Daily Post


Daily Post - 17.03.1943, Page 1

Daily Post - 17.03.1943, Page 1
V • • • DAILY POST nesday, March 17th 1943 Price 50 aurar. BattleRagesEastOiKMov Nazis Attempt To Cross Donetz River London March, 16th. —- Moscow messages report that Russ- ian forces have made further progr'ess towards Smolensk, while further south the main weight of the fighting has shifted to the east of Kharkov, the evacuation of which by our Allies was an- nounced last night. ICIELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY •ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY IV — 49 Now that the Germans have recaptured Kharkov, the fight ing has shifted to the middle reached of the Donetz Basin, a few miles east of the city, — where the enemy is concentrat ing all his efforts to crossing the river. Extremely heavy ca- ualties were inflicted on the enemy by the Russians, as they fell back. HEAVY CASUALTIES The Red Army has establis- hed new positions on the left bank of the Donetz river, and so far repulsed all the enemy’s attempt to cross it. North of Kharkov, in the region of Biel- gorod, picked German formati- ons xare meeting with stiff So- viet resistance, and here the Nazis have made no progress. SIÍORTENING OF LINE West of Rostov, there have been continued artillery, duels where the Russians are up a- gainst the strong German de- fence line guarding Taganrog. Our Allies report local succes- ses in this area. The Kuban di- strict is not mentioned in Mos- cow dispatches to-day, but it may be gathered from the en- emy communiqué that the Rus- sians are advancing here also, as the Germans speak once a- gain of a shortening of their lines. Up on the Central front, the enemy is still being forced to retreat. Our ARies are here at- tacking on a 100 mile front, the line curving from south of Bye lyeto south of Vyazma. — Paul Winterton, BBC correspondent points out that the Russian re- verse on the Kharkov front is to some extent offset by the good progress being made by the Red Army on the Central front, where Soviet columns advancing south of Byilye have reached a point 60 miles from Smolensk. 40 PLACES LIBERATED The liberation of 40 places in this area was effected yester- day. The Luftwaffe lost 20 air- craft in this region, 12 being brought down by anti aircraft fire, and eight in combat. Up on the northern front, — south of Lake Ilmen, Marshal Timoshenko’s forces have forc edan important German de- fence line along a river near Staraya Russa. Dowd With Hitler “Nieder mit Hitler” (“Down with Hitler”) was scrawled in chalk on many walls in Mun- ich after last Tuesday’s raid by the RAF says a British United Press correspondent on the German frontier. “A trustworthy eye-witness tells me that in some places these inscriptions remained for several hours before the police washed them off,” he wires. “Hundreds of inquiries were subsequently made in working class districts where anti-Hitl- er feeling was believed to ex- ist, but no arrest were made.” GhurcliiH Fnlly Recovered Loud cheers went up in the House of Commons this 'morn- ing as Mr. Churehill entered it for tb" first time since his illness. I vas later received in audience ’ -r H.M. the King, and stayed ( mch. Jap Convop Smashed Darwin Raided London, March 16th. From the South-West Paci- fic comes the news of a series of smashing attacks by Allied planes against an enemy con- voy north of Australia. Yesterday three Japanese transports, packed with troops, and apparently unescorted, — were spotted south-west of New Guinea, heading for the Aru Islands, which lie about 400 miles north-west of Austra lia. As soon as the enemy’s posi- tion had been flashed to Head quarters, aircraft were dis- patched to the attack. The Al- lied bombers scored hits on two of the vessels, setting both on 'fire, while fighters raked the crowded decks with machine- gun fire, killing and wounding mány of the enemy troops. On- ly one of the attacking planes failed to return. • TWO DOZEN BOMBERS The Japanese made a deter- mined attempt to raid Port Dar win yesterday, by sending over two dozen bombers, escorted by 25 Zeros. Spitfires took a heavy toll of the enemy aircraft, which did only slight damage, shooting down two bombers and twelve fighters for the loss of four of their own. Moreover two of our pilots are safe. ”Sofia“ An Ankara message reports that all German officers in Bulgaria have received orders to go to the capital, Sofia. — The Germans are said to be becoming increasingly nervous about the Bulgarian Black Sea ' coast, from where the greater part of the civilian population has been evacuated. 7,000 French- men Flee To Nonntains London, March 16th. An agency message from Zurich reported last night that French patriots, said to numb- er some 7,000, have taken to the mountains in the Haute Sa voy, in defiance of Hitler’s mo bilisation order for young Frenchmen, who are to be sent to Germany for slave work in the Nazi war factories. These 7,000 have rejected an ultima- tum to surrender. LOSS OF FOOD The message also reports that some 250 of these'young French men have already been forced by loss of food to give them- selves up, ana are reported to have been loaded upon Ger- men lorries, and sent to an un- known destination, in spite of •Hitler’s promise that they should meet with no punish- ment if they gave themselves up. REFUSED TO SURRENDER German dispatches say that the main group, which refused to surrender, is now being hem ded . in by Laval’s police, and by Italian troops. A message from Genev. says that there is a nation-wide op- position in France to the mo- bilisation order, and that distur bances have already occurred in Toulon. 39 Dsp 9n M . Eleven torpedoed Indian sea men adrift on a raft for 30 days in the South Atlantic, have ar- rived in a U.S. port. They were among over 100 other Mohammedan members of the British Merchant Navy, all of whom were survivors from recent U-boat -Uacks on two Allied freighte” (Continued 1. 4).


Daily Post

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