Daily Post


Daily Post - 21.10.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 21.10.1943, Blaðsíða 1
ÍCELAND’S ONLY AMERICAN DAILV ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY lEXCEPT MO'NDAY V Uailý Posi IV 206 Thursday, Oct. 21, 1943 Price 50 aurar Rapid Red Pincer Thrust í';,,,,, WHERE? WHEN? HOW MANY ? WHAT KIND ? In the mighty battle for information whose shots are heard around the world, the Enemy is determined to an- swer certain key words. WHERE? . . are our soldi- ers, ships, planes, minefields, and harbor defenses? WHEN? . . are our men go- ing . . when will that ship be launched . . when does it sail . . when will that job be finished??? . . HOW MANY? . . troops, ships, planes, tanks are there . . how many units are there overseas . . how many more are coming . . how many are going back??? WHAT KIND? . . of work are they doing . . what kind of train- ing are they getting . . “Yes, the list is endless, and you will answer them all unless you’re mighty careful with that tongue of yours. RE- MEMBER! Don’t talk out of turn! If you can’t hold your tongue, don’t talk at all; be- cause if you chatter, you’re in for a nasty fall. Tiireatens Nazi Armies I Russians Gapture Immense ámoiint of War Material London, October 20th. On the Eastern Front, The Red Army has cut the railway west of Dniepropetrovsk, and thereby greatly increased the se- rious threat to the numerous German troops in the whole Dniepr bend. Hit And Run Patriot War London, October 20th. In Yugoslavia, the Patrits have been extremely active, — particularly in the Sarajevo area. The partisans are effectively employing hit and run methods against the hated Nazis, and their quisling satelites. Swoo- ping down on a selected village the Patriots kill as many Ger- mans as they can, and destroy military and industrial installa tions, and when the Germans arrive, the partisan troops beat a hasty retreat, only to strike elsewhere. The Nazis are now employ- ing several divisions to deal On Monday night, the Rus- sians advranced 12 miles, to cap ture the junction of Piatikatka at dawn yesterday morning. — The Germans fought fiercely to hold the town, but their for ces were soon dispersed, and yesterday the Russians advan- ced rapidly, fanning out in all directions from the town, and at noon had gained control ov- er a twenty mile stretch of the railway. Messages from Moscow to- day say that the entire Gerinan defence line on the Dniepr seems to be crumbling in this area. Soviet troops have now \ advanced half the way across the Dniepr bend, and the es- cape route from Dniepropetr- ovsk to Zaporoshe is already closed to the Nazis. The Germans are throwing in strong forces of aircraft and tanks in a desperate effort to stem the Russian advance, but the latest reports from the front line state that the Red Army is steadily drawing near er the vital junction of Krivoi- rog, 80 miles due south of Kre- menchug, and about the same distance south-west of Dniep- ropetrovsk. One Moscow correspondent with the situation, which is causing them substantial mater ial losses, as well as many off- icers and men killed daily. In the most recent fighting, the Yugoslavs destroyed no fewer than 350 vehicles and 10 tanks, besides cutting a number of railway lines. reports to-night that the Russi- an spearhead is only 35 miles from Krivoirog, which is on the last railway out of the bend still open to the Germans. If the Soviet troops succeed in cutting this line, the entire en- emy force in the Dniepr bend is faced with disaster. Fighting is still going on at Melitopol, where the Germans, with their only double track es cape route from the Crimea cut, London, October 20th. London had an alert last night for the fourth night runn ing. Some damage and casualt- ies are reported. American heavy bombers, es- corted by Thunderbolts and Spitfires, are reported ío have been over western Germany this afternoon. No details are as yet available. During operations over oc- cupied territory this morning, RAF fighters shot down nine German fighters. are desperately fighting to ga- in time in order to save their armies in the great peninsula through the single track line across the Perekop isthmus further west. Further north, the Russians have captured the town of Vis- gorod, three miles west of the Dniepre, and nine miles north- (Continued on page 4). Both Allied Armies Advanee In Itaiy London, October 20th. The news from the South Front to-day is of steady progress on both the Fifth and the Eighth Armies’ front. , In the western sector, the Germans are withdrawing from the Volturno plain, while in the center heavy fighting is re- ported. On the Adriatic coast, Montgomery’s men have advan ced substantíally against stiff ening resistance, to capture the town of Petaccio above Ter- moli, 10 miles to the north. In the Fifth Army’s sector, the Germans are throwing in reinforcements to try to hold up the Allied advance, while the main body makes a full r.cale orderly withdrawal. North- east of Capua, to-day’s com- muniqué from General Eisen- hower’s HQ reuorts consider- able Allied gains, including the capture of two towns, one of them Pignataro, six miles north of Capua. Very bitter fighting is report- ed from the central sector, par- ticularly in the area of Vinchia turo. Here, and further east, the enemy has been forced to give ground in spite of frequent and violent counter-attacks, in an effort to restore the positi- on. As the Germans retreat, they are burning houses, killing catt le, blowing up roads and doing the usual mine laying to ham- per the Allies’ advance. Besid- es this, they have posted at in- tervals heavy guns to further harass the Allied troops. More heavy Allied air attacks (Continued on page 4).


Daily Post

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