Daily Post


Daily Post - 24.02.1943, Blaðsíða 2

Daily Post - 24.02.1943, Blaðsíða 2
DAILY POST DAILY POST is published by Blaðahringurinn. Editors: S. Benediktsson. A. L. Merson. Office: 12, Austurstræti. Tel. 3715. Reykjavík. Printed by Alþýðuprentsmiðjan Ltd. Vednesday, Feb. 24th, 1943 Spain Today the Sword of Damoc- les hangs by a very slender threat over the scarred head of unhappy Spain. There are gow- ing indications that Hitler may cut that thread at any moment, and plunge t.he starving and weary Spanish people jnto a second bloody struggle. German divisions are massing in South- ern France, and Franco’s Go- vernment has shown disturbing signs of growing hostility to- wards the Allies. The Nazis are fanning this hostility by “warn- ings” to the Spanish people that we intend to invade their coun- try. Hitler is in desperate need of a cheap and flashy victory that will mend his shattered pres- tige. It would be a mistake to count on serious Spanish resis- tance to a full-scale invasion by the Nazis. However, the.dange- rous possibilities of such a thrust, which would threaten our vital Gibraltar bastion, were no doubt considered at the Casablanca conference, and we may feel sure that the Al- lies have a plan ready to meet such a contingency. — Even though it might throw out of gear the major offensives plan- ned for this spring and Sum- mer. Dangerous as it would be, such a move on Hitler’s part would hold one great advan- tage for us. Providing we move quickly enough, we could create at leat one land-front on the European Continent with- out suffering the heavy losses a landing on any other part of its shore-line would certainly entail. Friendly Portugal, more- over, may prove a great asset to us, even if she does not come over actively to the side of the United Nations. Spain may well turn out to be the cockpit of Europe in World War II. itaftlfsið í Posí Dall? Anerica Looks At The War Auxiliary Kathryn Doris Gre gory found life in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps dull. So she posed as a stranded show- girl, and got a job in Des Moi- nes’ Casino Theatre. In less than a week she had been “up- ped” to “Samon Love Dancer” and stripteaser. The authorities found her and hauled her back to camp. It was not known what to do with her, for the WAAC’s are “of the army, but not in it.” — She was kept confined to quarters. “Time” recently printed a photograph of her side by side with one of Major-General Ger hardt, who breaks his men in gently by sleeping them in pup tents in the rain, and making them swim icy Oregon rivers. Major Gerdhart is sitting on a motor-cycle wearing only a crash helmet and a pair of slacks. Under the picture is a caption: “He stripped to toug- hen”. Under the picture of semi-nude Auxiliary Gregory are the words: “She stripped to tease”. Ttae9ve Joined Up “Chicago Herald” American reporter Charles Finston was turned down by the Marines and Navy because of colour blindness. He wrote to the Polish Embassy at Washington applying for a Polish army commission. Although he has no Polish blood, and does not speak a single word of Polish, he is now a lieutenant in the Polish Army. U.S. Army Air Forces have commissioned famous Ben Ljmn. He is now an intelligence officer with the rank of major. His radio programmes in Bri- tain with his wife, Bebe Daniels, De Mille made star of nearly fifty pictures, and Vic Oliver, Vienna-born, American- naturalised husband of Winston Churchill’s daughter, Sarah — livened up the B.B.C. considera- bly in the opinion of many A- mericans in Britain. Walter Winchell, Lieut.-Com- mander in the American navy has been on temporary duty in Rio de Janeiro. / Movie exhibitors report that Bud Abbott and Lou Costello made most money in 1942. Clark Gable, one of the top ten ever since the poll was first taken eleven years ago, was second, Gary Cooper third. Aft- er leading for three successive years. Mickey Rooney dropped to fourth place. Hollywood — Ann Corio, the strip teaser, is reported to be seeing Ham Nelson, ex-husband of Bette Davis, frequently. Miss Corio is one of Gypsy Rose Lee’s rivals. :1; * Chicago — P. K. Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, and Branch Rickey, Booklyn Dod- ger president, have been named as trustees of a proposed Girls Professional Softball League Embryonic rumors that the league might take shape among small midwestern cities spread after articles of incorporation were filed in Illinois. It also was rumored that the league might be a forerunner to wo- men’s professional softball clubs in major leauge cities. Paulette Goddard. screen ac- tress, and A1 Jolson, radio and movie star, have made arrange- ments to go overseas to enter- tain United States servicemen. The United States, says Reu- ter, refused permission for ex- King Carol of Rumania to ent- er America from Mexico to give evidence at the trial in De- troit of three men charged with failure to register as the agents of a foreign Power. ■ * Washington — It is reported that the new 45,000 ton super dreadnaught, Iowa, is being completed well ahead of sche- dule. The Iowa will bear more anti-aircraft guns and heavy ar- tillery then ever before assem- bled on one ship. From All Quarters London — London club girls will play hosts to Scottish girls doing war work in mid- land cities. The Scottish lassies will see London’s sights as a re- sult of plan being worked out to cheer homesick girls who cannot go home for their holi- day. * * Zurich—Hundreds of French prisoners are being held by the Nazi Gestapo and the Special Italian police after raids in Mar- seilles, Toulon and Paris. Gesta- po officials charged that the French police had allowed a- bout 50 per cent of the suspects- to escape. Istanbul. — Confinement of Bulgarian officers and troops stationed in Sofia to their bar- racks indicate that strong ele- ments in the army are in sym- pathy with the “Liberty front” movement. The confinement followed the assassination of' War Minister General Lukoff and the Chief of the Bulgariam State Secret Police. Berne, Switzerland — Gio- vanni Ansaldo, the Rome radk> commentator, has forecast the- evacuation of the Russiair Ukraine by Axis forces in order to avoid encirclement. * ❖ Alexandria. Egypt ■*— Police have rounded up 21 Italians charged with publishing a pro- paganda newspaper, An Italian school teacher released from internment because of poor health was trailed to a meeting with a group of Italian school children, who later were seen i in the streets distributing the- I Axis propaganda sheets. Medlcal Aid to Hnssia Contributions so far are: Already Acknowledged ............ 6.015,73 krónur S S S S V V s s N V V s s


Daily Post

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