Daily Post


Daily Post - 21.05.1943, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 21.05.1943, Blaðsíða 3
DAILY POSf S American Sports Shorts by uThe Ace” RACING On a sloppy lieavy track Slide Rule slides to a 6 length victory in Belmont Park race, paying $8.10 lo the smart ticket-liolders. Tlie winner’s time over the 7 furlong stretch was 1:24 and % seconds . . The famous Count Fleet will race next in the rich Withers mile át Belmont scheduled for May 22. . . His most important test ccmi.ng up, however, is tlve haralded Belmont Stakes wliicli is set for June 5. . . One Miss Frances Crown of Brooklyn typified her city,s fierv spirit as she sues Bélmont Park for the $18. she dropped on a wrong bet on a daily douhle. (Little she knows) Slie contended in court tliat the daily double arrangement is illegal but the law books seem to rule otlierwise. . . BASEBALL Manpower Commissioner McNutt advocates tliat pro leagues arrange for games at Popular Miss This is Dona Drake of Holly- wood, who is causing folks to sit up and take notice—and for good reason. She caused a slight sensation on the screen in a harem scene with Bob Hope and producers have been scrambling for her services ever since. Dona was a dancer, singer and band leader before becoming an actresr,. odd hours so that defense workers can attend. . . The Eastern League (Class'A) hás acquired a reputation for being strictly a pitchers’ circuit — There was only one. 300 club- her in tliat loop in ’42, liis mark being 313. . . Paul Governali of Columhia is lieralded as the best 'all-around college athlete in the East . . Pául, or ‘tlie Arm” as he is known lo his teammates, needs no review of his" All-America grid rating, but he is also recognized as tlie outstanding collegiate out- fielder in that section. Big League scouts no douht will give liijn a tliorough once-over after the duration since he is a Marine Reserve at present . . Naturally enough, his diamond favorite is DiMaggio . . TRACK Jerry Thompson, Texas Uni- versity’s mite from Dallas, is hailed as a coming great miler. Coach Clyde Littlefield predicts tliat the 125 pounder will hi’eak tlie Southwest Confer- ence record of 4:21,3 without a strain and will in time give Greg Rice and Earl Mitchell a hot foot over the cinder track. _______ America Says . . . . 9000 German judges have been rounded up and sent to the front or to the war fac- tories, it is reported. That puts Justice too on the list of ‘‘ra- tioned items rapidly becomir.g unobtainable” n Germany. * * * Headline in N.J. paper: “Man hit by automobile — speaks broken English.” Cracked his larynx? * * * By the middle of next year, we are told, there will be no more supplies of Scotch whis- key. That’s when we’ll starf a- going through the rye. * * * The Japs complain that we are “willingly committing vio- lent acts” in battle. And we were such a nice, gentle, le- cadent sort of people! New Record S r " r Greg Rice, former Notre Dame track star, breasts the tape at the Knights of Columbus meet in Cleveland, setting a new world’s record in the indoor two-mile run and breaking his own former mark for the event. The time was 8:51, clipping one-tenth of a second off Rice’s old record. After the meet, Rice told newspaper reporters that he hoped to race Gunder Haag, the Swedish champion who holds the two-mile outdoor re- cord, when the outdoor season starts. 4 Heard From Hollywood APPLE BLOSSOM QUEEN Noreen 'Roth, 18 year old Wenatchee (Wash.) apple blos- som queen, came to Screentown to publicize hev staíe’s No. 1 fruit . . and wound up with a movie contract. ALL-COLORED CAST “Cabin in the Sky”, the movie with .the all-colored cast, may prove one of Hollywood’s finest. Ethel Waters burns the torch for music orchestrated and played by the Duke of Ellington. And you’ll keep your eye on Lena Horne, a sultry beauty with a sultry warble. HITCHCOCK FILM In“Shadow of a Doubt” Dir- ector Alfred Hitchcock offers another of his suspense dramas. This baby is a psychological mystery surrounding a hand- In Reykjavík Today ... MOVIES POLAR BEAR THEATRE: “The Shadow of the Thin Man” with William Powell and Myrna Loy. NÝJA BÍÓ: “Brigham Young” with Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Boom Town” with Clark Gable and Spen- cer Tracy. TJARNARBÍÓ: “Beyond The Blue Horizon,“ with Dorothy Lamour and Richard Denn- ing. RED CROSS 3—4 Coffee Hour. 6—8 Movie, “Talk of the Town”, with Jean Arthur, Gary Grant, and Ronald Coleman. 8.30— 9.30 “Rebel” Night. 9.30— 10.30 Coffee Hour. Y.M.C.A, 7.15 Cinema, “A Night at Earl Carroll’s”. BRITISH FORCES BROADCASTS Services Music—Symphony in Blue, R.A.F. AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1335: News Headlines. Personal Album, Frank Si- natra. Strauss Waltzes. 1600—1730: Music by Rimsky- Korsakov. Mail Call, Bob Burns, Ginny Simms, Gary Cooper. Behind the Head- lines. 2245—2300 News Roundup. some young fellow who has one - rather serious fault: he marries wealthy widows and kills them for their money. Teresa Wright and Joseph Cotton have the stellar roles. Teresa last year copped the Academy Award as best supporting actress for her work in “Mrs. Miniver”. If you remember “Citizen Kane”, you’ll remember Cotton.


Daily Post

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