Daily Post


Daily Post - 17.02.1943, Síða 1

Daily Post - 17.02.1943, Síða 1
% m m m V ■ ■ ■ ICELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST rnuni IV—31 Wednesday, Feb. 16th, 1943. Price 50 aurar. I Britain To Adopt Beverídge Plan Soviets Take Kharkovt Another fireat Bissiais Success London, February 16th. After more than a year’s Nazi occupation, Kharkov, the great industrial centre of the Ukraine, has fallen. This news »as announced in a special communique from Moscow late to-night, which stated that the town had heen carried hy storm to-day, after heavy street fighting, “as fierce as any encounter in the present campaigri’. Sir John Anderson, the Lord President of the Coun- cil, told the House of Co n- mone today that the Govt accepted the main principles of the Beveridge Plan and would introduce legislation to carry out the proposals as soon as possible. Further de- tails of the debate are given on the back page. . flnge Jap Losses In Sonth Pacific London, 16th Feb. The United States Navy De- partment has now broken its silence regarding the recent sea and air battle in the Solo- mons, and to-day gave these figures of U. S. and Japanese losses: The United States lost one heavy cruiser, the “Chicago”; one destroyer; three motor tor- pedo-boats, and 22 planes. 15 SHIPS SUNK The Japanese lost 15 ships sunk| probably sunk, or da- maged, in addition to 60 planes. Of these 15 ships 12 were de- stroyers. Both sides used dive bombers, and Flying Fortres- ses are mentioned to have taken part in the action. These figures cover the losses of both sides up to the 4th of February, when the Japs announced the evacuation of Guadalcanal. Activity io Burma London, 16th Eeb. Huge fires were started last in Rabaul, which was battered by 70 Allied planes. In Burma the R.A.F. raided an airfield, causing heavy damage. Taking part in the city’s de- fence were enemy infantry di- visions and special troops, be- sides two specially selected ar- moured divisions, the “Adolf Hitler” and the “Reich” divi- sions. NEW PHASE Moscow states that this marks an important neW phase in the campaign, and points out that in their counter-offensive last year the Russian forces never succeeded in freeing the town. The Germans captured Kharkov in October 1941, after having paid the toll of 120,000 killed, and 450 tanks destroy- ed. COUNTER ATTACKS It was reported earlier that Russian troops had entered the suburbs of the town, after pene- trating the enemy defences in many places. The German gar- rison, after receiving strong reinforcements, had made des- perate counter-attacks, which had been flung back. RICH AREA The great westward sweep of the Russian armies between Voroshilovgrad and Rostov continues, and according to the Moscow communique of to-day, 56 inhabited places have been recaptured by our Allies in the last twenty-four hours in this ariea, where Soviet forces are now oþerating considerably west of Rostov. More ground has been gained near Voroshi- lovgrad, where the Russians are rapidly winning back one of Europe’s richest industrial areas. NARROWING GAP The enemy forces are now hemmed into the industrial region around Stalino, upon which our Allies are advancing from two directions. Russian spearheads are only 40 miles' from this city, and are steadily narrowing the Nazi escape gap to the south. The heaviest fight- ing is now going on south-east of this important junction. Great quantities of booty have fallen into our Allies’ hands, in- cluding hundreds of railway wagons, and thousands of motor vehicles. Further north, the enemy position at Orel, that great road and railway junction, is said to be becoming desperate. Our Al- lies announce further gains in this area, and the capture of much booty. Bitter Fiflhtinfl in Tnnisia U. S. Wlthdraw Front Oasls Of Gafsa London, 16th Feb. Allied HQ in Tunisia report that bitter fighting continues in the central sector along a 50 mile front. A small enemy force yesterday evening entered Gafsa, from which the Ameri- cán troops had already with- drawn. AXIS THRUST In their offensive, which started on Sunday, the Axis thrust forwards in two places. The one from a north-westerly direction, was designed to en- circle the American forces at Gafsa, and it was to prevent this that our troops were ord- ered to withdraw. EMPLOY VETERANS The oasis of Gafsa, which lies about 100 miles west of Sfax, and the area around it had been held by an American force limited in men and arms, and so the withdrawal was not at all unexpected. Howard Mar- shall, B.B.C. war correspondent in Tunisia, in his dispatch to- day says that it is quite clear that the enemy objective with these attacks is to widen their j coastal corridor between Nortn- I ern Tunisia and the Mareth Line. The Germans he says, are employing well equipped and experienced veterans in this area. (Continued on Page 4). /


Daily Post

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