Daily Post


Daily Post - 12.02.1943, Side 3

Daily Post - 12.02.1943, Side 3
M DAILY POST BEV The Course Of True Lurve ’Tis England ih Springtime. The countryside is. awakening, wearing a mantle of dewy fresh- ness, reminiscent of a night- watchman at knocking-off time. Lambs are gambolling in the meadows and, as usual, the black ones are winning. * * * Two lovers are sitting in an arbour, oblivious of their glor- ious surroundings, beneath the shade of the old apple tree. Oc- casionally a blossom bursts forth with a loúd ’plop’, and anoth- er redskin bites the dust: — (Sorry, I’ve just written a yarn about Dead-Shot Dick). * * * Suddenly, the boy drops to his knees and, opening his waistcoat, throws out his chest. Pausing to replace it, he cries “Beloved, how canst thou be so croo-ell? I lurve you, wilt thou be mine?” The rnaid, clasping her bosom with one hand, stroking the boy’s head with the other ,and wiping her eyes with the other, murmers heartbrok- enly “Ah, my lover, t’would be heavenly, but, alas, my father, who would sacrifice even his daughter for gold, has pledged me to the Squire’s son. ’Tis fa- ted that our love can never be.” The boy rises to his feet and striding rapidly to and fro (Al- though hampered by the fact that one of his legs is both the same) mutters, between clench- ed teeth “There must be a way!” The maid watches him in silence, hope and fear mingl- ing with the freckles on her face. Suddenly he halts, and clasp- ing her hands, cries “Dearest one, I have a plan to thwart this devilish plot. Tonight I ride to London to charter a ’plane. Be ready at day-break to-morrow, and we will fly to a distant land, long before any- thing can be done to prevent us. Trust me, my own, and we will yet find happiness togeth- er. * # # The maid rises to her feet, and scornfully tossing her head, re- proaches him “What kind of an dmerica Looks At The Hone Front The announcement of food rationing did not, strangely enough, lead to anything like widespread hoarding. Most customers were too patriotic and most grocers too stingy. * If Mr. Wickards’ plans work out as expected we’ll all have enough food to keep us fit. — Everybody will be strong, healthy, and slender enough to squeeze through tight places. Income-tax blanks .are now being mailed more promptly than usual. Mr. Morgenthau wants to give all taxpayers time to recover from the shock. Our tireless wheels of in- dustry will win the war for us, says Detroit. We are beginning to fear that all wheels will be tireless before. we have enough rubber to win it. Todajr’s B. B. C. HOME SERVICE (Icelandic Time). 1600 News, 1645 Today in Ulster, 1655 Variety, Robin Hood, 1740 Reshaping Man’s Heritage, 1800 BBC Orchestra, 1830 Play: “The Hat,” 1900 News, 1930 Brahm’s . Piano Quintet, 2015 Biscay Patrol, 2045 News in Gaelic, 2055 Joan Taylor, Soprano. FORCES' PROGRAMME (lcelandic Time). 1500 Opera in Camera, re- cords, 1535 Forces’ Music Club, .1600 News, 1630 Accent on Rhythm, 1640 Famous Spy Stor ies, 1700 American Sports Bul- letin, 1705 Jack Payne and his Orchestra, 1730 Northern Com .mand Boxing Championship, 1800 Henry Hall’s Guest Night, 1830 Songs and Story of Film “You Were Never Lovelier,” 1900 News, 1920 Jack Benny Programme, 1945 “Close-up”, 2000 Cairo Calling for Middle East Forces, 2030 Jack Simp- son Sextet. — When in Rome, do as the Germans do. (New York Daily Mirror). idea d’you call that, you dope? This is 1853, there ain’t no such things as aeróplanes yet.” News From America The mayor of Ashland, Ohio, has issued a proclamation mak ing it unlawful, for the dura- tion of the war, to complain on Thursdays. At the University of Califor- nia, a scientist discovered that pigs who lacked vitamin B did the goose step like the Nazis. The armed forces of the U.S. include 11,000 Indians and thousands more of the famous Redmen have disappeared from the reservations to take employment in armament plants. The U.S. army has ordered 20,000 summer panties for mem bers of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Cofps. They will cost $7,350. Emily Post, according to a dispatch from New York, has given her approval to lady de- fense workers who hitch rides from gentlemen motorists. Miss Post says the lady defense workers should not “thumb” their rides, but instead they should display their identifi- cation tags to approaching mot- orists. In San Diego, Calif., two merchants were fined $77 for a four cent overcharge on a half- city’s first prosecution on pound of bacon. It was the price-ceiling violation charges. In Reykjavík Today ... CINEMAS NÝJA BÍÓ: “A man Hunt” with Walter Pidgeon and Joan Bennett. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Gone with the Wind” with Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland. | TJARNARBÍÓ — “The Man Who Came To Dinner” — Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan REYKJABÍÓ: — “The Shop Around The Corner” with James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan. RED CROSS Open house 1.30—8.30. Gala Square Dance 8.30—11.00. Brighton Hill-billy Orchestra. Refreshments 10.00. Y.M.C.A. Friday 7.15 p.m. Cinema. On January 13th, torrential rains in the south of England caused the suspension of rail- way services and the flooding of large areas. Men of the United States Coast Guard, a part of the American Navy in wartime, stand at attention for inspection by H. V. Al- exander, First Lord of the British Admiralty, and his staff. The review took place near the Coast Guardsmen’s barracks at a port somewhere in the British Isles.


Daily Post

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