Daily Post


Daily Post - 10.03.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 10.03.1943, Blaðsíða 1
ilCELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV—44 ' Wednesday, March lOth, 1943. Price 50 aurar. lany Targets For ður Eumbors Further Russian Advances Golumns Gonverging On Vyazma Rofiunel StiU Retreating Heavy Air Losses Russian jorces are now only beginning to outjlank Briansk. War correspondents’ messag- es describe new advances to- wards Výazma, where the posi- tion of the three Soviet columns converging on the town from east, north and north-west is as follows: DNIEPER REACHED The Russian troops advanc- ing from Gshatsk in the east re- port the capture of 20 more pláces, and have now reached the headwaters of the Dnieper. In his radio dispatch to-day Paul Winterton, B.B.C. Corres- pondent, says that the remn- ant of the Gshatsk garrison is not withdrawing westwards to Vyazma, as was at first sup- posed, but is retreating south- west. The German High Com- mand is still talking about a planned Nazi withdrawal from Gshatsk. The Soviet column, which a couple of days ago stormed Sychevka, is now spreading west and south-west, instead of driving straight down the Rzhev-Vyazma railway. It has captured another large town, and annihilated the garrison. DETAILS OF BOOTY Details of the booty captured at Sychevka, where the enemy lost 8,000 troops killed, include 310 tanks, 40 guns, 8 planes, 22 railway engines, and 200 rail- way trucks, besides stores of petrol and ammunition. Sy- chevka was the HQ of a Ger- man tanks corps, and had large repair shops. Further west in this area, our Allies report con- tinued nropress towards the Vyaz^" ^■""lensk railway. London, March 9th. 30 miles jrom Vyazma, and. are BIG BATTLE REPORTEÐ On the southern side, in the Sievsk region, a number of ene- my garrisons, cut off in the rear, are being destroyed. A big battle is reported to be in progress between Sievsk and the river Desna, while further north, north-east of Briansk, heavy fighting is also going on. GERMAN CLAIM In the northern Donetz Basin, as well as west of Rostov, our Allies have beaten back more enemy attacks. The Germans claim here the capture of a rail- way station, 12 miles west of Kharkov, and even maintain that their forward troops are at the outskirts of Kharkov it- self. There is, however no con- firmation of this from Russian sources. Lend- Lease To Rnssia Washington. — United States Lend-Lease has supplied Russia with huge quantities of raw materials for the Soviet muni- tions industry and thousands of planes, tanks, guns and other equipment, it was revealed in a report from a Lend-Lease Ad- ministrator. Other shipments up to February included large amounts of equipment for transportation and communica- tion facilities; more than* 588,000 military vehicles other than tanks; three million pairs of army boots, and eighteen thousand tons of leather soles to be manufac+ured into army shoes by Soviet íactories. London, Mar. 9th. In southern Tunisia, Rom- mel’s jorces are still jalling back. Fighting has jlared up again in the extreme northern sector. 50 TANKS LOST Rommel is still retreating in- to the hills north and north- west of Medenine, and it is now known that he lost 50 tanks in Saturday’s battle. These losses must be serious, as the tanks are all good mod- ern types. Examination has re- vealed that among them were eight Mark 3s with 75 mm guns; 19 Mark 3 Specials, equipped with 5 cm guns and 18 Mark 4 Specials, with 75 mm guns and one machine gun. The Eighth Army did not lose a single tank. Axis losses in troops, alt- hough no official figures have were also heavy although no official figures have yet been issued. Our fighter bombers and fighters, are harassing the re- treating enemy and Mont- gomery continues to build up the strength of the Eighth Army. TOZEUR OCCUPIED Some 100 miles to the north- west, French forces have oc- cupied Tozeur, on the northern shore of the great salt lake, Shott el Djerid. 200 PRISONERS In the north, heavy fighting has flared up near Sedjenan. An Axis column, pushing along the coast, was strongly attac- ked by Allied troops, about sev- en miles north of Sedjenan, and driven back to its original posi- tions. Our men took 200 pri- soners. Allied aircraft simul- taneously raidéd Sedjenan, scoring eight direct hits on the railway station. London, March 9th. R.A.F. heavy bombers, opera- ting in strength, flew to south- ern Germany last night, to attack Nuremberg for the sec- ond time in a fortnight. Tar- gets in western Germany were also raided and seven of our aircraft did not return. TANK, SUBMARINE WORKS Nuremberg, the home of the Nazi party, is a big factory centre, producing tanks, sub- marine engines, and other wea- pons of war. It was last raided on February 25th, when a big load of our 4,000 bombers caused widespread destruction in a concentrated attack of 20 minutes. LIBÉRATORS & FORTRESSES This raid followed yester- day’s daylight attack by Mos- quitos and American heavy bombers on objectives in Ger- many and France. The main targets were the big naval sup- ply depot of Rouen, attacked by Liberators, and Rennes in Nor- mandy, (famous from the Dreyfus trials) attacked by Flying Fortresses; both raids were heavy. The Mosquitos raided Lingen, in North-west- ern Germany, 60 miles south of Emden. Altogether in these opera- tions 25 enemy fighters were shot down for the loss of five Allied bombers and two of our fighters. AIR BATTLE American bombers and fight- ers have scored a big victory over Axis aircraft. Out on a sea sweep yesterday, Flying For- tresses and Lightnings met a formation of 50 German fight- ers, and, shot down 17. Two more Axis fighters collided, and crashed into the sea. The Americans lost two aircraft;


Daily Post

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