Daily Post


Daily Post - 31.08.1943, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 31.08.1943, Blaðsíða 3
DAILY POST » 32 United N BOSTON. — How many United Nations are there, and what makes a coimtry a member of the Unitcd Nations are questions brought to the fore by confusing reprots of various numbers, World Hews A careful check discloses 32 United Nations as of this date. Why, then, were 45 nations present at the recent Food Con ference in Hot Springs, Virg- inia? The answer is that certain other countries are classified as Associated Nations. Requirements for being a full-fledged member of the United Nations are these: 1. To enter the war against the Axis as a fighting ally. 2. To sign the Atlantic Char ter of ugust 14, 1941, and ad- here to the Declaration by United Nations, signed in Washington on January 1, 1942. Associated Nations are tho- se rendering valuable assist- ance to the United Nations, without going to war. Such aid includes raw materials, food, and diplomatic or mor- al support. Associated nations that sent representatives to the Hoot Springs Food Conference were: Iceland, Colombia, Chi- le, Ecuador, Egypt, Iran, Lib- eria, Paraguay, Peru, Urugu- ay, and Venezuela, as well as special delegates representing the non-Vichy French and Denmark. The original United Nations, those signing the Declaration of January 1, 1942, are: The United States, Britain, Soviet ussia, China, Australia, Belgi- um, Canada, Costa Rica, Cu- ba, Czechoslovakia, Domini- can Republic, E1 Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hon- duras, India, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zea- land, Nicaragua, Norway, Pa- nama, Pooland, South Africa, and, Yugoslavia. Later additions to the Uni- ted Nations are Mexico, June 5, 1942: Philippines, June 10, 1942, Iraq, January 22, 1943; and Bolivia, May 5, 1943 (the war declaration preceded on April 7). There is no official United Nations flag. An unofficial con didate for the honor was flown for the first time on Flag Day, June 14. It has four red bars, representing the Four Freedoms stated by Pre- sident Roosevelt, an a white background. Clarh fiable Ready In the last twelvemonth, Ca- nada has completed and put into operation new hydroelec- tric plants with a total capa- city of 276,000 horsepower. * * * Nine out of 10 unmarried British women between the ages of 19 and 45 are in the uni formed forces, munitions factor ies, or essential war work. * * * Of the 19 American warships sunk or damaged in the un- provoked Japanese attack on Hawaii, 14 are alresady back back in. service and two more soon will be. » * * A Belgian news agency re- ports that nearly all pro-Nazi Belgians in Brussels had re- ceived printed funeral cards announcing their own deaths. * * v TRIUMPH OF TRANSPORT The United Nations victory in North Africa was a triumph of transport as well as superior Allied military might. Where- as the Axis had benefit of inte- rior lines of communications 100 to 300 miles long, the Al- lies had to transport their men and supplies 3.000 to 5.000 mil- es to the fighting front. SILENCE IS GOLDEN BE A HOARDER In Reykjavík Today ... AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1335: News Headlines. Contemporary Americaa Music—Copland’s “Lincoln Portrait”. Jazz -in America. 1600—1713: Tschaikowsky’s Romeo & Juliet Overture. Charlie McCarthy Program. News Headlines, 2203—2318: Jack Benny Pro- gram. News Roundup & Sports Page. Your Hit Par- ade. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Services will be held at 7.30 p.m. Sunday Evening at Navy Hut No. 2, opposite U.S. Navy Recrea- tion Centre. BRITISH BROADCASTS News Summary. Itma. MOVTES TJARNARBÍÓ: Always In My Heart. Kay Francis, Walter Huston. NÝJA BÍÓ: Rise and Shine. Jack Oakie, Linda Darnell. GAMLA BÍÓ: I Wanted Wings, Ray Milland, William Hol- den, Veronica Lake. BRITISH BEAUFIGHTERS ATTACKS GERMAN CONVOY. ^ Vivid action photograph recording a phase in a successful torpedo attack by Beaufighters S of RAF Coastal Command, escorted by Spitfires and Mustangs of Fighter Command, on a ^ large German convoy off the Dutch coast. Photo shows: One of the aircraft sweeping low i over the deck of a minesweeper after daring attack. It was one of these vessels which a S pilot saw being “blown 20 feet into the air.” *


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