Daily Post


Daily Post - 23.05.1943, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 23.05.1943, Blaðsíða 4
SUNDAY POST The Exercise Before The Push? Troops stationed in Britain have carried. out their largest yet offensive exercise over the English countryside. Two armies, “Southland”, (comprising large forces of Canadian and British troops), and “Eastland” (representing the Ger- mans) fought with a resolution which bodes ill for the Axis in the future. Civilians were questioned, their identity cards checked, and all the background security measures brought into operation. The exercise represented a full- scale battle, complete with field newspapers produced on the spot. Picture shows: “Eastland” tank and gun passing through the village of Whittlebury, Northants. Baseball Scores BASEBAL SCORES AMERICAN Tigers 2 Red Sox 1 White Sox 1 Senators 0 Browns 9 A’s 2 INTERNATIONAL Buffalo 4 Montreal 3 AMFRICAN ASSOCIATION Mineapolis 2 Toledo 0 St. Paul 1 Columbus 0. She Wants Her Dollars Back New York. Mrs. Francis Crown, Brooklyn houswife did not have beginner’s luck when she made her first race ! horse bet at Belmont Park. Wagering in the daily doub- le, she lost 18 dollars. She has filed a suit against the park management contending that the daily double is both illegal and unconstitutional. She wants her 13 dollars returned. Icelanfl’s Football Season Starts Today Reykjavík’s football season starts today. A large crowd is expected at the Stadium at 5 o’clock. The four leading te- ams in the country will take part. In the first match Valur will meet K. R. and in the second Fram opposes Víkingur. Each match will be 20 minutes each way. The winners will meet later, this series being a knock out tourney. Others will follow, — when matches will be of 45 minutes duration and teams from bther parts of the coun- try jncluding Akureyrj and the Vestmannaevjar. . SILENCE IS GOLDEN BE A I-IOARDER N-African Air Forces Claim 96 IVfore Axis Planes London, May 22 nd. Allied bombers have struck more blows at Italian bases, smashing 96 Axis aircraft on the ground and in the air. Yesterday’s heaviest blows were struck at Sicilian bases, including the Messina ferry terminus and on the Villacidro airfield in Sardinia. Out of yesterday’s score of 96 enemy planes, 86 were destroyed by North African based aircraft, bringing their total bag for the last three days to 272 Axis planes destroyed aga- inst 12 Allied aircraft. Flying Fortresses’ tarrgets were Castelvetrano and Sci- acca in Sicily. During the raid on Castelvetrano they shot down seven enemy fighters, — and three of the gigantic Mes- serschmitts 323 troop transport planes were seen to bust into flames. The Fortresses laid their sticks of bombs right a- cross the dispersal area, han- gars and buildings. The at- tack on Sciacca evidently took the enemy completely by sur- prise, for the Fortresses met very little anti aircraft fire, — and encountered no enemy fighters whatever. FIRST EFFORT on the form of bombing known á's “precision” bombing. This, he says, the Strategical Air Force has developed to a very high level of perfection. Air photographs show picked areas completely covered with bom bursts. Using fragmentation bombs, a forrnation of Flyin^ Fortresses can drop scores them on a small selected area from a height of 20,000 feet- Air Grash Holds DP Newmarket Races Newmarket Races on and Tuesday were cance e^ as a result of damage caUS ^ when an unidentified aircf crashed on the track a ago. Occupants of the Pa were killed. The 2000 takeS Guineas rTti-CS place at Newmarket on day and the 1000 GuineaS Wednesday. American Broadcast* They obtained excellent results, ' as reconnaisance photographs showed 41 Ax- is aircraft smashed on the ground. This is the first time this target has been bombed. LIGHTNINGS BUSY The heavy pressure against Sardinian targets was main- tained yesterday with Mit- chells and Marauders with Lightning escort pressing home the attack. The marauders dropped their bombs right a- mong some 30-odd grounded aircraft. A number of enemy fighters tried interception, — with the result that 13 of them 1 were sent crashing. V/arhawks and Lightnings again flew to i Pantellaria, where they again , ccncentrated on the harbour | and the airfield. ( PRECISION BOMBING Robert Dunnett, BBC corre- spondent, in a radio dispatch to-day comments particularly MONDAY, MAY 24 s, 1300—1335: News Fred Waring. Nelson Songs. 1600—1713: National phony, Hans Kindler- delphia Orchestra ski. Yank Swing gtoWi SesS ;i oP* Arts in America. ■RoUn^u^ 2200—2315: News 1:10 leut. IBC Parade, Army 1 ^ Telephone Hour ^^gjjor®^ rence Tibbett. Dinab Program. Jap Barggs Snnk Ofí ^ Guinea CoaS* , froP1 To-day’s communi9u Gen. MacArthur’s Rabanl- heavy Allied raids °u ^ and. on'Gasmata in y 2>eí tain, where three eUeJied os were destroyed- ^ eoeií'-, bers caught a ^leet ^uijte3 c°^ barges off the NeW ar coast, loaded with $ supplies, and repoi1 cessful attack.


Daily Post

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