Daily Post


Daily Post - 31.03.1943, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 31.03.1943, Blaðsíða 4
4 DAILY POST imerican Bepablics Santiago, Chile: — United States Vice Presádent Henry A. Wallace, addressing over one hundred thousand in the national stadium at a mass meeting here sponsored by the Union for Victory Association, said that the tour had strength ened his belief in the Ameri- can republics dream of demo- cracy and fratemity among na tions. Wallace said: “People have the capacity to face tragic rea- lity in our times. It is a great responsibility which falls upon all people of the new world as a depository of western civil- ization and culture. This re- sponsibility must be shared ac cording to degrees of evolution of each country. In my coun- try, people are intimately aw- are of this historic responsibi- lity. This is why our countries are united and ready to elimi- nate the world from the plague of Nazism.” Wallace spoke in Spanish. — Chilean President Juan Anton- io Rios and other high Chile- an officials stood behind him during the great ovation which was awarded him. It far excee ded any other ovation award ed him on his South American tour. The Chilean foreign minist- er also spoke and said that when Wallace returns to the United States to tell his coun- trymen “In the extreme south of the hemisphere under the southern cross there are five million Chileans laboring for humanity so that tomorrow they may enjoy the liberation outlined by President Roose- velt. Femandez said that since Pearl Harbor Chileans had im- mediately doubled their pro- duction of copper and iron for the exclusive use of the Uni- ted States, that war factories and Chilean ports had been placed at the disposal of Uni- ted States vessels. ' Earlier Wallace had visited workers’ settlements which pro vide spacious living quarters íor as little as two and a half doUars monthly. When WaU- ace arrived the people were shouting “Vivi Wallace,” but when he left they were shout- ing “Vivi Don Enrique” (Long Live Henrv). Polish Massaere London. About two thousand armed Germans including troops, battled with Poles res- isting a roundup for deporta- tion to forced labor in Germany 50 Germans were killed, many others seriously wounded in these fights which lasted for 10 days in the Krasnobro district. Planes, tanks, artUlery and quantities of machine guns were used against the Poles Hundreds of Poles who had tak en no part in the resistance were kiUed in reprisals. Hitler To Take Over Navy New York. The British radio quoted Stockholm reports as saying that Adolf Hitler now plans to run the German navy whose submarines are a major threat to the supply lines which the allies must keep open to invade Euröpe. Coastal Forces In Action London. 'An admiralty communiqué announced today that light British coastal forces, under Lt. Commander H. McDuffy have eneountered four German pa-. tröl boats off the Dutch coast. One enemy ship blew up after the British attacked and anoth- er was damaged severely. The British forces suffered slight superficial damages and two minor casualties. *’Oilw Washington: Tests by Ameri can experts have revealed the existence of numerous oil fi- elds on the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. — Fighting French en- gineers who retumed to Cairo after spending some months in Arabia by government invita- tion suggest that Arabia might equal Iraq, in oil production. Washington. The army air forces has announced a com- plete reorganization of the air staff, reducing force HQ branches from 44 to 19. D-Boat CampaiOB A. V. Alexander, speaking in the House of Lords, said: “In spite of damage and losses caused by U-boats, the Mer- chant Navy, had added two million tons in excess. of their losses in last eight months. No day of the last six months has passed without at least one at- tack being made by an ene- my submarine. In next few months, our fleet of escort ves- sels will increase. Our own losses of submarin- es have been grievous and heavy. Svesk Taken? A German High Command Communiqué, broadcast by the Berlin in Radio, claimed today Nazi troops had taken the Rus- sian city of Svesk by storm. — The claim was not confirmed by allied quarters. Bengal,s ”Hot Reception“ London. RAF fighters gave the Japanese a hot reception, French Forces Uniteí Fighting French Commandfcr General Charles de Gaulíe, has pledged himself to end all di- vision of French forees Ao bring about the fullest possible cooperation against the Axis. De Gaulle is leaving shortly fcor North Africa for a coníereBee with Gen. Giraud, the adbtnin- istrator of French North Af- rica. De Gaullle praised Giraud as “a great soldier and a noWe figure.” Then he told all the French people who heard his voice, “We shall find means te insure that the French Empire shall be but one empire, that French strength shall be but one strength and that the voíce of the French people who figbt shall be heard in the world as one voice, and that, above all, this empire, this strength and this voice shall be those desir- ed by the people of this nation. when the enemy tried to raid an airfield in Bengal on Sat- urday, shooting down 10 of the attacking planes. British ground gunners accounted for two more. Rita Hayworth, the most talked about actress in Hollywood and possibly the loveliest, poses in a lace number designed especi- ally for a movie with Fred Astaire.


Daily Post

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