Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2004, Page 10
He knew his duty, and the price he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to make a stand
Quoth Kristofferson. There have, fortunately, through the ages been men who
dared stand up for what they believed in, even at great personal risk. Here are a
few examples.
AIMS: To stop the damming of the highlands.
ENEMY: Icelandic government, Italian conglom-
erate Impreglio.
SUCESS RATE: Remains to be seen, but the dam-
ming of the highlands is continuing as we speak.
mahatma ghandi
AIMS: To bring racial equality to the
American south.
ENEMY: Southern bible bashers,
SUCCESS RATE: Black people can
now sit in the front of buses in the
South. King was assassinated in 1968.
Segregation has been ended in the
United States, at least in name.
(no one knows).
AIMS: Stopping a column of tanks from gun-
ning down students.
ENEMY: A column of tanks, Chinese govern-
SUCCESS RATE: The tank driver did stop.
But the massacre went on and the Chinese
government is still in power. Reports have the
guy either shot or sent to a labour camp once
the cameras were turned off.
AIMS: To get the British out of
ENEMY: British Empire.
left India in 1947. Ghandi was
assassinated the following year.
Prosperity has not followed for one
and all in India, but democracy has
endured and India may become
one of the success stories of the
21st Century. che guevara
AIMS: To bring communism to South America.
ENEMY: Global capitalism.
SUCCESS RATE: Took part in successful revolu-
tion in Cuba, but fails to start revolution in Bolivia
and is killed in the process. The communist regime
in Cuba still stands.
Martin luther kingtianamen square guy
jesus christ
gudmundur armannssonAIMS: To be crucified for our sins
and to bring the kingdom of God to
ENEMY: Roman Empire, High
priests of Judaism.
SUCCESS RATE: Managed to get
crucified for our sins. Followers still
waiting for comeback. Is still believed
in by more people than any other