Daily Post


Daily Post - 07.01.1943, Side 4

Daily Post - 07.01.1943, Side 4
A DAILY POST March Field, huge United States Army Air Corps base on the West Coast, is using hundreds of girls to replace young men now in the armed forces. This picture shows eighteen-year-old Elizabeth Kaplan, a former college freshman, at the wheel of a tow truck used to move planes. Kalaol Riidei ipii London, January 6th. Late last night a communique jrom General MacArthur’s Headquarters reported the biggest destruction of Japanese shipp- ing ever to take place in Rabaul harbour at any one time since th war began. Ixis Air Lesses London, Jan. 6th. Malta’s contribution towards the war is revealed in a des- patch jrom Cairo today gimng details of air and sea ope a■ tions in the Mediterranean d.ar- ing the past year. FIGHTER AND A. A. Axis aircraft have dropped 12,000 tons of bombs on Malta since the war began and in re- turn Malta’s fighters and anti- aircraft gunners have shot out of the sky 955 enemy raiders during the past 12 months, as well as nearly 300 more proba- bly destroyed. The fighters de- finitely accounted for 773 and the gunners 182. R.A.F. losses during the same period were 195 machines, from which 89 of the pilots were saved. NOT ONLY 1N AIR But Malta’s contribution has not been in the air alone. R.A.F. aircraft based on the island have attacked 46 enemy con- voys as well as 6 single vessels and 5 naval forces, as a result of which 46 ships were either sunk, severely damaged or left burning and an additional 40 probably damaged. Naval aircraft hit 37 enemy ships, making a total of 83 ships hit, apart from the probables. MIDDLE EAST SUCCESSES Details of enemy aircraft des- troyed during December in Europe and the Middle East are also published today. In offen- sive sweeps over Europe home- based R.A.F. aircraft destroyed 22 enemy machines and 18 more were destroyed during Luftwaffe raids on Britain. The figure of Axis air losses in the Middle East during December is 100. RBYKJABIO “His Girl Friday with CARY GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL RALPH BELLAMY Perform. 6 p. m. and 8 p.m. The communique reports that 9 and probably 10 Japanese ships were sunk in the harbour by Allied heavy bombers on Monday, every ship being hit by at least a 1000-pounder. The Allied bombers went over in two waves. Visibility was good and the planes bomb- ed from a medium height. The estimated tonnage of the ships sunk was 50,000 tons. Six Jap- anese fighters which attempted to intercept our bombers were shot down into the sea. Only one Allied aircraft failed to re- turn to its base. The communique adds that in the last 10 days not less than 160,000 tons of Japanese shipp- ing have either been sunk of put out of commission in the New Guinea and New Britain areas by Allied aircraft. Russia (Continued from page 1.) CUT OFF Important as is the recapture of Tsymlyanskaya, the Soviet forces have scored an even greater victory with the retak- ing of Morosovskaya. The cap- ture of this important rail centre means that the Germans are cut off altogether from rail- way communication with the east, making the sitution of their encircled troops around Stalingrad even more hopeless. Morosovskaya was also the last enemy hedgehog position east of the Donetz river. With fierce fighting going on west of Stalingrad for the possession of. two important heights, Moscow reports a local success at the approaches to the city. To the south-west the ene- my is still falling back, and in the latter sector German resis- tance is the strongest on thé railway from Kotelnikovo to Salsk. North Africa (Continued from page 1J two armies under his command in North Africa, — the United States Fifth Army, which has just been established under General Clark, and the British First Army under General Anderson. MISURATA DEFENCES Official news from General Alexander’s HQ states that in Libya there is nothing to re- port, either on land or in the air. Morocco Radio, however, says that forward troops of the Eighth Army are testing Rom- mel’s coastal and inland defenc- es up to Misurata. The Germans are reported to have been dig- ,ging in at Wadi Zem Zem, west of Buerat, which last night was announced to be in the hands of General Montgomery’s men. Sundhðll ‘Alafoss’ The Álafoss Swimming Bath is open every day — except Fridays — from 1—8 o’clock p. m. In the shop you can get warm Icelandic sweaters — blankets — sheepskins and socks, all made from first class Icelandic wool, well made and inexpensive. Wear Icelandic woollens, they may save your life in this climate. J PATRONISE “ÁLAFOSS“.


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