Daily Post


Daily Post - 11.05.1943, Side 4

Daily Post - 11.05.1943, Side 4
4 DAILY POST Rnssians Glose On Novoiossisk Deasy Raids On Nazi Gentral Front Bases London. The Russians are making an all-out drive to smash the second Gerrnan defence line covering the great Black Sea ■port of Novorossiisk. Methodically, Russian artill- ery is blasting away at the se- cond German line of defence, destroying dozens of strong- points, and silencing batteries. The Moscow communiqué to- day gives, as an example of the strength of the enemy de- fences, this account of last night’s operations in one small sector: A DAWN ATTACK Red Army guardsmen, con- centrated in a valley below a ridge held by the enemy, were scheduled for a break-through as soon as the Soviet artillery had sufficiently softened the German defences to allow them to attack. All night they waited, while their guns pound ed away at the enemy positi- ons. Then, at dawn, they stormed the fortified ridge, us- ing their bayonets and rifle butts to dislodge the Nazis from their positions. They cap tured some machine-gun nests, which they then used with de- vastating effects on the enemy retreating down the farther side of the hill. NAZI DONETZ ATTEMPTS There is again news of acti- vity in the Donetz Basín. At Usichansk the Germans have counter^ittacked for the sec- ond night running, but have a- gain failed to regain any of the ground lost. In the Velikie Luki sector Soviet forces have attacked a number of German positions south-west of the town. Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE Browns 3 — Indians 2 Athletics 9 — Yanks 4 Red Sox 2 — Senators 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Red 6 — Cubs 5 Braves 3 — Dodgers 2 Giants 7 — Phillies 5 The Soviet Air Force has made heavy raids on Briansk, Poltava, and on Bielgorod, — where they caused havoc a- mong rail junctions and enemy troop trains. Smashing Raids On Siciiy And Panteilaria London. Allied aircraft yest- erday made the heaviest raid yet on Pantellaria Island, 100 bombers taking part in the blitz. PALERMO BLITZED This raid was followed by the heaviest attack yet to be made from a North African base, when 400 American hea- vy bombers made a most suc- cessful attack on Palermo in Sicily. The first of the Ameri- can bombers came over at noon — and the one square mile, within the confines of which the town’s docks and industri- al area are contained, received a bombload of 500 tons, which is a five times heavier load than has ever before been im- loaded on a single target in this sector of the Mediterran- ean battle area. The target ar- ea, which was to thickly hidd en in smoke rising from the many fires started to be photographed, was pounded with a closely woven pattem of exploding bombs, and the destruction effected must con- stitute a terrible warning to the Italian people, if they per- sist in resisting after having lost Africa. Another Sicilian target was Messina ,also raided by heavy American bombers, which scored direct hits on the ferry términus, the slips, the locomó- tive round house, and shipping in the harbour. The Allied air forces have also sunk or damaged Axis shipping off the Tunisian coast and in the Sicilian Straits ov- er the week-end. In addition, 22 enemy aircraft were shot down yesterday. Icelandic Choir At Y. M. C. A. Hut Reykjavík. The British Min- • ister to Iceland, Mr. Shepherd, and Mr. Ross, British Consul- General and Mrs. Ross, were guests at the YMCA hut on Sun day, when a choral recital was given by the famous Icelandic male-voice choir, Karlakór Fóstbrasður. — The hut was packed and the performance was very highly appreciated by the audience. Jap Bases Bontbed London. In the South-west Pacific Allied bombers have j concentrated their attacks on Japanese airfields, raiding 14 in all over the week-end. The heaviest attack was on Gas- mata in New Britain, and on Madang and Wiwack in New Guinea. Troop-carrying barges between New Britain and New Guinea were also attacked. Glgar anð Gigarette- lichters Fllnts - Liiihters - Flnid BRISTOL, Bankastrætf fi Congratulations For Aliied Leaders London. His Majesty tbe King has sent a message of thanks and congratulations 1d General Eisenhower, incident- ally mentioning that now tbe debt of Dunkirk has been part- ly paid. Gen. Alexander sent a tele- gram of congratulations Major General Carl Spaata, — Deputy C.-in-C. under SÖr Arthur Tedder of the Norlb- West Africa Air Forces, for the magnificent work done by the Allied Air Forces. Among oth- er messages of congratulations are two from President Roose- velt, one to General Eisenho- wer, and one to General Gir- raud, expressing the admira- tion of the American people for the gallant part played by the French forces; from Gen. Blamey from Marshal Stalin and Field Marshal Smuts to Roosevelt and Churchill, etc. Japs Occupy Buthe Daung London. The New DeíM communiqué admitted the eva- cuation of the village of Buthé Daung, in order to escape a Ja panese pincer movement.


Daily Post

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