Daily Post


Daily Post - 01.05.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 01.05.1943, Blaðsíða 1
V '-AND’S only english DAILY SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY except monday §nndaf Post IV — 79 Saturday, May lst, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Hard Fightino In Tnnista Skilfnl Axis Defence System Enconntered London, April 30th. 1n Tunisia, attacks and, counter-attacks are going on. The jorces on the whole have had the hetter of the fighting. fri the Eighth Army’s area a •t ^ttack yesterday gained s °t>jective. An enemy count- er attack had only slight suc- cess. LOCAL fighting th^0 teft of the Army off ^th ^rench Corps has held ejiemy counter-attacks, and Sained more ground in the ^Untains. Fighting still con- tor^ e*iei ‘Ues in the Pont du Fahs sec- where several determined counter-attacks have ^pletel ^tish f; * IIIU l0ns gained. y failed to dislodge armour from the posi- ^ STORMED es Urtiter north, in the Medj- the fighting is still ]a$t severe. A late message ■°f Ulght reported the capture g0li e important height Jebel ttíed ^11^35’ south of the river jes J6(ta> dominating the Med- th6 ,eh°urba road. This was erda f*fiht referred to in yest- eHem S Communiqué, which an in ^ c°unter-attack regained tachs ° ferocious counter-at- Witij-’ our troops were FoftJ1 feet of the top. — 'end .?ately, the story did not ^ there. ^Tarshlhessage from Howard to describes the sequel fui eneiuy’s last and success Uieo lvU;,Uír-attack. When our: §hiaj 'C to ^etreat to their ori- \et ■ t:>0sitions, our bombers ^ th lnt° aclion> an£l plaster- % a°^Wh°le Axis mountain- Caí'efU]i :,l°Pe positions with \ J' Pl^eed bombs. After tpfaot^61 Chess strafing, our *on ^ stormed forward and ^°iUe ot f°P 0;1 the mountain. ^rther ri °Ur trooPs stormed %llt givin°Wn the hilLside with ^cover the enemy time to ^hile other were left behind to consolidate the top positions. 9 MILES TO TEBOURBA The capture of this mountain post has brought our troops to within nine miles of the key town of Tebourba. Except for one small enemy gain in the Medjeda valley, and the Allied capture of Jebel Bou Ankag, the situation in this sector has changed little. 10 MILES TO PONT DU FAHS To the south, the British lst Army’s columns of infantry and tanks, advancíng on Pont du Fahs from the Coubellat regi- on, is now only 10 miles from the town. 15 MILES TO MATEUR In the north, the Second A- merican Corps continues to make progress. Latest messag- es place the fighting about 15 miles from Mateur, where the enemy positions are now being shelled by Allied guns. Mor- occan troops have captured an important height, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. SKILFUL AXIS DEFENCE Many Allied correspondents comment on the skilful pre- paration shown in the enemy positions on ground already ,captured. The Axis defence sy- stem shows evidence of long and careful planning, and the (Continued on page 4. To Readers OWING TO THE MAY lst holiday today, Sunday Post, together with the Icelandic Sunday papers, will not appear tomorrow. Light Naval Forces in Action London. On Wednesday night, British light naval forces en- gaged a flotilla of fast motor craft in the Sicilian Channel. Our ships rammed one of the enemy vessels, cutting it in two, and damaged two others with gun fire, probably sink- ing one. A big schooner was set on fire off Sicily yesterday by Malta based aircraft. Ceneral Killed In Crash London. Two high-ranking Canadian officers have been killed in a flying accident over south-east England. They were Major-General T. M. Salmon, who recently took over the command of the Canadian Di- vision, and Lt.-Col. C. F. J. Findlay. tl. S. Cancels W-Indies Pacts LONDON. Mr. Cordell Hull, U. S. Secretary of State, declared yesterday that the U.S. Government considered itself no longer bound by any of the agree- ments it had concluded with Admiral Robert, Vichy ap- pointed goverpor of the French West Indies. Mr. Hull declared that Ad miral Robert had broken the agreements by engaging in acts hostile to the United Nations, which had increas- ed of late. Jt will be rem- embered that Admiral Ro- bert, who professes neutral- ity, made an agreement with the U.S. Government after Anierica’s entry into the war. The aircraft carrier “Béarn” and other warships are at Martinique. Moscow Paper Sa.vs ’lour 0! Liberation Drawing Near“ London, April 30th. To-day, the eve of the May Day Festival, finds the Red Army on the alert all along the battle front from Leningrad to the Black Sea, and the great Russian newspaper “Isvestia” says to- day: “... . Not many days separate us from big and stirring ev- ents. The hour of liberation is drawing near.” Russian patrols are probing the enemy lines, and Soviet ar- tillery is pounding the enemy defences in many sectors. The Germans are massing tanks for the coming offensive, includ- ing some of their big Mark Vl’s, or the “Tiger” tanks, as they are called. NAZI MASS PLANES In the Kuban the enemy has orought up hundreds of air- craft, in the hope of gaining local air superiority. In this way they hope to prevent the Russian from wiping out the last Nazi bridgehead in the Caucasus. KUBAN OFFENSIVE? Moscow has so far said noth ing about a large scale offen- sive in the Kuban, but Berlin still speaks of heavy fighting, which began, the Germans say, with a very heavy artill- ery barrage, followed by an attack by strong forces of in- fantry with tank and air sup- port: During the past two days Mos cow announces that the Red Air Force has accounted for 116 German aircraft for the loss of 45 of its own.


Daily Post

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