Daily Post


Daily Post - 16.12.1943, Side 1

Daily Post - 16.12.1943, Side 1
 ICEIAND’S UNLV AMERICAN DA!L 'ON SALE 6 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MO.ND.AV Po§t IV — 247 Thursday, Dec. 16, 1943 Price 75 aurar Fierce Fighting In Adriatic Sector Kiey Buloe Battle Haugs In Balance Both Sides Greatly Increase Air Activity —- • London, Dec. 15th. In Italy, the two Eighth Army bridgeheads across the Moro have now joined up. Allied aircaft in strength have attacked tar- gets in Greece. Meanwhile, the Germans have switched their attack from the ground to the air, the Luft- waffe sending about 100 air- craft over the Allied lines,— the biggest formation of enemy aircraft seen since the Salerno landing. The Allied airmen were ready for them, and shot down or damaged several of them for the loss of only two machines of their own. Among Allied targets outside the battle area yesterday were the marshalling yards at Orte, bombed by Mitchells, and Ci- vitavecchia, which Warhawks gave ' yet another plastering. The highlight, however, of yesterday’s air news was a four- way attack on targets in Greece. The force was the bigg- est ever to fly over to the Bal- kans, and numbered more than 300 aircraft, which attacked four important military objec- tives, all within 10 miles of Athens. é The main weight of the raids fell on the big German bomber base near Athens, which Flying Fortresses attended to, hitting three hangars and raking the runways fro mone end to the other with cannon and machine gun fire. The German fighter base in the vicinity also came in for a heavy attack, while Liberators simultaneously were delivering a blistering raid on the Nazi airfeild at Tatoi. The fourth target was the harbour at Pireus, just southwest of Athens. All these operations, ■ during which 12 enemy aircraft were destroyed, cos tthe Allies only two bombers. Heavy bombers from the Middle East on Sunday attack- ed docks on the island of Crete without loss. In Yugoslavia, General Tito’s partisan forces, supported by Allied aircraft, have inflicted a big defeat on the Germans at Zara on the Adriatic coast. The Germans have also been forced to evacuate an island off the port of Zara. The enemy lost heavily in men and materials in these encounters. There has been more hard fighting on the Adriatic side of- Italy, where Eighth Army men have pushed on in spite of de- sperate German resistance and repeated counter-attacks. Indi- an troops have captured Cal- dore, a village a mile north of the Moro, and have linked up with the Canadians on their right, who are holding positi- ons in front of Ortona on the coast. Allied troops are now therefore solidly established on a line about five miles long, by a mile and a half deep. It is an all-Dominion front, extending to the Maiella mountains, about 15 miles inland, with the Cana- dians on the right, the Indian troops in the center and the New Zealanders further inland. The Germans are still resist- ing fiercely in front of Ortona, where the Canadians continue to consolidate and reinforce their positions. These troops made a daring raid on Sunday on a village two miles inland. Nazis Today Nervously Report New Russian Offensive London, Dec. 15th. Moscow again reports massed German attacks by infantry and tanks against the Kiev salient, whej-eas, south of Cherkasy, Russian troops are converging on Smyela. To-day’s news from Russian capital make it clear that the Germans have by no means given up the hope of smashing through to Kiev, and there is no sign yet that the enemy’s huge losses in men and armour have sufficiently weakened him to affect the power of his mass- ed attacks. The result of the battle, begun a month ago to- day. stili hangs in the balance. Moscow, this afternoon ann- ouncing the evacuation of Radamysl on the west bank of the Teterev river, 60 miles west of Kiev, describes the situation as tense but not de- Penetrating into the very heart of the German positions, they took prisoners, — the comm- anding officer, his eritire staff and 140 men of his battalion. To-day’s communique reports the capture of 200 German troops elsewhere, and states that severe losses have. been inflictecT on the enemy in the latest fighting. All along the 15 mile coastal corridor, a non-stop succession of thrusts and ccounter thrusts goes on, the Allied troops mak- ing small gains here and there, and gradually weakening the Germans in the line. There is not much news from the other side of the Italian battlefront. The grsund fight- ing has been limited to artillery fire and sharp patrol clashes, with both sides continuing to reinforce and consolidate their positipns. sperate. The Red Army is mass- ing its strength on the east bank of the river, which the German must cross if they are to smash through to th Ukrainian capital. Further south, at the neck of the Dniepr bend. the Russian columns. converging on Smyela, have now linked up, One of these was that which a couple af days ago captured Cherkasy, and the other is a Soviet force, which for some time has been fightmg its way up from Krem- enchug. The entire west bank of the Dniepr between Kremen- chug and Cherkasy has now been cleared of Germans, and the tow Red Army columns are reported to be nearing the river Tasmin, the only natural barri- er o nthe way to their objective. Correspondents’ messages speak of German forces in this area being driven into difficult marshy country. and of being in imminent danger of being outflanked and cut off. Berlin reports to-day speak of heavy fighting in the Nevel sector, admitting local penetr- ation by Soviet tanks, which the Germans say, are operating in groups of 50. Moscow does not mention this sector, and it is not possible to this sector, and it is not possjble to say whether these operatons are merely of local importance, or the beginning of a new offen- sive. The lates messages from Berlin to-night say that expect ed Russian attacks south-west of Zhlobin have begun.


Daily Post

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