Daily Post


Daily Post - 04.02.1943, Blaðsíða 2

Daily Post - 04.02.1943, Blaðsíða 2
u DAILT POST' ia publlshed by BlaSahringurinn. Edlters: S. Benediktsson. A. I*. Merson. . .. Ótöee: 12, Aushirstræti. Tel. - 3715. Reykjavfk. Printed by AlþýðuprentsmiSjan Ltd. Thursday, Febr. 4th, 1943 l. 1. A. F. Over Berlin The importance we attach tö the “Anniversary Raid” made on Berlin recently in broad day- light springs from a conception of the German people to which we have tenaciously clung for several years. We believe that the Gormans are psychologi- cally more vulnerable than we are. This belief does not spring entirely from wishful thinking, and from reasoning based on theary alone. It has been sup- ported by the violent Nazi reac- tion to such psychological attacks as the V for Victory campaign in Occupied Europe. It received strong confirmation when we heard the desperate lies issued immediately after the Cologne raid, when the offi- cial Nazi broadcast statement actually claimed that only se- venty enemy planes flew over the city. This allergy to the truth obviously presents a weak spot in Germany’s formidable ar- mour, and the best way to také advantage of it at once suggests itself. We must make the truth so obvious to the German people that no amount of lying and misrepresentation of facts can camouflage it. This is exactly what was doqe on the day of January 30th, 1943. The truth was brought home to the German people on that day by a mes- sage written so clearly in the Berlin skies that even the most illiterate must have understood it. It was simply this: Germany is so vulnerable to the tremen- dous destructive force of mo- dern air power, which she her- self first unleashed on Europe, that all her cities can now be pounded day and night with relative immunity by the three great Powers she chose to chal- lenge. In return, she can bring retaliation on only one of them, DAILYPOST de Baer - Olueck - Nicolson - Tbe Kaiser - Hltter 'Á ten point plan for the ex- tradition and punishment of Axis war criminals has been drawn up by Dr. Marcel de Baer, chief of Belgian’s judica- ture, in collaboration with Pro- fessor Glúeck, of Harvard. * * The question is one which will not be solved in a day.( Harold Nicolson points out in “The Spectator’* that it will be difficult fo see how the proce- dure in these international courts shall consist of the best features of the British and American criminal courts — as specified in the plan — if the accusers are also the judges. It would be difficult to see, he writes, how trials in which the accusers are also the judges, can be made: in any manner to conform to the traditions of British or American justice. Similar Dexterity? The Germans had their ex- cuses at the Supreme Court at Leipzig after the last war. Thóse at the top who gave the orders pleaded that they did. nqt commit the outrages, and thei rsubordinates, who did so, maintained that they were on- ly acting under orders. We can be sure that the warped minds, who have produced, mairítáined and connived at Goebbel’s pro- paganda machine, will show similar dexterity when théy facé their judgment. for the industrial heárts of Rus- j sia and tlie Únited Státes' are I beyond her réach. She herself . must sit and take it —- to that 1 þoint wheré the limit of or- dinary human endurance abruptiy decides thé issue. For she has no Ural stronghold to which to withdraw no Atlantic barrier to set up between her- self and the approaching storm that is already darkening her skies. . We have known these facts for some time; we may feel assured that the averáge Ber- liner is considerably more aware of them today than he was a week ago. Inglorlns Exile . ... As for Hitler, Nicolson does not want to see him brought to a violent end. He writes: “The Hitler legend is móre potent and more poisonous than any glarríour which William II* was able tó achieve; it is a leg- end which in aríy circumstances it will be difficult to eradicate it is a legend which, if crowned with : martyrdqm, rríay prove immortal. I assume thát monsieur de Baer, in devising his Interna- tional Tribunal, has considered these objectiorís. They are weighty and must be borne in mind. For would not the philosopher, examining our perplexities fórm a standpoint detached from the anger and sorrow of the last four years, advise us that no retribution which the mind of man could devise for Hitler would be more terrible than the contemplation of his own failure? Would he not advise us to strip his legend of all its romantic and heroie attributes? Would he not re- commend that the best of all Heard Io The Mess . (During manoeuvres in Missis sipi a -eompany filed by an-old Negro who shaded his eyes and watched the troops go. by. Hé smiled a broad 'and' toóthless gfin. “DoggoneÓþ he cabkled “you all gonna git dem Yan- kees dis time”. -• ú; - ,• * . ý :f :'•■••• The coirípaný’s clumsitót re- cruit was experiencing his- usual diffiéúlty in executipg the comiríarid, “Present arms.” The drill sergeant studied him with disgust.'“Where is the balance of your rifle?” he inquired. “Honest, sergeant, I dunno”, stammered the recruit. “This is all theydone give me.” . * * Selectee: “They can’t make me fight”. Draft board officer: “Maybe not, buf they cán take you where the fighting is and you can use your own judgment”. ends for Hitler would be to drag out the years that may remain to him in shabby and inglorious exile, observed by the tourists, and recorded by the photographér, as a stout and shambling figure slinking und- er the plane trees at Ouchy or munching jam-puffs in a Kondi- torei?” • • edleal Aid To Russia Contributions so far are: Alreadý ackríówledged ......... ...... 1251.00 krónur Án Organisátion of the Ú.S. Army Áir Corps ....... .:. i............. A. U. S.. Sgt, and. two friends . . . . A. U. Sr Cpl. . .'. t....................... “A friend of Nick” ......................... 325.37 krónur 75.00 krónur 10.00 krónur ,100,00 .krónur , Total 1761.37 krónqr Gifts may be handed to any ríiember óf the Committe'e or sent to “Daily Post”, clearlý marked “Russia Fund” Collecting boxés will be found at the Y.M.C.A., the British Sailors’ Society and the Sandés honie. Anyone who wishes to start a box or is willing to help is asked to communicate with a member of the committee. Committee: Rev R.P.R. Anderson, British Sailors So- ciety, Rev W. Betts, R.A.F. Chaplain, Rev C. N. Thomas, Naval Chaplain, Dr. M. H. Scargill, Y. M. C. A., A. L. Merson, Daily Post, Captain F. R. Stevenson (treasurer).


Daily Post

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