Daily Post


Daily Post - 05.11.1943, Síða 1

Daily Post - 05.11.1943, Síða 1
ÍCELAND’S tvM AMERICAIn *DN SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY IV — 218 Fridáy Nov. 5th,1943 i — Price 50 aurax. Ttaonsands of Tons of H. E. Blast Vital Nazi Ports -----1 .» ---- American Daylight Raid Biggest Ever London, Nov. 4th. The Rhineland steel center of Duesseldorf was the target for Tor a heavy RÁF attack last night. The bombers fléw ovet in great strength, and preliminary reports indicate that the attack was both concentrated and effective. A secondary RAF Force si- mu-ítaneousiy attacked Cólog- ne. Mosquitos also went for ob- .jectives in the Ruhr and the Rhineland. Stiil other forma- tions laid mines in German shipping lanes. RAF fighters made sæeeps over France and the Low Countries. Five enemy aircraft were destroyed during the night. From all these wide- spread attacks, 19 British air- craft are missing. Duesseldorf, which is the third largest river port in Ger- many, ranks as one of the most heavily bombed of all German cities. After the last RAF raid on the city this fall, it was reported that 800 hect- ares, or two-thirds of it had been destroyed. These heavy attacks follow- ed the stupendous daylight raid on Wilhelmshaven by the greatest force of American heavy bombers, escorted by Thunderbolts and Lightnings, which has ever been sent out of Britain. Of this huge force only five bombers and two fighters failed to return, but 34 inter- cepting Nazi fighters were shot down for certain, 18 by the bombers and 16 by the es- corting fighters. The small losses suffered ‘by the American bomber force is all the more remarkable, as Mr. Stimson, U. S. Secretary of War revealed to-night that this was by far the heaviest daylight raid in history, con- siderable more than one thou- sand planes taking part in it. Other American air opera- tions yesterday included strong attacks on three air- fields in France and the Löw Countries and on Several srhall ships off the French coast, as well as an attack on a power station near Antwerp. In all | these intense and widespread daylight attacks, 48 German fighters were shot down for certain for the loss of 12 bom- bers and six fighters. Gen. H. H. Arnold, U.S. su- preme Air Chief, announced this morning that the new B- 29 superbomber was soon re- ady for action. It has more than double the range and bomb carrying capacity of the present Flying Fortresses. “I Pledge Allegiance” “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One na- tion indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.” Here the Oath of Allegiance is pledged in a public school by a mixed group of children—children of different backgrounds, of vari- ous creeds and colors. Botta Allled Armies Galn Strategic Points Clark Pustaes Germans Baek to “Winter Line” London, Nov. 4th. In Italy, the ÁlÍied troops have niade more progress along most of the front, particularly in the wéstern séctor, wheré the Fifth Army has captured the whole of the Massico ridge, and in thé central sector, where the Eighth Army has captured Isernia. Éighth Army at three o'clock this morning. * In the Adriatic sector, the Eighth Army has increased its hold on the northern bank of the Trigno, and repeíled six German counter-attacks. The enemy used 20 of the Mark IV special tanks in a strong effort to drive the Allied troops back across the river, but Monty's lads held their ground and ev- en took prisoners. The news from Italy to-day has been of great activity all along the front and of numer- ous Allied gains in both coast- al sectors. Gen. Clark’s British troops on the left flank of the Fifth Army after capturing the entire Massico ridge, are push ing beyond Sessa Aruca along the coastal road to Rome. Now it is the Allied troops, who have the advantage of the high ground, and these latest gains have improved the whole stra- tegic position in the western coastal sector very considef- ably. All of the St. Croce moun- tain is also in the hands of the British left flank tropos, and the Allies are now established in all the positions previously oc- cupied by the German right flank, which is now falling back across the Garigliano riv- er, on what a German spokes- man has called the German winter defence line. Allied correspondents, speak ing of this natural barrier, say that the Garigliano is indeed a formidable obstacle, for al- though it is not so wide as the Volturno, it is deeper and has steep banks, admirably suited for defence. In the central sector the Fifth and the Eighth Armies were last night converging on the enemy communication cen- ters of Venafro and Isernia, the American right flank of the Fifth being eight miles from the former, and Montgomery’s men six miles from the latter. The latest dispatches. to-night report that Isernia fell to the Lower Dniepr Batffe Eflding Nkzís Aimoance New Sovlet Penetration London, Nov. 4ht. On the East Front, Moscow announces to-day that the great Russian victory in the lower Dniepr region is almost com- plete. Field Marshal von Man- stein’s forces between the river and the Black Sea are fleeing in chaos and utter disorder westwards, towards the estu- ' ary of the Dniepr. Eighty inha- bited places were liberated yegterday, and this morning the Russian spearhead was on- ly 12 miles from Alyeskhi on the eastern bank of the estu- ary. The Moscow midnight com muniqué reports the capture of Alyeskhi, and the shelling of Kherson on the opposite bank by the Russian artillery. Continued on page 4.


Daily Post

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