Daily Post


Daily Post - 01.12.1943, Page 1

Daily Post - 01.12.1943, Page 1
lCELAND’S ONLY AMERICAN DAILY ON SALE 6 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY IV — 235 Wednesday, Dec. lst, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Nontgomerv Smashes Into Nazi Wlnter Linas Allied Air Activity is Intense Prisoners Are Being Taken London, Nov. 30th. In Italy, the British Eight Army's new attack has brought the troops right into the enemy's main winter defence line north of the Sangro. The right flank of the Allieíl Fifth Army has captur- ed Castel Nuova. After thirty-six hours of heavy and continuous fighting, •Gen. Montgomery‘s men have extended their original bridge head across the Sangro, cap- tured a village three miles bey ond the river, and taken more prisoners. The advance is con- tinuing, with the support of allied aircraft. This gives the bare outline -of yesterday's fighting as reve- •aled in to-day‘s communique from Gen. Eisenhower's HQ. Dispatehes from front line cor- respondents fill in the details, •and a radio message from John Daley of the Columbia Broadcasting System gives the following picture of the batt- le area: Into the original bridgehead, xeinforcements are now pour- ing across the river in an un- hroken stream along a contin- uous twelve mile stretch, the depth of which is now four miles. The value of the Sangro as part of German winter de- íence line has ceased to exist. Five miles inland, the vill- age of Mozza Grogna has been captured. This lies on a high ridge, the mainstay of the ea- stern end of the German wint- er line, and it is around this ridge that the main fighting centres at present. According "to latest reports, General Mont gomery's men are making good progress in pushing the Ger- mans off the ridge, and their advance has now brought them within striking distance cf the enemy's first lateral supply road, north of the San- gro. Lanciano, a few miles bey- ond the river, and often the the target for Allied aircraft, is now threatened by the Allied advance. It has again been heavily bombarded from the air. There is no news of the fight ing in the second bridgehead, fourteen miles inland, which is now separated from the first by only a mile or two. It is ex- pected that a junction of the two forces will be effected shortly. Over on the Fifth Army‘s front, American troops of the right flank have advanced an- other mile to capture Castel Nuovo, in the hills fifteen mil- es north-east of Mount Cass- ino. here have been lively ar- tillery duels all along the line. Speaking of the splendid air support given the advancing Allied troops, Robert Dunnit, BBC man at Allied HQ says that air honours again go to the Tactical Air Force, which for seventh day running has kept up its relentless round the clock offensive against the en- emy, shooting up troop concen trations, vehicles, road con- centrations, road con- voys, gun positions, and supply dumps. Enemy anti-aircraft fire decreased during the day and there was little fighter op i position. The weather has been overcast but no rain has fallen. In the west coast sector, the weather has not been good for flying, and only routine pa- Continued on page 4. Late News i A Keuter message from Lisbon, as yet unconfirmed by Allied sources, reports that President Roosevelt, President Chiang Kaishek and Prime Minister Churchill have just completed a series of talks, conducted in a tent in the sha- dow of the Pyramids, and are now en route to an unknown destination in Persia, where they are to be joined by Mar- shal Stalin. These Cairo talks have been kept a closely guarded se- cret, no messages being allowd out of Egypt while they last- ed. Since then, all kinds of rumours have been bandied a- bout, for instance a peace feeler of even to try to negotiate a separate peace with Hitler in order to cmicentrate on Japan. The U.S. Minister of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, to-day em- phatically denied that there is any foundation whatever for such a rumour, declaring that it must be considered a fabri- cation of pure Nazi propaganda. Another rumour has it that the four leaders may discuss the possibiliíy of presenting a final ultimatum to the Ger- man nation to oust Hitler and Nazis immediately and sur- render imconditionally, or else suffer the full weight of a re- relentless offensive by the combined land, sea and air power of the United Nations. Gomel. Prisoners have been taken. Some two hundred miles farther south, Gen. Valutin‘s men have beaten off more he- avy German attacks against the Kiev bulge. As proof of the en- emy‘s determination to regain the vital territory lost, it is on- ly necessary to point out that the Germans have concentrat- ed one-third of their entire strength in armour in this sec- tor. Below Kiev, the Russians, striking out from their Cher- kasy bridgehead, have bitten deeper into the enemy's inner defences south and west of the city, threatening it with encir- clement. hey have cut the rail way between ;Cherkasy and Smyelo, twenty-five miles to the south. South of Krmench- ug also, the Germans have lost more ground in heavy fight ing. In the heart of the Dniepr bend, north-east of Nikopol, and south-east of Dniepropetrovsk, our Allies have improved their positions. nnssiaHS improve M Positiois Ferocious Figbtino All Along Front On the Eastern Front, advanc ing Soviet forces are within seven miles of Zlobin, on the Gomel-Minsk railway line. The Russians have occupied more territory between the Dniepr and Beresina rivers. A1 though Moscow reports quitea heavy fall of snow, this does not appear to have slowed down the Russian advance, which now threatens Zlobin from two directions. Ski troops, in their white camouflage su- its, are out in strength, operat ing swiftly in close co-opera- tion with the Soviet spear- heads and guerilla troops. The battle of the rivers is going well. Between the Dniepr and Sozh, more places have been cleared by the Rus- sians, who are completing the mopping up of the German remnants which escaped from


Daily Post

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