Daily Post

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Daily Post - 03.09.1943, Qupperneq 3

Daily Post - 03.09.1943, Qupperneq 3
DAILYPOST á Traio Women Ferry Pilots Continued from page 1. Avenger Field, Sweetwater, Texas, which had previously been used for training British and American cadets. “The totál facilities of this field are used exclusively for the women pilots and are be- ing taxed to their limit. To date, only women with previ- ous flying experience have been acceptea. We have well over 3,000 licensed women pi- lots in America. The program as it progresses and expands, however, may result in a low- ering of these requirements. In contrast to the original WAFS, who received a four week course in Army flying methods when they entered the squadron, the graduates of the WFTD will be completely prepared for immediate duty. Regarding the work they may expect to do, Miss Co.chran sees an expanding field. “The only using agency to’ date has been the Air Trans- port Command,” she says, “but there are several uses other than ferrying, in other com- mands of the Army, for wo- men pilöts. It is expected that these will be met as the pro- gram progresses. Thus, the work of the women pilots will be carried out by various Army commands. “The purpose of using wo- men pilots is not to replace men, but to release men for more important air duties. — There are a dozen ways in which presure on our air man power can so relieved and the expansion of the women pilot program will be regulated ac- cordingly.” Army Supervises Work. Although the women train- ees are not in the Army, the Flying Training Command, which administers the school- ing of all bombardiers, naviga- tors and aerial gunners for the U. S. armed forces, is official- ly in charge of women’s trai- ning at Sweetwater. Combat flying and gunnery are omit- ted from the course, since the women are preparing for non- combat jobs within the U. S., but the training largely fol- lov/s the regular Army course for aviation cadets. THEN AND NOW 1914-1918 War. “In German quarters the op- inion prevails that the United States dare not risk a break with the Central Powers. . .” — Minutes of the Meeting of Ministers in Vienna January 20, 1917. “I give you my word as an officer that no American will set foot on the European main land.” — Admiral von Holtzendorff, who advocated unrestricted submarme warfare — 1917. “American military aid is, and remains, a phantom.” — Admiral von Tirpitz, 1917. “We’ll make short. work of the Americans.” — Fieldmarshal von Hinden- burg, 1917. “ ‘Wild West’ fighters need not concern us. . .” — Liller Kriegszeitung, June 22, 1917. “... . A Hindenburg does not suffer himself to be knock ed out by a Wilson.....” — Koelnische Volkszeitung, February 5, 1918. “My officers tell me they can find no ships whatever on the high seas.” — Kaiser Wilhelm, July 20, 1917. “We have enforced peace in the East and we are strong enough to do the same in the West, in spite of the Ameri- cans.” — Field Marshal von Hind- enburg, September 2, 1918. “Now our enemies boast to us and we cam see that they call for help to the great army across the ocean. But that ar- my (Americans) can neither swim nor fly; it will not come.” —- Prussian Minister of Fin- ance Hergt, January 16, 1918. IN BOTH WARS Present War “The United States will not enter the war.” — Goebbels, Speech, May 28, 1941. “ . . invasion is impossible.” — Rome Radio, June 10, ; 1943. “America has no troops .... for a European venture, and if they had, there would be no ships to transport them.” — Deutschlandsender, July 5, 1940. “We have encountered their (American) tanks .... but they failed to make a great im- pression on us.” , — Field Marshal Rommel, October 4, 1942. “America is a giant with feet of clay.” — Radio Paris, January 18, 1942. “. .. . At the head of the bravest German soldiers stands the greatest German strategist as the greatest German states- man stands at the head of the German people.” — Goering, speech, July 10, 1940. In Reykjavík Today ... AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1530: News Roundup. Yank Swing Session. Beet- hoven Piano Concerto in E Flat. The Aldrich Family. Personal Album with Dave Lane. Kate Smith Program. 1600'—1713: Your Broadway & Mine with Carol Bruce, Alec Tepleton, Ray Bloch & Orchestra. Sports Interview with Frankie Frisch. Com- mand Performance with Jack Benny, Rochester, Harry James & Band. BRITISH BROADCASTS News Summary. Itma. MOVIES TJARNARBÍÓ: Always In My Heart. Kay Francis, Walter Huston. NÝJA BÍÓ: I Wake Up Scream- ing. Betty Grable, Victor Mature. GAMLA BÍÓ: Vivacious Lady. Ginger Rogers, James Ste- wart. The U. S. Employment Ser- vice in Sacrarpento, Californ- ia, received a request for six laborers who would fit the six pairs of size 9 rubber boots the prospective employer had on hand. “German assertions to the effect that the Atlantic Occe- an is more or less deserted are absolutely true.” — Radio Luxembourg, Ra- dio Zeesen, Radio Hilvers- um, April 15, 1942. “Evicted from Europe and a great part of Asia, beaten off African soil, Britain is still fighting against a destiny which not even American aid will be able to avert.” Rome Radio, June 25, 1942. “It’s a long way from the wharves of America to the front and the way is paved with perils.” -—- Rome Radio, April 4, 1942. (Continued on page 4.) Round The Press The U.S. Public Health Ser- vice has made more than 160,000 X-ray examinations of workers in war industries to prevent tuberculosis since the war began. ❖ * * TABLE SALT FOR WAR Common table salt is so im- portant to industrial chemists engaged in war work in the United States, that 10,000,000,- 000 pounds (4,545,454,545 kilo- grams) were converted into chemicals during 1942. / ❖ * ❖ For construction of the Lake Manouan Dam in Canada, 1,000 men and 2,000 tons of freight were transported by airplane to the site in,the wilderness. Even horses were flown in. /


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