Daily Post


Daily Post - 31.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 31.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1
V Paying for the War See Page 2 D4ILY POST II-298 Wednesday, Dec- 31, 1941 Price 25 aurar Tbe only daily newa- paper in Englisb printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a.m. every day. Price 25 aurar. Jap Attempt to Ðfiven Off Force Manlla Bay Tibyan forces HEM IN ROMMEL Air Activity Over Malaya, Dorneo, And Sumatra Londion, Dec. 30th. , Many Nazi Tanks Smashed Crete and Greeee Raided By Air The latest reports from the Pacific tell of increasing enemy activity both on land and in the air in Malaya and the PhiJippines although no major changes have taken place since yesterday A comrtmnique fnom Sinigaipere to-day repiorts that heavy Japan- ese aittacks south iof Ipoh were re- pulsed yesrterday, the enemy suf- fering great losses. AIR-RAIDS ON SINGAPORE japanese air aiotivity is nowi wiidespread all over the Malayan Penninsuia. Singapore iwias raiided four times yester-day, the firs-t air-rai-d siinioe three weeiks ago. There «were very fefvv, casual-ties and practiically no- d-amage bey-( ond a fewi hiouises burnt doiwn close ito- a, s.ma-1-1 petnoil staition. AERODROMES ATTACKED The aero-driome at Keluang, centraL Johore, swais- att-aicked by the Japanese y-esterday. Here « e~e only í’ekv- casualities amd no damage to the aenodrome what- • ever. The aerodrome a,t Kuanton was again radded ’last miight iwikh to- tally negative results for the enemy. ' BORNEO AND SUMATRA Bataviai reports to-day that the enemy is contimual-ly carrying ■ out raids on smaLl poastal places in Bomeo and Sumaitra. In the raid on Medan 36 persions iwere killed, m-ost of them Chinese and Indonesian Red Crioss -wiorkers. Allied aircrafí ca-rried out a number of successful reoonnoitr- ing f’Lights all over Malaya yester- day. MORALE IN SINGAPORE The spiri-t of the -wiomen of Singapore and Mafaya is clearly revealed in the m-es-sage sent out yesiterday by Lady Thomas, the íwflfe of the Giovemor of the Straits Settlements, fro-m Govern- men-t House, Sing-apore. “We have had a long perio-d of peaice and tranqility hene,“ La-dy Thomas said, “wihile the Iwo-men of Britain, China, Russáai, and the occ-up’;ed pountries have heroiiaLIy suffered death and mutilation, ovenwiork, rationing, an-d starva- 'tion. Nio-wi ou-r time h-as oome, and I kno-wi (that rwe will ca-rry on 'O-ur duities just as caL-mly and cou-rageously.“ PHILIPPINE ARMY REORGANISED From the Philippines no newis has come since the po-mmunique of General McArthur, • stating tha.t he had reorganized his fonces along a shortened defenoe iline, rumning through Sara-g-o-ssa, 120 mifes north o-f Manila, and thaj so far aill iwas quiet on lamd. In the ai-r there had been re- neAed enemy acti-vity yesterday over Gorregidor, th-e fortress Is- land in the middle of the en- tran-ce to Manilai Bay. Goupled iwiith this was an aittempt of Ja- panese wairships to fo-rce the en- tran-ce of the bay. The enemy ships iwere horwever, quick'ly driven off by the U.S- Long-range (Continued on page 4). London, Dec. 30th. In Libya our forces continue to close in on General Rommers forces at Agedabia. while the R, A. F. keeps up its relentless hammering of enemy communications Ou-r goal, the destruictiio-n of the enemy’s tanik forlces, came closer yesterday when, in an a-t- tempt to imterfere iwiith ou-r ad- vancing mechanized columns south of Agedabia, General Rom- mel lost 22 io-f h-is remaindinig tan-ks idompletely destnoyed, and 20 tan-ks heavily damaged, after Ivvihioh his remaiming tank forces tviithdr-etwi to their p-osiitiions. BIG BATTLE EXPECTED Rommel’s fonces ane nawi hemi' med in betiween the sea and the hills east of Agedabia. A maim battle is nawi doubtless impend- img, as our fonaes are clasimg in on the enemy fnom the sou-th as iwell as from the mo-rth. A regiment of hussars yester- day captu-r-ed five enemy Lotrries laden iwiith infantry, AERIAL ACTIVITY All ov-er Libya, and even furth-er, Empire and Free Fremoh aircraft are mencilessly harassing and dem-olishing en-emy miilitary targets. Ou-r bombers and fighters have icarried out suocessful raids on Agedabia, -w/here direct Mts were registered on an ammuni- tion and supply storehiou'se,- and at Bardia and HaLfaya petiroi and ammunition duimps have been ex- ploded. Enemy motoirized tnoiops, concentration camp, duimps, a-rid lan-ding-griounds iwest of Ageda- bia bave also besn suia.essfully attackecl. On Sunday night RA.F. and Fjree French airoraft oairrfed out rai-ds on military ta-rget's in Grece and Crete, the rnain ta-rgets be- ing the doöks and harbouirs at Salami-s a-nd Erakleion. Kandi-a. aind Suida Bay iw ene al-so atta-cked, but he'e results iooui-d' moit be observed be:ause ol ba-d visibilHy. One Messersichmitt 109 iwias de- stnoyed in Libya, and a Junkers 88 ivva-s shot doiwn abo-ve Mal-ta. Fnom al-1 these o-pe at'ions four of ouir planes are missing, but the pilot of one is safe. Churchill’s Canadian Speech London, Dec. 30th. Mr. Winston Churchill to- day addressed the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. He was introduced by the Canadian Prime Minister- Mr. William MacKenzie King. Mr. Churchill, who delivered most of his speech in Engllsh, also specially addressed t-he Quebec members in French, and was from all sides received with tre-mendous, seemingly never ending cvations.


Daily Post

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