Daily Post


Daily Post - 11.05.1943, Side 1

Daily Post - 11.05.1943, Side 1
... - w ... - ICELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILYPOST IV — 85 Tuesday, May llth, 1943 Price 50 aurar. d Bizería lesistaaee Over 50,000 Prisoners Now Naval, Air And Land Forces Closing In On Bon Peninsula LoncLon. With the Allied forces converging on the Axis rem- nants in the Cape Bon peninsula, and mopping up isolated en- emy pockets, the Royal Navy is blocking any Axis attempts to escape by sea. Following the fall of Bizerta and Tunis, American heavy bombers made a devastating attack on Palermo in Sicily, Allied messages to-day report that the Royal Navy has al- ready drawn a cordon round the coasts of Bon, peninsula, so that it may be considered effectively closed and blockad- ed against all attempts of the penned-in enemy forces to es- cape from the mercilessly tightening grip of the Allied land forces. NAVY STRIKES AT AXIS REFUGE Our light naval forces have been intensely active day and night all along the Tunisian coast, with orders from Ad- miral Cunninghan, C.-in-C. Mediterranean to sink every Axis vessel sighted. The Royal Navy has concentrated parti- cularly on the waters surround ing the Cape Bon peninsula, and many Axis ships have al- ready been sunk. Although 3 Tears Ago 3 Years Ago Yesterday. The Germans Invaded Bel- gium and Holland. Queen Wilhelmina of the Nether- lands broadcast to her pe- ople and paid a tribute to those who had died in the struggle for freedom. The Prime Ministers of Belgium and the Netherlands also spoke. there are no indications that the enemy forces will attempt any large scale evacuation by sea, many of the vessels sunk or damaged have been carry- ing troops, oil and war equip- ment. In addition several Ax- is p>ositions in the peninsula, among them Kelibia, the north emmost port on the east coast, have ben under constant bom- bardment from our vessels for the last day or two. SURRENDER AT TUNIS AND BIZERTA In the Tunis, Bizerta and Tebourba areas all organised enemy resistance ceased at 10 o’clock p. m. yesterday. The A1 lied terms, which were ac- cepted promptly, were: uncon- ditional surrender, with dest- ruction of war material to ee- ase immediately. The number of prisoners by then, rounded up since Friday, was above 50,000. GENERALS GIVE UP Yesterday’s dispatches re- ported the capture of Tebour- ba, Djedeida and Zaghouan, the last by French forces, ad- vancing from Pont du Fahs. — The American Second Corps completed the mopping-up op- erations in the Bizerta area yesterday, and the bag of pri- soners in this area alone reach- ed 25,000, among them six di- visional generals with their staffs. The names of two well- known German Generals were mentioned as among those cap tured: General Manteuffel and General Krause, who asked for armistice. Of the 25,000 captured here, only 400 were Itallans.When the Germans rea lised their defeat, their mor- ale broke, and they surrender- ed wholesale, 5,000 in one place, and 1,000 of the “crack” Hermann Goering division at another place. PANZER DIVISION TAKEN The communiqué also reve- als that the remnants of Rom- mel’s formidable 15th German Division, led by general Doro- witz, surrendered to their old and much feared enemy, the 7th British Armoured Divisi- on. Great quantities of equip- ment and war material of all kinds, as yet uncounted, has fallen into Allied hands. CLOSING IN ON CAPE BON Heavy fighting is still going on at the base of the Cape Bon peninsula and in the area immediately below it. The Three Allied Armies, the Brit- ish First from the north-west which is now 15 miles from Hammamet; the French from the south-west, and the Britísh 8th from the south, may now be said to be converging on the base of the peninsula. — This 15 miles stretch between the First British armoured columns, coming down from Tunis, and Hammamet, is now the only link between the re treating Axis forces in the Cape Bon peninsula and the enemy infantry facing the British 8th Army in the south. RESISTANCE AT ZAGHOUAN The French are meeting stiff resistance in the Zaghouan ar- ea, where heavy fighting was reported this morning. From War Cbiefs Confer In Cairo London. An important conference of British mili- tary and civilian chiefs is a- bout to take place in Cairo. Among military repre- sentatives are General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, General Sir Henry Pown- all, and Air Chief Mar- shal Sir Sholto Douglas, ME Air Force Commander. — Among the civilian repres- entatives are the High Com- missioner of Palestine, the Governors of Cyprus and Aden, and the Ministers to Syria, Persia and Abyssinia. Sobmarme Shells Japanese Coast London. A Japanese com- muniqué reports the shelling by an American submarine of a village on Hokkeido, the most noríherly of the three big islands which form Japan pro- per. It is known that American submarines have been active in the waters around Japan. — One of them recently approach ed so close as to get a good vi- ew of a horse-race on land. the Eighth Army’s sector the news is mainly of patrol acti- vity, and the taking of some local objectives by Montgomer y’s men. The air section of to-day’s communiqué reports heavy and continuous air attacks on Axis troop concentrations and transports in the Cape Bon peninsula. Many enemy vehic- les have been left in flames, — and many Axis aircraft on the landing grounds have been destroyed.


Daily Post

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