Daily Post


Daily Post - 01.04.1943, Page 1

Daily Post - 01.04.1943, Page 1
• m m v m m » ELAND'S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 AJÍ. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV — 60 Thursday, April Ist, 1943 Price 50 aurar. R. i. I,25 Todaj, Celebratir.y Roplly In Tmisia Most Successful Raids Of Whole African Campaign LONDON, Mardi 31st. The Eighth Army is now 12 miles past Gabes, having cap- lured Metonia and Oulet. In the north Sedjanan is again in Allied hands. STATIONARY COLUMNS Allied correspondents all dwell on the destruction caus- ed by the intense Allied air bombardment of Rommel’s re- treating men and supply col- umns, and say that never be- fore, not even during the first days of the Axis rout at E1 Alamein have our airmen been offered such excellent targets, and in such variety as to give scope for every type of air- craft. The long enemy columns are held stationary while the frequent road blocks are clea- red away, and during such tim es the RAF get busy. Hundr- eds of burnt-out, burning, or disabled Axis transports and tanks litter the roadside for miles on end. NO MORE MENTION In the Gafsa sector, Allied troops have made a slight ad- vance eastwards, but the Axis minefields encountered are slowing down their progress.— In the north, Sedjanan has been recaptured by Allied troops, and prisoners have been taken. A Reuter corre- spondent in N.-Africa says that the British First Army has virtually got the whole Tam- ura area under control now, and further states that numer- ous prisoners have been tak- en, adding that bands of Ital- ians are just wandering about, waiting to surrender. Yester- day morning Allied troops car ried out a raid in some force north of Medjes el Bab, and took quite a number of prison- ■ers. TWELVE NAZIS DOWN In the Maknassi area, two successive attacks were made by medium bombers on an Ax- is airfield, and enemy troops and vehicles, during which two Messerschmitts and four FW190s were shot down. — 12 Axis planes were destroyed during the day. Allied fighter bombers were very active in the northem sector, concentrating largely on enemy vehicles. Seven Allied aircraft failed to return, but one pilot is known to be safe. Nazis Witholding R. A. F. Damage From World London. The Germans are doing everything they can do to prevent news of the dam- age caused by the RAF raids on the German capital from spreading. This is reported in an agency emssage from Stockholm. Last night the order was is- sued to foreign correspondents in Germany, forbidding any further mention of bombing raids on German territory. IT LEAKS OUT In spite of this, news of widespread destruction in these raids continue to leak out. Yesterday a Swedish pas- senger plane on the Stockholm —Berlin route had to retum Stockholm without having been able to land the passeng- ers at the Tempelhof air- field at Berlin, presumably be- cause of great damage caused to that great airfield in the last RAF raid. Soviet Planes Cbeck Nazi Sallies London. — Improved weath- er conditions in Russia have had a two fold effect. Land op- erations have been checked.— Aerial activity is accelerating Over the Kharkov area, the Soviet air force has had suc- cesses. THEY MADE OFF Here the Germans sent a force of 100 aircraft to help their land forces yesterday in one more frantic attempt to cross the Donetz river. They were intercepted by the Sovi- et airmen, who quickly dis- posed of 15 of them, damaging eight others. Thereupon the remainder of the Nazi planes made off as fast as they could. TANK SUCCESSES All the German attempts to cross the Donetz have been completely checked, and the enemy has lost immensely in men and material ana in one sector alone, near Cheguyev, our Allies knocked out 42 in the last two days. In the Smolensk area, the steady Soviet advance continu- es, although slowly, and more enemy strong-points have been captured south of Bielye. Over 1000 Gasnalíies In Naples Explosion London. — Rome Radio to- day reports an explosion in Naples on Sunday of . a huge munition depot. In this ex- plosion 72 were killed, and 1,200 injured, among them some German officers. An offi cial inquiry is being held. Many Bappy fietnrns! Today is the 25th birthday of the RAF the largest air- force in the world at present. Free peoples the world over, are sending their congratula- tions to the service whose pil- ots made history which will live as long as history is told in 1940.. It is pointed out in London that the tonnage of bombs dropped in the last war can- not be compared with to-day The difference seems almost fantastic. From June to Novem ber 1918, records show that a total of 550 tons of bombs were used against the enemy: That is half the tonnage we now drop on Germany in less than half an hour. Japanese Aircraft Over Bengai London. General Wavell’s communiqué from India today reports a strong Japanese at- tempt to raid one of our for- ward landing grounds in south-east Bengal. SLIGHT DAMAGE The enemy sent over a mix- ed force of 22 bombers and fighters, and at least 13 of them were damaged, five of these probably never getting home. The bombs caused only slight damage, but there were a few casualties. R.AF. OUT TOO RAF aircraft were out yest- erday, raiding enemy positions in the Arakan district, as well as Japanese occupied aero- dromes in central Burma. *


Daily Post

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