Daily Post


Daily Post - 17.04.1943, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 17.04.1943, Blaðsíða 4
DAILY POSl’ ■4». Air Blows At Japs Continue More Burma Air Attacks Dispatches from the South- West Pacific to-day tell of continuing air attacks against the Japanese convoy’s attempts to run gauntlet to New Gui- nea. Flying Fortresses yester- day hit three of the six mer- chantships observed ir ’.ie ’ust convoy, which had a nuval es- cort. The Australian War Minist- er, Mr. Forde, has called on the country to be ready for any emergency, as the Japanese were going to hit back. They _must not be given any breath- ing space to concentrate the enormous resources and hitt- ing power they still possessed. War correspondents have given more details of the pow- erful Japanese naval force concentrations north of New Guinea. In the Rabaul area alone, the enemy has concen- trated more than a quarter of a million tons of shipping. Ja- panese aircraft also outnumber ours greatly in this area, al- though this is to some extent counterbalanced by our super- ior equipment and on the aver- age more skilled pilots. Enemy losses ean be replaced in a few days, whereas all our replace- menís have to be ferried across the vast Pacific in slow-mov- ing cargo vessels. It was stated in London to- day that Australia could no longer guarantee the 95,000 tons of butter Britain had been getting to help make up the present 2 oz. a week ration. London, April 16th. In Burma, British and Indi- an troops are consolidating their for\#ard positions cover- ing the approaches to the Mang dor and Buthé areas. Active patrolling on both sides con- tinues, and two parties of Ja- panese suffered heavy casual- ties when ambushed yesterday morning in the Mayju hills. Blenheims, escorted by Hur- ricanes, went out yesterday to bomb and machine-gun enemy road transports and river craft. Among last night’s RAF t^rg- ets were the Akyab and Ma- gwe aerodromes, and again the Japanese failed to bring down a single aircraft. “Desert íictory” In Moscohi! London, April 16th. The film “Desert Victory” is now showing at six Moscow Cinemas. — The newspaper “Pravda” comments that it shows how the bravery of its soldiers and the skill of its gen erals will gain the 8th Army final victory in Tunisia, and open up new operations in another theatre of war even more vital towards the final destruction of the enemy for- ces. S. .. O. .. S. Save Our Secrets \ Hottaer’s Daj Girds j ófcflfákt • j uádc/cvt j Bókav. ísafoldarprentsmiðju | and T.augavegi 12. \ Outstanding Woman Athlete Gloria Callen of Nyack, N.Y., not pnly looks good but has won all these medals for swimming. She was selected by sports ex- perts as outstanding woman athlete of 1942. News Shorts London, April 16th. It was revealed yesterday that it was Soviet airmen. who were responsible for Wednes- day night’s raid on Königsberg in East Prussia, and simultan- eously it was announced that Danzig had also been bombed the same night. Moscow states that both raids were very suc- cessful. * * * - ?■ Another indication of Axis “invasion nerves” is shown in reports just received, which state that all non-essential ci- vilians are to be evacuated from Cherbourg and Dieppe. And in Norway, Quisling has been told that he must find 10,000 more Norwegian work- ers to help build fortificati- ons along the Norwegian coast. * * * British farming experts are meeting in London to make long term plans for feeding Europe after the war. As one farmer put it: “.. It is our du- ty and privilege to grow seeds and foods which must be good and cheap for the looted coun- tries. Tom Harmon Mlssioo Washington. The War Department has announced that- Tom Harmon, of Gary, Ind., former Universi- ty of Michigan All-American half-back, was reported missing in the South American area. Harmon was a pilot in the U.S. army air corps. Mossoliai Disæisses Police Chieís London, April 16th. Rome Radio last night an- nounced that Mussolini had dismissed his Chief and Vice Chief of Police, as well as his director of war production. — Simultaneously a decree has been issued, signed by Musso- lini as the sommander of all It- alian forces, declaring Sicily and Sardinia, as well as some nearby islands an operational area. Careless Talh Costs Lives


Daily Post

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