Daily Post


Daily Post - 22.06.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 22.06.1943, Blaðsíða 1
m m m ■ ■ ■ - v '"ELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON bALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV — 116 Tuesday, June 22, 1943 Price 50 aurar. R.A.F. Hits Nazi Radio Factory Siciiy Blasted By illied Bombers LONDON — The Royal Air Force blasted an new starget Sunday night — Friedrichaven Germany. The R. A. F. sent over a force of four-engined Lancasters to bomb the impor- tant industrial center in South western Germany. R. A. F. reconnaissance plan- es photographed the damage in the city Monday and it was re- ported that large radio factory, which specializes in manufac- turing of radio-location equip- ment, had been heavily damag- ed. Only 3 R. A. F. planes fail- ed to return from the attack. Friedrichaven, which gain- en fame as the “home of the Graf Zeppelin”, had never been attacked by the Royal Air Force before. However, early in the war, French bombers were over the city on several bomb- ing missions. Photographs of Dusseldorf, taken after the last terrific R. A. F. pounding, which, it will be recalled, was the heaviest of the war, show that 1,000 acres, and quite probably 1,500 acres, have been completely devastated. In the Mediterranean, more damaging attacks have been made on Sicilian airfields and supply lines. Saturday night two wraves of Wellingtons made a heavy att- ack on Messina, the Sicilian end of the ferry train service with :the mainland. This was the thirf* attack in less than three days. Almost simultaneousl^ still another force wrnnt for San Gio vanni, the other end of the tra- in ferry. Marauders, escorted by Lightnings, made successful attacks Sunday on Castelve- trano airfield in western Sicily. "They dropped splinter bombs mong grounded aircraft and rai ned down high explosives on workshops, barracks and con- trol towers. Altogether the Axis lost 16 fighters Sunday over Sicily, and the 17th was destroyed by Malta based aircraft off the co- ast. Allied losses for the day were six aircraft.. Saturday night R. A. F. hea- vy bombers made a heávy att- ack on the Schneider armament works at le Creusot in eastern France. The Paris Radio admits enormous damage on these im- portant armament works. R. A. F. aircraft of the Fight- er Command accounted for four German flying boats Monday. Kdox Tells Paeific Plan WASHINGTON — A year and a half spent in piling men and equipment on the tiny is- landa that dot the Pacific oce an on the fringe of the Japan- ese outer defenses projnised to day to bear fruit in a heavy- weight assault against the ene my. Navy Secretary Frank Knox said that the United States wo- uld not take anj' more major bases in the Pacific, but would concentrate on building up the ones already under our domina tion. This would mean that the Southeastern Solomons and ot- her South Pacific strongholds will be reinforced during the next few weeks into major springboards for an assault aga inst Japanse bases to the west and nearth. Heads U.S. Army In Iceland ?m Major General William S. Key is the new -commanding general of United States Army Foreces in Iceland, succeeding Major General Charles H. Bonesteel. Formerly Provost Marshal General of the European Theater of Operations, General Key brings with him a background of 36 years military exprience as a member of the National Guard and an outstanding career as a leading citizen of the State of Oklahoma. He al$o formerly was commanding general of the 45th Infantry Division. 500,000 Strlke As Ickes Seeks Goa! Pact WASHINGTON — Secretary Harold Ickes of the Interior De partment was expected to go to the White House to-day to obta in a clairfication from Presi- dent Roosevelt of his authori- ty to negotiate a contract direct ly with the coal miners. It was estimated here that approxima teljr 500,000 men were out on strike. John L. Lewis of the workers union Sunday gave a virtual pledge that the coal miners wo- uld be “glad to work for the go vernment”, but added that they refused to work for the coal operators under the “yellow dog” con tract. This is the third strike in two months, and threatens to be even more disastrouns than the others since the stock steel mills had on hand has already been depleted. Unless work is resum ed soon, they will be shutting down in a few days. Allies Smash Sub Attacks Washington — Secretary of the U. S. Navy Knox has reve aled that during the last two weeks not a single merchant- man has been lost in the west- ern Atlantic. A joint comunique from the Admiralty and the Air Mini- stry, describes how one of the greatest Axis Atlantic assaults was decisively smashed in May by ombined action of long range planes, naval aircraft and surface forces. Two U-boats were certainly sunk; three probably, and ot- hers damaged in the five day batíle.


Daily Post

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