Daily Post

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Daily Post - 11.06.1943, Qupperneq 1

Daily Post - 11.06.1943, Qupperneq 1
■ ■ ■ ' •• '’ELAND’S ONLY ENGLÍSH DAILY •ON bALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV _ 107 Friday, June 11, 1943 Price 50 aurar. fiermans Expecting Invasion King And Queen With Yank« Of Norway From Nortbern Finland Front-And West ---------«-------- Narvfk, Tromso and Other Towns Evacuated It is reported from London that the Germans in Norway are expecting an attack on the Arctic front along the 20 mile strip of Northern Finland which separtes Norway from Russia. ' The Nazis fear that such an attack on this “forgotten front” might coincide with an airborne invasion from the west, possibly at Narvik. Soviet fliers and engineers have adapted Hurricanes, Tomahgwks and Aerocobras to polar conditions. Kirknes the The King and Queen of England, visiting an American Red Cross club somewhere in Great Britain, pass a group of United States soldiers enjoying a game of cards. Standing in the center of the picture is King George with Miss Katherine Shankland, Red Cross worker, directly behind. Queen Eliza- beth i son the extrem right followed by Lt. Col. James C. Con- vill of the United States Army. German’s main base in the north which is a favorable objective for Red pilots has had 600 air raids. The civilian population has been evacuated from Narvik, Arstad, Trimso, Kirkenes, Vardoe, Vadose and other northern Norwegian towns called by Germans “front line towns”. Defences have been speeded up not only along the coast but also on the east, facing Russia. Italjr Gelebrates Thlrd Anniversary Italy is being asked to cele- brate the third anniversary of its entry into the war. It will Ue a day of bitter reflection for many, as they think back on the past three years, and on just how much Mussolini has cost them. His stab in the back of weakened France has cost Italy her African Empire. It has cost the lives of thousands of Italian youth, and it has brought ruin and devastation to many Italian towns and cities. Three years ago Mussolini shouted: ”We have only one ^watchword, and that is ’to con- ■quer”. So far, to-day, he has said ndthing. And neitíher is there any news of any message from Hitler, the man who, a year ago to-day, ordered the wiping out — ”from the face of the earth” — of the Czech village of Lidice, whose men, women and children fell before the Nazi firing squadings. D. S. A. A. F. £n Britain Donbled In March LONDON. — Major General IRA. B. Eaker commanding United States Air Forces in Europe told a Press conference yesterday that the size of the Amerjcan Forces in Britain had increased by fifteen to thirty per cent monthly. It had been more than doubled since March and the size of the present for ce will be doubled between now and October. He stressed the growing power of the Allied air bombing of Germany. War Secretary Stimsom yest erday said that the American and British Bomber Commands in Britain had prepared heavy blows against Germany every day weather permitting. Revie- wing other war fronts he said the most notable victory of the week was the Chinese success in the battle of Ichang where fiVe Japanese divJisions were r; nulsed with heavy losses. These fortifications “the Arc tic wall” compare with .“the west wall and coast defences in strength”. Reinforcements have been sent to General Dietls troops in northern Nor- way to maintain the vigil along the Finnish frontier. ( Most of the soldiers have not been on leave in over two ye- ars and severe transportation difficulties have not only pro- duced cuts in rations, but mean fewer letters from home dur- ing anxious days of waiting. A number of German soldiers have been shot in mutiny att- empts, other have escaped into Sweden where hundreds are interned. There are five concen tration camps for Germans at Armund and Kirkenes, where some 2,000 German soldiers are held. Other camps exist ne ar Nordresa and Tromsoe and recently a group of 650 German prisoners arrived at Bodoe. Dur ing the six months of long nights in vinter, many of the German soldiers went mad. The Arctic climate, loneliness and and constant threat of partis- an attacks adds to the declin- ing morale. The best known gu erilla detachment operating behind German lines is led by the Norwegian patriot Larsen. He has specialized in night att- acks on precious German supply convoys. Frenchmen Evade Nazi Deportation LONDON. — Italian troops have been rushed to the moun- tains on the Swiss frontier in an attempt to capture young Frenchmen who have evaded deportation to Germany. Accor ding to information reaching the Fighting French Headquart ers in London yesterday a whole battalion is engaged on rounding up these young Frenchmen but as yet none have been captured. Many of them are belived to have join- ed the Fighting French guerill- as.


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