Daily Post


Daily Post - 07.01.1943, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 07.01.1943, Blaðsíða 3
1 DAILY POST 3 VICTORY IN THE DESERT: SMILING SCOTTIES IN 8TH ARMY’S VICTORIOUS DRIVE Picture shows: A smiling team of battle-scarred Scotsmen with their Bren carrier—taking part in the 8th Army’s triumphant desert offensive which has taken them across Egypt and far into Libya in pursuit of Rommel’s battered and fleeing forces. Texf OS Unlfed HTatlons Deelaratlon From All Quarters Ramania In The firip @f Blackmail According to reliable infor- mation from Rumania, 250,000 Rumanians have been killed or permanently disabled on the Russian front. The entire male rural population has been draft- ed either for service in Russia or on the Hungarian border, or for industrial work; today no male above 17 or below 60 years of age is found in any Rumanian village. The dismay caused by this state of affairs has been intensi- fied by ceaseless German de- « mands, the climax of which was reached during Funk’s visit last September, which aimed at nothing less than to reduce Ru- mania virtually to the position of an occupied country. Anton- escu, realizing how popular dis- content was swelling, did try to resist those demands, but the Germans put the screw on him by threatening to reinstate the Iron Guards in power. In fact, many Iron Guards are filtering through into Rumania under German patronage, and their appearance and increasing activities in the most recent de- velopment are having a terri- fying effect on the Government and the Rumanian people; for that reason many opponents of Antonescu are supporting him out of sheer terror of the Iron Guards. Todaji’s B. B C. Programmes HOME SERVICE * rlcelandic Time). ■ 1600 News, 1710 “Fighters for France and Freedom”, 1730 Kentucky Minstrels, 1815 “A Man’s Cloak”—Play, 1900 News, 1935 “Marching On”, 2005 The Anvil, 2035 First Per- formance of Grace Williams Sinfonia Concertante with B.B.C. Orchestra. FORCES' PROGRAMME (Icelandic Time). 1500 Tea and Trumpets, 1515 Ackack Beer Beer, 1600 News, 1630 Radio Rhythm Club, 1700 American Sports Bulletin, 1705 At Home to the Forces, 1745 Music by Fred Hartlev, 1815 Radio version of “Footlights Parade”, 1845 “Close-up”, 1900 The Governments of the Un- ion of South Africa, United States of America, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Cze- cho Slovak Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greece, India, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, U. S. S. R., Yugo Slavia and the French National Committee:— Hereby issue a formal warn- ing to all concerned and in par- ticular to persons in neutral countries that they intend to do their utmost to defeat the met- hods of dispossession practised by Governments with which they are at war against the countries and peoples who have been so wantonly assaulted and despoiled. Accordingly the Govern- j ments making this declaration and the French National Com- mittee reserve all their rights to declare invalid any transfers of, or dealings with, property rights and interests of any de- scription whatsoever which are or have been situated in terri- tories which have come under News, 1930 Cabaret for Troops, 2000 Bickershaw Colliery Band, 2030 Richard Crean and his Or- chestra. the occupation or control, dir- ect or indirect, of the Govern- ments with which they are at war or which belong or have belonged to persons (including juridical persons) resident in such territories. This warning applies whether such transfers or dealings have taken the form of open looting or plunder, or of transaction apparently legal in form even when they pur- port to be voluntarily effected. The Governments making this declaration and the French National Committee solemnly record their solidarity in this matter. Reykjavík Cinemas NÝJA BÍÓ: “Week-end in Ha- vana” with Alice Faye, John Payne and Carmen Miranda. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Bitter Sweet” with Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. TJARNARBÍÓ: “The Thief of Bagdad”, with Conrad Veidt and Sabu. A story from the 1001 Nights. A woman’s handbag con- taining money was lost on Christmas Day. Will finder please return it to Daily Post Office. The National Trust announc- es today that Lord Astor is to hand over his house and estate at Cliveden to the Trust. His gift includes a monetary en- dowment for the upkeep of the property; Cliveden Woods, with their frontage to the Thames; fine paintings; and many other furnishings of the house. The woods and gardens will in due time be open for the public en- joyment. J|: :J: * HONG KONG CONDITIONS SATISFACTORY A report has been received from the Red Cross delegate at Hong Kong that he is visiting Stanley Camp regularly and that conditions are satisfactory. * * * It is likely that income tax will be increased substantially in Australia this year. Expendi- ture has risen owing to war re- quirements and it is proposed to meet as much of it as possible out of direct taxation. * * * An amendment to Australia’s Defence Bill has been proposed, whereby it will be possible to send the Militia on active ser- vice outside Australian terri- tory.


Daily Post

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