Daily Post


Daily Post - 24.02.1943, Page 3

Daily Post - 24.02.1943, Page 3
America Says.... German propagandists called Hitler’s Autobatinen the Eighth Wonder of the World. Present reports from inside Germany prove the comparison to have been very apt — the Nazis are finding these roaas to be of as much military value as the Pyramids or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Fears are being expressed in certain circles that the Russians may become drunk with suc- cess. But we say that if they can stay' sober on vodka they can stav sober on anything. Radio killer-chillers are growing more popular and more hair-raising. Every even- ing the great American public sits down by its radios and takes its mind off the horrors of war for a pleasant spine- chilling hour or so. There is an air of expectancy in Rome. For several days past II Duce has been heard attemp- ting to clear his throat in pre- paration for another speech. The British Government is pushing through a plan for teaching housewives how to cook favourite American dishes for our doughboys. But will the result improve or wreck our in- ternational relationships? Berlin is reported to have re- ceived the news of the Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal with anger and dismay. Each “master race” wants the other to prove its mastery over us, and yet each wants to be sole master when it’s all over. ;j* % :j: The smallest country in the world—Monaco—was not in- vaded by the Axis troops when they entered Unocupied France. The reason for this unusual con- sideration is a strange one. The Prince of Monaco asked them not to. * * * The new development of the possibilities of the moving-pic- ture as an adjunct to war train- ing will spread into all fields of education when the war is over. Mother will be seeing Junior off to the movies at eight every morning—’except Sundays. • DAILY POST é Round The Press General Sir Archibald Wav- ell, Commander of the British forces in India, has replied to the American private in the Canadian Army who sent him a rhymed tribute. Says the Gen- eral:— “It’s true I’ve one eye only — My aido has but one too —So he lcoks east and I look west — When we want a wider view.” News From America Honolulu — Hawaii’s legis- lature is convening for its first session since the Pearl Harbor incident of December, 1941. Amendments to increase the government’s power in emer- gencies and investment of the government’s surplus income in was bonds are included on the legislative agenda. The man on the bridge ad- dressed the solitarj'- fisherman. “Any luck?” he asked. “Any luck!” was the answer. “Why, got forty pike out of here yesterday.” “Do vou know who I am?” “No,” said the fisherman. “I’m the magistrate here, and this estate is mine.” “And do you know who I am?” asked the fisherman, quickly. “No.” “I’m the biggest liar in Nor- folk.” (Ireland’s Saturday Night).) Washington. — Secretary of War Stimson has announced that the Operations Army Air Force, Antisubmarine Com- mand, originally limited to United States coastal w.aters now has been extended to transatlantic areas . * * * Washington — The War De- partment has announced that Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger has been named commander of the United States Sixth Army in Australia, and that he will serve under Gen. MacArthur. * A Middlesex reader has re- ceived from the Ministry of Supply a letter which contains a superb comment-defying slip: “Kindly quote the reference above stated in your reply to facilitate delay." (William Hickey in Daily Express). We have supplied Russia with well over 60,000 trucks during j many months of Lend-Lease aid sent through hell and high water. In a few days the Red Army captured over 60,000 German trucks in the Stalin- grad death-trap. We confess to an unreasonable feeling of vague discouragement. In Reykjavík Today ... CINEMAS NÝJA BÍÓ: “Hudson Bay” with Paul Muni and Gene Tier- ney. GAMLA BÍÓ :“The little Fox- es” with Bette Davis aild Herbert Marshall. TJARNARBÍÓ: “Cheers for Miss Bishop” with Martha Scott and William Gargan. POLAR BEAR THEATRE: “Nothing but the Truth” with Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard. Tokio — A Japanese spokes- man has admitted that the Jap- anese are living in fear of A- merican air attacks from Alaska and China. The Japanese have been impressed by the fact that the U.S. Army Air Force has developed a boipber which can fly nonstop for 7,500 miles. * ♦ ❖ We are now producing sugar,, glycerin and other war-sacrici- ties from apples.An apple a day keeps the Axis at bay. The Brifish Gruiser “M&urltius” n THE 8,000 TON BRITISH CRUISER “MAURITIUS”. “Mauritius” is an 8,000 ton cruiser of the “Fiji” c. s. Her main armament consists to twelve 6-inch guns, eight 4-inch anti-aircraft guns ánd sixteen smaller guns. She carries three aircraft, and has a speed of 33 kts.


Daily Post

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