Daily Post

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Daily Post - 19.01.1943, Qupperneq 1

Daily Post - 19.01.1943, Qupperneq 1
■ ■ ■ V ■ ■ ■ ."ICELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY 'ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV 11 Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1943 Price 50 aurar. 8th Arny Nearlng Nissurata Eighty Miles Advanee After BommeFs Defences Broken Only 100 Miles To Tripoli* Leningrad Relieved London, Jan. 18th. A communique jrom Genercil Alexander’s HQ, reaching here hte Sunday night, announced that threatened hy an enveloping 7110vement from the south, and subjected to an overwhelming c°ncent.ration of bombs and shells, General Rommel liad with- drawn his Army from his carefully prepared positions at Wadi Zam Zam, and was again in full flight, hotly pursued by the British Eighth Army, the forward elements of which are now njithin 100 miles of Tripoli. To-day’s Cairo communique reports that General Montgo- mery’s men are continuing their Push northwards on a broad front. Allied bombers continue harass Rommel’s retreating columns, pressing their offen- sive over the whole battle area. 70 MILE DEEP FRONT The Eighth Army is driving forward on a front between 60 ar>d 70 miles in depth, and its most westerly elements have reached within 100 miles of Tri- Þoli itself. Yesterday our troops "’ere in contact with the enemy Dtlly 25 miles from Misurata. The average advance along the whole front since the offensive ^egan on Friday, is some 70 ^Oiles. The Axis has tried to up our advance by means hold ot artillery, land mines and ^chinegun fire, and other ob- strUctions, but owing to the sPlendid work of our sappers 1-hese obstacles have been over- Coroe. More prisoners were töken yesterday, but from dis- Patches it appears that our own casualties have been ligRt. R-A.F. HARASS RETREAT Our fighter bombers and Ighters have been steadily har- assing the retreating enemy columns all the way to Tripoli. On Saturday they were out in force, smashing all along the line of enemy communications. Castel Benito is now within range of our fighter bombers, and the retreating enemy makes good targets, as he has not been able to disperse his forces. Two enemy supply vessels were sunk by our bombers off the Tunisian coast. From all yesterday’s op- erations only five Allied air- craft are missing. ‘Tunisia In Tunisia, Allied aircraft have swept far afield, bombing and machinegunning a variety of enemy targets. The Axis supply line between Medjes el Bab and Tebourba got special attention, as did also Axis road traffic between Sfax and Tri- poli. All the Allied aircraft got back safely from these opera- tions. Since the beginning of the African campaign, 194 Axis planes have been destroyed for the loss of 97 American aircraft. General Giraud’s French forces. have overcome strong enemy resistance north-west and south of Kairouan. Schlusselburg Taken And Defence Ring Smashed Millerovo Falls. New Voronesh Offensive (:;!« ; London, Jan. 18th A communique from Moscow, reaching here last night, re- ports that the siege of Leningrad has been raised. The communique states that a Russian offensive south of Lake Ladoga has pene- trated the vast network of the German defences; that Russian troops have captured Schliisselburg, the key town of the Nazi ring around Leningrad,—as wéll as Sinyavino, another important com- munication centre, bitterly contested this fall—and have crossed to the western bank of the Neva. In this magnificent assault, our Allies have routed four German infantry divisions, killed 13.000 Nazi troops and taken 12,000 prisoners. Over the week-end Moscow has been able to announce further Russian successes. The most important is the new break-through south of Voronezh, announced on Sunday night, and the con- tinued liquidation of the trapped German Sixth Army west of Stalingrad, where the Nazis have lost their only remaining air- field. A special Russian communi- que, reaching here late Sunday night, announced that Soviet forces had broken through the German lines south of Voronezh in three places, and on a 30 to '40 mile broad front in each sec- tor, at the same time announc- ing the capture of Millerovo, the biggest German base and hedgehog position in the Don basin north of Rostov. VITAL JUNCTION Milleríwo is a vital junction, connecting the Voronezh-Ros- tov railway with that running west to Voroshilovgrad, and the western Don basin. The town has been almost encircled for some time, and was on Satur- day attacked from three direc- tions. The garrison put up fero- cious resistance, and tried to break out westwards as the Russians carried one sector after another with hand gren- ades and the bayonet, but were wiped out nearly to a man. Much booty fell into the hands of our Allies, including 15 un- damaged aircraft and some roll- ing stock.1 Since the resumption of the offensive south of Voronezh, Continued on page 4.


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