Daily Post


Daily Post - 03.09.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 03.09.1943, Blaðsíða 1
V ICELAND’S ONLY AMERICAN DAILY CN SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY IV — 169 Friday, September 3, 1943 Price 50 aurar. BERLIN TOOK CRIPPLING BLOWS IN WEEK’S RAIDS London. — According to the reports of the air crews who took part in Tuesday night’s raid on Berlin, the German capital and Hitler’s war industries have received a crippling blow. The raid is described as one of the biggest ever made by the R.A.F. against German targets, which, although the bomb load delivered is not given, is an indication of its weight. The Germans tried out new tactics, trying to trap the bombers in the light of flares dropped from a great height. But this worked both ways, and during the many combats which developed, many night fighters were shot down. Above the German capital the whole sky was brilli- antly lit by thousands of flares, shellbursts, searchlights, and the glow of the first underneath. The raid lasted 45 minutes, and to late arrivals the huge city appeared one mass of flame. Air Offensive Continues Off The Southern Coast of Italy ♦------------ Japs Blitzed in Pacific Battles London. — In the South- West Pacific, Allied land forces are closing in on the airfield at Salamaua in New Guinea. In air combats over the Buin and Faisi islands in the Solo- mons, 36 out of 60 Japanese aircraft were shot down for the Joss of six Allied planes. A dispatch from Austrlia to- day indicates that the Japanese ihave abandoned Rikata Bay on 5t. Isobel Island. Rikata Bay was made by the •Japanese into a big sea plane base, and has been a regular target for Allied bombers these many months past. But the last time they paid a visit to it, they rniet with no opposition, wher- eas in the past they have al- -ways had to contend with heavy anti aircraft fire. If the Japanese have pulled ■out—and this has not yet been confirmed—it means that only one strong point now separates the Allied forces in New Geor- gia from the Buin-Faisi area, .and this is Kolumbengara Is- land, which was recently out- flanked by the Allied landing on Vila la'Vila Island. A dispatch from New Delhi .reports that during August Al- lied aircraft in Burma kept up attacks against the enemy ev- ery day of the month, as well as on some nights. The main attacks were directed against river craft and supply sampans, which the Japanese use extens- ively to supply their occupyir.g troops inland. Of these craft, which can shelter under and among river growth, 600 were sunk or damaged last month. Brief. In Indianapolis, Ar- my Lieut. Irving Levy, peace time lawyer, briefed the ser- vice rules for WAVE Harriet Mindich after she failed to sa- lute him. She replied. Last week they were married. LIGHT BOMBERS HIT RAIL LINES London. — Bad weather yesterday kept Allied heavy daylight bombers grounded,— something the Luftwaffe has not been able to do. But med- ium and light bombers, Balti- mores, Bostons, Mitchells, and Spitfire fighters continued the air offensive against southern Italy, concentrating mainly on rail communications, trans- ports and supply centres. Targets in Sardinia were al- so attacked, among them the vitally important zinc factory at Iglesia, which received five direct hits. Wellingtons last night again attacked the railway junctiom at Aversa, north of Naples. Re- ports say that the railway sys- tem of Civita Vecchia is now completely blocked, as a result of the Allied air attacks. Damage from the blasting by naval vessels of both coasts ear- lier is also a serious factor. POWERFUL NAVAL FORCE GATHERING AT GIBRALTAR London. -— Swiss messages, as well as Vichy reports today speak of Allied fleet concen- trations in the Mediterranean. One dispatch tells of a for- midable naval force now gath- ered at Gibraltar, consisting of four aircraft carriers, two battleships, three cruisers, 20 destroyers, three troop ships, besides 45 other vessels. The messages also report the landing of huge Allied troop concentrations in North Africa, and the continuous arrival of reinforcements of all kinds. DAY RAID ON HOLLAND In daylight yesterday, Bos- ton flown by pilots of the Fighting French Lorraine Squadron attacked the mar- shalling yards at Rosendaal in Holland. At the same time ene- my sea going barges were suc- cessfully strafed by Typhoons, all of which came back safely. Biiss Gaio Along 650'Mile Frost London. — In Russia, the Red Army is advancing prac- tically all along the 650 mile battlefront from the Smolensk sector to the Sea of Azov, and during the last twenty-four hours, the Germans have lost four important towns and com- munication centres. Moscow messages today re- port that in smashing the last German resistance at Tagan- rog, the losses inflicted by the Russians include the capture of 5,000 prisoners and the killing of 35,000 German officers and men. Several Nazi divisions were routed, and for the first time, correspondents say, the Germans were forced to at- tempt a Dunkirk. Having lost the link with the north with the cutting of the Stalino-Taganrog railway by the Russians, the only remain- ing escape route was the road along the marshy country, which, although used to capa- city, was unable to cope with a mass evacuation. Hence the attempt at evacuation by water across the Sea of Azov. Besides the heavy losses in men, a vast amount of war material of all kinds fell into Soviet hands. This booty in- cludes 95 tanks, 600 guns and mortars, 200 aircraft and 3,600 vehicles. The equipment de- stroyed on the battlefield in- cluded 500.tanks, and hundreds of guns, mortars, aircraft and vehicles. This is by far the cost- liest German defeat since Stal- ingrad. There is not much news of the Kharkov sector, except that strong German counter-attacks west and south-west of t’ne city have been beaten back, but further north, south of Briansk, the Red Army’s offen- sive has liberated some 60 place during the last 24 hours. Moscow late to-night an- nounced the recapture by Rus- (Continued on page 4.)


Daily Post

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