Daily Post

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Daily Post - 10.07.1943, Qupperneq 1

Daily Post - 10.07.1943, Qupperneq 1
• ■ • V ■ ■ ■ -ELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON bALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY IV — 125 Saturday, July 10, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Nazis Face Severe Test As Russ Defense Stiffens Moscow, July 9. — Reports from the front today stated that the next 24 hours will bring evidence as to whether the Germans will be successful in their attempt to crack the Kursk salient or will be stymied by heavy Russian counter .attacks in “the fiercest battle on the Eastern front.” i “Invasion finn” l ) s S Aberdeen, Maryland. — S ^ Major General Levin H. $ S Campbell, chief of army ^ S ordnance, said today that S ^ tests at the proving ground S ^ here had shown that the ^ S German west-wall would S ) crumble under American ; S S ^ guns. ^ The battle of the Kursk bulge reached a new peak in intensity today as the Germans hurled new reserves into the iight in an effort to crack the ironlike Soviet defenses. The Germans were depending largely upon their tank corps in the ground fighting while the Russians held the supremacy of the air over the battle ground. It also was reported that the Russians have thrown tanks in- to the battle and are develop- :ing a “mobile defense”. Late dispatches reaching Moscow said that fighting has developed on an even larger scale than during the first four days of the new German offen- sive on the 160-mile front. What was described as an es- pecially tense struggle is in progress for the possession of a strategic town south of Orel. The Germans were reported to be attacking at this point with a force of 250 tanks heavily supported by tanks and artill- ery. At the southern end of the present fighting line around Byelgorod, the Germans pus- hed two small wedges into the Russian defenses late yester- day. The Germans are increas- ing the pressure around Byel- gorod, throwing in reserves rushed to the sector from other parts of the eastern front. The Russians say ^hat the :situation is in no way critical as the Red airforce has gained mastery of the air and is de- stroying many enemy tanks •over Byelgorod. A special Russian commun- ique stated that 1,539 German tanks were destroyed or cripp- ’led by bombs and shells. The ♦------------!--------------------- ♦ Russians also claim officially that during the first three days of battle 649 German planes were destroyed. The Germans are attacking with their usual disregrd for cost in manpower, and it is re- ported that already 30,000 Ger- man officers and men have been killed. Thousands of oth- ers have been wounded and captured by the Soviets. Today’s Moscow commun- ique sáys that in one sector alone, of the southern end of the front, the Germans struck 13 times, with three armoured and three infantry divisions. Altogether, the Germans are said to be using 15 armoured and 15 infantry divisions in the present offensive. This means that some 200,000 men are in action, concentrated on a nar- row front. | Marines Agaio! | s ----- s New York. — The United v S States Marines have done it 1 i igain. ^ It was reported here to- s S aight that the Marines were S $ anded on New Georgia is- ^ ^ iand a full week before the ^ S .^llies a-ttacked strategic Ja- S S oanese installafions in the ^ ^ Southwest Pacific. The Ma- ^ ^ rines, it was revealed, laid S S ‘doggo’’ on the island until ^ • the main offensive got under- ^ S way. Then the Marines went s S into action and captured Viru S $ harbor cn New Georgia by a ^ ^ surprise attack from the rear s S after a four-day march S $ through 30 miles of jungle • ^ from their beachhead at Segi. ^ Yanks Setback Jap Landlng Attempt Washington. — United States forces from New Georgia is- land have beaten off an attempt by Japanese units to land on Buguri, a small island northeast of American-held Rendova is- land. fioebbels Visits Cologne; R. A. F. Attacks Citjr London. — Royal Air Force heavy bombers made an attack in strength on the mighty in- dustrial center of Cologne again Thursday nigjit after Nazi Propaganda Chief Goeb- bels had inspected the ruins of ‘Germany’s most bombed city’. It was not known whether Goebbels was in Cologne when the city was raided by the RAF. Last night’s raid on Cologne \ was its 119th. The city’s gas, water, telephone and electrical services were all put out of action. The Germans them- selves admit heavy damage and serious casualties. The bomb load dropped is reported to have been something over 1,000 tons. Eight bombers are missing from the night’s operations, which included mine laying in enemy waters. Fleet Air Arm pilots damaged three mine sweepers off the French coast, Meanwhile, Allied planes raided Japanese bases from Ti- mor to the Solomons. A heavy attack was made on Koepang on Timor and nearly 50 tons of bombs were unloaded on enemy bases at Salamaua in New Gui- nea, which also is meeting heavy pressure from Allied ground forces. The Japanese base of Munda on New Georgia island is now practically isolated. American patrols have clashed with a Japanese force only three miles from the base, which is under steady bombordment. American artillery is now \ pounding the Jap base at Munda cn New Georgia island from Zanana,' only six miles to the East, as well as from Rendowa islands, five miles to the South. General MacArthur, directing the offensive from a front-row seat in New Guinea, said that American troops had landed at Zanana on Monday. On land in New Guinea, Australian troops have had further clashes with the Jap- anese, on the enemy’s supply line between Salamaua and Mubo. fioebbels Visits Coiogoe; R. A. F. Attacks Citjr London. — Royal Air Force heavy bombers made an attack in strength on the mighty in- dustrial center of Cologne again Thursday nigjit after Nazi Propaganda Chief Goeb- bels had inspected the ruins of ‘Germany’s most bombed city’. It was not known whether Goebbels was in Cologne when the city was raided by the RAF. Last night’s raid on Cologne was its 119th. The city’s gas, water, telephone and electrical services were all put out of action. The Germans them- selves admit heavy damage and serious casualties. The bomb load dropped is reported to have been something over 1,000 tons. Eight bombers are missing from the night’s operations, which included mine laying in enemy waters. Fleet Air Arm pilots damaged three mine sweepers off the French coast, \


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