expel; 12. Sour; 14. Bide; 15. Memorised; 17. Castanets; 20. Pail; 21. Halt; 22. Fount; 24. Darlan; 25. Gammon; 26. Random; 27. Plinth. Down. — 1. Debase; 2. Mu- seum; 3. Gale; 5. Hull; 6. Ran- cid; 7. Brewer; 9. Extortion; 10. Beginning; 13. Regal; 14. Bérth; 16. Spider; 17. Citron; 18. Sal- mon; 19. Stench; 22. Faro; 23. Tall. Libya INCREASING ALLIED PRESSURE London, Dec. 8th. In Libya the force of our drive is steadily increasing over the whole area. The New Z'ealand forces have again linked up with the forces from Tobruk near Sidi Rezegh. The two main German panzer groups are now engaged. Re- ports have only come in about one, which was being driven westwards, attacked on three sides. NAZI TANKS SCUPPERED On the 6th of December 30 enemy tanks and 500 motorised vehicles were attacked west of*aJapan. War With Japan (Continued from page 1.) self seems not to have been raided, but raids have been carried out on Baguio on Luzon Island, and on Divao on Min- danao, both impo.’tant military objects, one on each of these two main islands of the Philip- pines. DECLARATIONS OF WAR Reaction to these dastardly attacks has come quickly from the Dominicns and our Allies, and also from other nations, apart from Britain and the U5.A. Canada, the Netherlands Government, the Chung-King Govemment, the Free French, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua have all declared war against Japan. Australia will declare war to- morrow. And to-day both the U.S.A. and Britain declared war on Japan. London, Dec. 8th. In his address to the House of Commons to-day the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, stated how and why the British Go- vernment had dteclared war on Bir el Gobi. Seven tanks were destroyed, and 3 tanks and many vehicles damaged, after which the enemy retreated, pursued by armoured cars of the King’s Dragoon Guards, who picked up 40 hungry Ger- man stragglers. This is the first time that Headquarters in Cairo have 'mentioned the names of the units taking part in the action. MOPPING UP South of Tobruk and E1 Ad- em small pockets of 'enemy forces were successfully en- gaged. The area between Sidi Rezegh and Bir el Hamid is now thought to be clear of ene- my forces. At Sidi Rezegh our troops found 18 modem Ger- man tanks and equipment left behind, and some of our own guns were also recovered, by the Eleventh Hussars. Between Bardia and Tobruk New Zealand and South Afric- an forces are scouring the area and rounding up stragglers, of whom some 150 have been brought in, many starving and all hungry. The battery reported yester- day to have been wiped out be- tween Sidi Rezegh and E1 Adem was not Italian but Ger- He had agneed in a tailk iwith President Rooseve'.t yiesterdaiy the Piime Ministe? saád, that Britain’s dec arat'on of iwar should follow immediately after that of ,tbe U. S. A. Meamwthiile Japan fmd att- acfed Malaya. Therefone H. M. Government had seen no need of iwa’iting for the U. S. deCiar- atioij and had aqoordingly issti- ed a deciiaration of mair at 12,30 p. m. ; London, Dec. 8th. At a joint meeting of both Houses this afternoon President Roosevelt in a stirring spetech called upon Congress to declare war on Japan. The President was cheerted to the rafters as he finished his speech and until long after he had left the rost- rum after the declaration. man. Ninety were killed, in- cluding the battery comm- ander. AIR WARFARE The R.A.F. communique re- ports the bombing yesterday of Khoms (east of Tripoli), Derna, Benghazi. and Castle Benito. Six enemy planes were shot down. On Saturday night Na- ples received the same treat- ment as the previous night. From all these operations 8 planes are missing. Hitler’s Trump (Continued from page 2.) the Ohina war. This idea W»s foijed by the raegnifioent Soviet resástance against Genmany- To- day the Red Army úi the East is so stnong and so indep' endem of tíie Western Pnont that Japan has not yet dared attatí5 it. When the Japanese rea'isad this and also realised that Brti*5*1 and 'American rnilitary strengdi and mmth it their aid to Chma Iwene .idkely to inonease rapkUj’ in the future, tbey deCided 50 thnomn in a'J their weight ag»' inst Britain and America before it is too date- Niaór, he* cause . Amerioan industrial sounoes and man-power are 100 yet fuily mobilised fior war. No«> beoause e\ery avai!ai>ie g and ðeropiane pnoduced in allied fiaictories is urgently needed tó tuirm the tide on the Rus^11 front- Noíw bpcause, Whie the Russiaais ane fighting trith th^ backs to the Iwialll they hindeierj fnom heiping their Chisnese 0110 Britásh a’Jies and the Burmai®3^ has Become the so.le or virtualil the sole meains of supply China. | Battleground I By Splke * * t A large supply of BÚtlS^ boots has been issued to t Turkish Army. OLD SWEAT ASKS:— Who started giving “Jerries the Iron Cross? Frederick William IH Prussia began this gift scheU16 in 1813 for services in the ^ar of Liberation. The order waS revived at the time of t e Franco-Prussian war ’ bushels of them issued in last war too. CURIOUS:— Describe a nightmare? Apart from reading George s column, it is a feeling of °P pression or suffocation wnl^ arises during sleep accompanl by intense anxiety, fear . horror. The sufferer wakens ,lT1 a state of terror, body often covered with sweat. Psyc^° analysts consider it the neS ^ of some suppressed emoti°n experience stored in the s conscious mind.


Daily Post

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