Daily Post


Daily Post - 27.01.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 27.01.1943, Blaðsíða 1
■ ■ ■ V ■ ■ ■ JICELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV—17 Wednesday, Jan. 27th. 1943. Price 50 aurar. Keys Of Tripoli Handed To Montgomery London, January 26th. The entrance of the British Eighth Army into Tripoli is described in dispatches from all correspondents to-day. Among the forces to share the honour of entry were New Zealand troops. General Motgomery had for* * these, and for all his troops, only the highest praise. They Another Spy Executed A German Secret Semnce man was executed in Eng- land this morning. He was a 49 year old Belgian, who was to pose as a refugee, get employment in some ship, and re- port convoy movements to German agents in a neutral coun- try. He is the 13th spy to be executed since the war. had, he said, done exactly what he expected of them. ARABS LINE STREETS Thousands of Arabs and •other civilians lined the streets to welcome the British forces, and it was an extremely im- pressive mornent when the hig- hest Italian officials of the town handed over the keys of the city to General Montgomery himself. Sritain Spending 17 Miions A Day London, Jan. 26th. The Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, Sir Kingsley Wood, revealed to-day that the British war bill has risen to £17 mil- lion a day. This is over four million pounds more than it was four months ago. Fury Of Russian Attaeks Berlin Admissions: “Tanks and yet more tanks infantry infantry • • • • • • • waves by waves of and more infantry” Berlin Radio reported to-day that the German High Com- mand in its communique admits that the Nazi troops had retrea- ted south of Voronezh, where “the Russians are attacking with fresh troops and increa- sing fury”. But this retreat has of course, as usual, only been made to shorten the German lines. At the same time the Nazi communique speaks of the un- dying glory and fame, which their encirled Sixth Army west of Stalingrad has won, by its “fighting to the end” against 102 Divisions Routed! In a special order of the day M. Stalin has revealed the enormous losses of the enemy since the Soviet offensive started in November. These include: 102 Axis divisions routed; 200,000 prisoners taken. Among the huge quan- tity of booty captured are 13,000 guns. During this period the Red Army has advanced 250 miles. Thanking the wliole army, privates as well as officers for their heroic achieve- ments, Stalin announced the names of Russian towns and localities liberated since the offensive began, and finished with an appeal to the Red Army to its magnificent efforts until the last German and their last satellite had been driven from Russian soil. overwhelming superiority. Of the fighting there it says that everything yet seen elsewhere on the Eastern front, pales in comparison with the ferocious- ness of the Russian onslaught. And Still Mor* Late tonight, a new Russ- i ian comminique announces that the encirclement of the 6th German army is virtually comnleted, Of 200,000 Nazi troops only 12,000 remain. In the pasi few days, 40,000 have been killed and 28,000 taken prisoners. The booty includes 1297 tanks, 3,000 guns, 49,000 rifles and 523 aircraft. “ALMOST COMPLETE” The barrage of the Russian artillery is described as unpre- cedented and unimaginable. “Then came the tanks, and yet more tanks, followed by in- fantry, waves by waves of jn- fantry, and then more infan- try”. Moscow messages just re- port that the annihilation oi' the 22 enemy divisions is now al- most complete. Martial Law In Marseillies London, Jan. 26th. Switzerland messages report that the Vichy authorities have proclaimed martial law in Mar- seilles, since the German order for the evacuation of the old port district was given. American Celebration / London, Jan. 26th. A special ceremony was held in Belfast to-day to comme- morate the anniversary of American troops landing in Northern Ireland. Americans Stem Savage Jap Attacks Washington messages report that yesterday Japanese air- craft in force made a savage attmept with dive bombers, twin engined bombers and fighters to raid the American positions on Guadalcanal. They were, however, met with such intense barrage and by Ameri- can fighter planes, that they were driven off before they had been able to drop a single bomb on the intended targets. Four of the enemv planes were shot down for certain, without any loss to the American defenders.


Daily Post

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