Daily Post


Daily Post - 18.06.1943, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 18.06.1943, Blaðsíða 3
DAILY POST * American Sports Shorts by “The Ace” Boxing’s Man Of The Year While 19,982 New York sport fans cheer in Madison Square Gard- en, New York, Corp. Barney Ross of the U. S. Marines, still limp- ing from wounds received fighting on Guadalcanal, receives the Edward J. Neil Plaque from former Mayor James J. Walker. The plaque is awarded each year by the New York boxing writers to the man they believe has done the most for boxing. Bonesteel Says Yanks, Icelanders Alike ♦ Major General Charles H. Bonesteel, departing commander of U. S. Army forces in Iceland, told newspapermen Wednesday that Icelanders and Americans FOOTBALL Wisconsin’s famed bruising fullback, Pat Harder, has en- tered the Marine Corps and is training at Parris Island . . . The death of Nile Kinnick re- calls that when Ray Flaherty, coach of the now world cham pion Washington Redskins, was scouting both Kinnick and Har mon, he declared that his first choice in the pro grid draft wo- uld be the Iown, not Tommy. Harmon, however, played only a few pro contests before going into radio announcing, while Nile decided against a pro foot ball career . . . TRACK When Pete Watkins of Tex- as A & M high jumped 6 feet 8 inches in April to break by 2 inches the world record set by Harold Osborn of Illinois in 1922, he was not leaping much over his height as he towers 6 feet 4 Vi inches. What is more noteworthy is that the springy Texan tips the beam at 204 pounds .... BASEBALL Old “Botío” Newsom of the Brooklyns is standing the N. L. on its ear with his strike-out ball, having already acquired a total of 45 victims to place him 12 ahead of the runner- up in that department, Morto , Cooper of Chards. Johnny Vand ermeer of Cincy has the dubi- ous distinction of being the wildest flinger in the league as he leads in walks issued with 52. The portly South Carolina squire of the Newsom clan has copped 6 out of his first 7 starts this season, which en- viable record is also shared by Rip Sewell of the Pirates . . . Howie Pollet of St. Louis has rcovered his spectacullar form of the late summer of ’41 as his present won and lost re- cord of 4 and 1 indicates . - . Frankie Croucher, veteran A. L. infielder last with Washing- ton before being traded to Tole do a few mj'nths ago, has foll- owed 3 of his brothers into the Army as a private . . . Bob Estalella, Cuban outfielder with the A’s rates as the shortest player i nthe A. L. as he reac- hes skyward only 5 féet 6 inc- hes . . . Maurice Van Robays, sent down to Toronto by Pitts- burgh, has been powdering I. L. pitching with such regular- ity that he may soon find him- self back in the Majors . . . Old Si Johnson of the Philips has been a real workhorse on the mound this spring and has won 4 of his 6 complete contests. . . . Manager Mel Ott of the Giants still has to rely on him- self for most of the team’s punch . . . Rip Radcliff of the Tigers possesses one of the most eff- ortless rhythmic batting swings in the game, and he is feared by the entire pitching gentry . . In Reykjavík Today ... MOVIES NÝJA BÍÓ: “Song of the Is- lands”, wtih Betty Grable, Jack Okaie. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Hold Back The Dewn”, with Charles Boyer, Paulette Goddard. TJARNARBÍÓ: “The Private Lives of Elizabeth ano Essex”, w./ Bette Davis, Errol Flynn PQLAR' BEAR: “Johnny Apol- lo,” with Tyrone Power, Do- rothy Lamour. Y.M.C.A. The Y. M. C. A. will be closed for redecoration un- til further notice. AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1335: News Headlines Tunes From Home Songs By Crooks. 1600—1713: American Orche- stras’ Theme Songs Behind The Headlines National Barn Dance. 2240—2315: News Roundup Jazz In America. BRITISH FORCES BROADCASTS NEWS SUMMARY love freedom, cherish the same regimentation. Gen. Bonesteel reviewed his 22-month tenure as command- er of the American troops in Iceland. He said that the Ice- landers were a fine race and that they possessed many fine qualities. He stated that the Icelanders were honest, truth- ful and true to their friends. The departing general prais- ed the mayor and police chief of Reykjavík, as well as the Icelandic press-and radio, for their cooperation. He added that relations with the Iceland ic government were very good hnd that they were steadily improving. Gen. Bonesteel stated that he would enjoy visiting Ice- land 10 years from now. He told the newspapermen “Iceland hás many aspects of beauty that are basically. alike in that they ideals and are firmly opposed to grow on you after you’ve beeu here awhile. I especially mean the beautiful spring, the green grass, the beautiful flowers and the landscape marked by high snow-capped mountains”. The General pointed to his persopal collection of Icelandic pain- tings, including one of Mount Esja, which he said had been painted just as he saw it daily for 22 months. The best cure for the bore- dom of the soldiers garrisoned here, he said, was hard work. He said that good mail service, live talent shows as well as movies, and the Red Cross had done much to shorten the time for the men and women station ed in the Iceland Base Com- mand.


Daily Post

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