Daily Post


Daily Post - 11.07.1943, Side 1

Daily Post - 11.07.1943, Side 1
• • • V ""ELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY SmuEay Po§4 IV — 126 Sunday, July 11, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Conbined Operetioi; See Heavv Fightiog New York, July 10. — The invasion of Sicily is proceeding according to plan”. American, British and Canadian forces, it was reported, are daking part in the invasion, which began at three o’clock Satur- day moming, North African time. The first announcement of the invasion came when Gen- ■eral Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander in chief of Allied forces in North Africa, called newspapermen to his heaa- ‘quarters and made public a short communique which stat- ed that the offensive was pro- c:eeding “according to plan”. The communique also stated that Allied armies began the invasion after intensive and large scale raids on Axis in- stallations on the island had been carried out during the past few days. Allied naval forces accompanied the in- vading forces and while the armies were going ashore the huge naval guns kept up a ceaseless pounding of enemy coastal defenses. Allied military observers predicted that this initial in- vasion pf Sicily would be fol- lowed by fierce fighting. The small island just off the main- land of Italy is well defended with the Italian sixth army stationed there. It has been re- ported that about 100,000 Ger- man troops are also garrisoned on Sicily, but some sources say that this large Nazi force is al- most entirely attached to the Luftwaffe. The invasion followed a most relentless “softening up” process in which Allied airforc- es attacked enemy installations on all parts of the island. Ene- my airfields and communica- tions were the principal tar- gets of attack. Resistance to Allied air attacks have been constantly diminishing during the last two weeks. Sicily is described as an ex- tremely hilly country and all Allied observes are generally agreed that it will take hard fighting to establish a bridge- head or bridgeheads on the strategic island. It was reported from Axis sources that heavy fighting is taking place along the South- eastern coastal area of Sicily. The Axis air force also was re- ported to have attempted raids on the Allied landing parties, but Allied planes beat them off. The Axis reports stated that Allied parachute troops figured in the invasion with ground fo'rces. Sicily *is separated by only two miles at the narrowest point from the Italian main- land. Moscow. — Soviet reports stated Saturday that the Ger- mans had lost 40,000 men and officers, 2,000 tanks and 900 planes in the first five days of the Nazi offensive on the Rus- sian front. Germans Meet Stiff Tests In Rnssia Moscow, July 10. — The Germans have attempted numerous attacks in the Byel- gorod area and on the Kursk salient, but the Russian de- fenses have stiffened and there still is no decision in the bitter and large-scale battle along the far flung Russo-German line. This is the fifth day of the mighty German offensive. On the Eastern Front, the opposing forces are still locked in what is probably the great- est tank battle of the war. Last night’s communique from Moscow reported that the number of German tanks de- stroyed since Monday, had now passed the 2,000 mark, 193 being put out of action yester- day nearly 100 Nazi aircraft were also destroyed. A reporter gives this de- scription of a typical German spearhead. -The tip is made up of 20 to 30 of the great new Tiger tanks, followed by about twice that number of mobile guns. Then> come great numb- ers of older types of tanks, fol- lowed by infantry. To meet such a thrust, the Russians are using a highly mobile defence force, consist- | ing of tanks and artillery, which allows the German speartip to move up unmolested, within range, when the Russians open up a terrific barrage. Simult- aneously, other Soviet forces move in from both flanks, cutt- ing off the enemy infantry be- hind. Here is another view of Betty Grable, the girl with the milli- on dollar legs. It’s Betty R. A. F. Aítacks Rubr Again London, July 10. — Royal Air Force bombers again at- tacked Germany’s Ruhr valley last níght. An air ministry communique described the raid as “very heavy”, with the bombers concentrating on Gelsenkirchen in the central Ruhr. Ten RAF bombers are missing from the raid. The coal mining centre of Gelsenkirchen was last heavily attacked on June 25th. This morning large forces of Allied bombers and fighters were seen sweeping across the Channel, as the R.A.F. night raiders returned from their missions. / 1


Daily Post

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