Daily Post


Daily Post - 23.06.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 23.06.1943, Blaðsíða 1
' '’ELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY lí)N SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV —'117 Wednesday, June 23, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Eeasy fillied fiir Raids Over Germany Coitiaee LONDON, June 22 — The air assault on Europe both from ihe north and south goes steadily on. More than 700 British bombers were over Germany, their ma- in target being Krefeld in the industrial Rhineland. This morning American heavy bombers followed up this attack by making their first daylight raid in strength on the Ruhr and -Belgium. The Air Ministry this morn- ing announced that the R. A. F. had sent a strong force of hea- vy bombers to raid Krefeld, which lies just west of the gre- . at industrical area of the Rhine land. The attack was extreme ly heavy and concentrated, and although there were some clo- uds over this target when the raid began, the weather clear- ed later. Krefeld has often been att- acked before, the last time nine months ago, but it has ne- ver been bombed on a large •scale. It has a population of 170,000, and it has very impor- tant steel, textile and chemical works, as well as coal mines. It is the centre of railway traff ic between the Ruhr and West- ern Europe. From the night’s operation 44 bombers are miss ing. This attack has been follow- ed up to-day by heavy Ameri- can bombers, which flew in two main formations to raid impor- tant German industrial plants in' the Ruhr and in Belgium. A strong formation of the Eighth American Air Force pentrated without escort, and through heavy anti-aircraft fire and fighter opposition, to the Rhur, where the main target was the syntheticc rubber- plant, which supplies, most of Germany’s Buna-rubber. Another American bomber formation, with American, R. A. F., Dominion and allied figh ter squadrons escort, went to attack objectives in Belgium, tfheir main target being the General Motors plant near Ant werp. In both these raids, bomb- ing results were good, and many Nazi fighters destroyed. Escorted Mitchells attacked the German shipyards in Rott- erdam, destroying seven ene- my fighters during the raid. From all these operations 20 bombers and four fighters are missing. Other Allied air activity on the Western front during the last twentyfour hours included a raid on an important airfield in France; intruder operations over the Lod Countries, and successful Beaufighter attacks on enemy shipping off the Dutch coast. Canadian pilots did some useful train busting in enemy occupied territory. Roitino Reported io Detroit Messages from the United States tell of sporadic rioting in Ðetroit. Troops are said to have been brought in to restore order, and 1,300 arrests to have been made — 80% of them Negroes — and 23 pe ople — 20 of them Negroes killed. Thousands of industrial workers have been brought to this now war crowded city, with resulting congesti- on of public facilities, and pro-Axis elements are re- ported to have been very ac- tiv, taking full advantage of the situation. Messages from the Middle East report the arrival of the British War Minister, Sir Jam- as Grigg, in Cairo, and say that Sir Archibald Sinclair, Minister of Air, is also -in the Middle Éast. Japs Trounced Again In Air In the SoU;th-West Pacific, the Japanese have taken anot- her trouncing in the air, the third in a week. This time it was in an air battle over Lae, when Allied pilots pounced on 36 Japanese Zeros, and shot down two-thirds of them. Allied losses are offi- cially described as light, Other Allied aircraft went for the forward enemy base for the Mubo area, Salamaus, and gave the aerodrome there anot- her heavy pounding. Japanese air bases in Timor took a 2Vz hours’ blitz from Allied aircraft during the night. Disclose Losses Id RnssAxis War LONDON June, 22 — On the second anniversary of Hitler’s attack on Russia, to-day’s Mos cow communique reports only patrol and activity on the Eastern Front. A special statement issued last night gives some detail of German and Russian losses dur ing the two years of war. According to these official Soviet figures, German losses are listed as follows: 6,400,000 officers and men killed and tak en prisoner; 56,000 guns; 42, 400 tanks, and 43,000 aircraft. The Russian amount to 4,200, 000 officers and men killed and missing; 35,000 guns: 30f000 tanks, and 23,100 aircraft. Axís Raiders Oser England LONDON — German raid- ers over Britain in greater strength than of late. They dropped bombs at scattered po- ints in soutern and eastern Eng land. Damage and casualties are reported. One enemy air- craft was destroyed.


Daily Post

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