Daily Post


Daily Post - 22.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 22.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4
s 4 DAILY POST 25 German Divlslons Routed on Moseow Front Far East: Big Scale Nazi Withdrawals Crimea Only Strong Point Left / % London, Dec. 21st. Beriin to-day had tð admit that the Russians were keeping up severe attacks on the Moscow and Leningrad fronts, in spitte of the bitter frost which at the same time is so greatly hamper- ing German activity. MOSCOW FRONT The Russian midnight com- munique last night announced the recapture of Volokolamsk, and the pursuit of the enemy retreating from there to the north-west in the direction of Rzhev. By this advance the Cterman threat to encircle Moscow up to fourteen days ágo, has been straightened out, and the straightened line seems even now being pushed back. The communique states that 3 German infantry divisicns were destroyed in this attack. In the area between Volokol- amsk and Kalinin 150 villages were freed from the enemy in this advance. NORTHERN SECTOR In the north our AUies also repcrt a new great success, having recaptured Voibakalov, south of Lake Ladoga, and 43 miles west of Tikvin, and by this definitely defeated the Ger- man attempt to link up with the Finns. CRIMEA German initiative in Russia is now confined tc Sevastopol, where, however, a four days’ attack has only resulted in their losing again the ground they won cn the first day. Nalta, “The King-Pin o! the Hiddle Sea” Malta, which has been raided mcre than 800 times, was the first place in the British Empire to be attacked from the air and as- saulted by sea. The Italians were sure of taking it, but after 25 attacks gave up the attempt with a loss of 60 machines and 250 airmen. Likewise, all Germað attempts to subdue the historic island have failed, with crippling lcsses on the invading aircraft. The instrument responsible for inflicting this signal defeat on the Axis is the R.A.F. Hurricane fighter, one cf which is here seen being serviced after landing. Japs. Land at Davao (Continued from page 1). The communique from Singa- pore Headquarters to-day stat- es that the town is hard at work digging in and fortifying its de- fences in every way, and that every.body is in good cheer, confident of being able here to present the enemy with a nut about as hard to crack as he could possibly find. The communique also ann- ounces the loss of H.M.S. “Banka”, a converter merchant- man of 600 tcns. The communique further an- nounces an air raid yesterday on Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Selangor and the four Feder- ated Malay States, and the third largest town in Malaya (pop. 140,000), some 200 m.'les north of Singapore, and 100 miles south of Ipoh. There was.only little damage. One enemy plane was shot down and probably also another. One of our planes was shot down too, but the pilot parachuted safely to the ground. HONG KONG Hong Kong is still resisting, but there is news of severe fighting taking place near the race course. Tokio reports to- day a raid on British gun boats in the deep waters of the har- bour. This is the first reliable news of British naval craft still assisting in the defence of the town. Japanese naval craft is now co-operating with their land forces. The Governcr of Hong Kong, Sir Mark Young, has received messages of congratulations from all over the Empire, for the colony’s heroic resistance, amongst others from H.M. the King, the Secretary of War, the Colonial Secretary, and the Governor of Malta. Three communiques from Hong Kong describing the land- ing of the Japanese on Friday night the 19th, have been re- ceived to-day. Sir Mark Young then issued this order to the trcops: “The eyes of the Empir6 are, now upon you. Be strong, be resolute, and do your duty.” CHINESE ATTACKS The communique froro Chungking of to-day states that the Chinese forces on the main- land are intensifying their at- tacks on the rear of the eneroy, and that they have advanced towards the border of the KoW- lcon area. Both sides are noW receiving reinforcements. PIHLIPPINES In the Philippines fighting is continuing in Davao, where the Japanese effected a landing at dawn yesterday. No details have been received of the ensuing operations. This was announced by the U.S.A. communique of to-day, which added that enemy activity south of Vigon on the northwest coast of Luzon had increased yesterday and led to patrol skirmishes in that area- An Announcement “Daily Post” Christmas number, out on Wednesday, will cost 50 aurar, but it contains four times as much reading matter as usual — and is a healthy mixture of humorous and sericus contributions, and some interesting pictures of the Icelandic scene- Here are the titles of some of the articles: UP THE GARDEN PATH TO CHRISTMAS. ICELAND AND THE OCCUPATION. SAGA OF HARALÐ PENPUSH BY SNORRI THE DAFT- ARCHAEOLOGIST’S REPORT ON A NISSEN HUT. HERE, TOP HAT AND CLOTH CAP MAY BE BROTHERS. LAUGHTER IN THE BARRACK ROOM. BLANCO, BRASSO AND SILVO, a Christmas Fairy Tale- This number has been passed by the Censor and may be sent home to Great Britain. Of all souvenirs of Iceland, this will be the most representative of Briitish soldiers’ efforts.


Daily Post

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