Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2004, Qupperneq 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2004, Qupperneq 25
AURORA BOREALIS IN THE BASEMENT For those of you who are weary of the sunshine and are desperate for a reminder of the long, dark winter, you can find splendid respite in the basement of the National Gallery of Iceland. The Aurora Borealis is reproduced in a win- dowless room in the basement of the museum. The piece is an installation by Halldór Ásgeirsson, who has mounted bottles filled with various colours of liquid on a rotating disk, backlit them with a spotlight, and titled the exhibit “Aurora Borealis Bar.” by Marcie Hume The disco-like magic of the exhibit was lost when a museum staff member unplugged the device, transforming the shim- mering light into something resembling the late-night glow of a stoplight, but this unpleasant experience is easily avoided by arriving at the exhibit sometime before the museum closes. The room accomplishes enough atmosphere to give any native Icelander flashbacks to a winter disco wonderland. The current exhibition, “Environment and Nature”, is an eclectic collection of 20th century Icelandic art which is divided into themed rooms, each containing a combination of paintings, installation art and photography. The curators have de- cided not to arrange the art chronologically, which has successfully enhanced the the- matic impact on the viewers. The themes are not at all unexpected or unusual, as they spotlight subjects such as nature, language, and the tension between urbanisation and the upholding of environment. The artists´ use of form is perhaps more in- spiring, especially when standard media are replaced by local resources. Although not a terribly uncommon choice, Ásgeirsson´s use of lava rock is both instinctively beautiful and sharply evokes a common subject; his use of a blow torch on the rock creates a bubbling, melted quality, as though the artists has successfully brought the rock back to its previous, more generative state. The rock is transformed into cool glass-like strings which are reminiscent both of a glassblower’s work and of the inborn exquisiteness that arises in natural systems. Although each room has a few stunning pieces, the upstairs room, “Nature and Culture”, has a more contemporary feel and is worth an extended visit. A piece by Hlynur Hallsson shows a photograph of a man in a field, standing next to a record player and shooting arrows into the sky. The text on the photo reads “While I listened to music by Grieg I shot ten arrows into the sky.” This photograph exemplifies the emotional creation of art, the plain longing for the expression of something personal yet universal. The picture portrays the seemingly desperate processes an artist can undergo, and how those measures can emerge to the viewer as basic or unsophisticated. The English speaking visitor will be both relieved and amused to know that room-by-room guides to the artwork are included in the price of admission. The one-page introductions to each room effectively expand the experience of the museum, and also provide a few entertaining moments. When describing the “Aurora Borealis Bar”, for instance, the introduction guides the reader with sentences like, “In the present work, the dark- ened space where it is installed”, and advises that experiencing the rotating bottles is “…not unlike looking at the Northern Lights and coming into contact with the universe.” Whatever your experience of it, the Aurora Borealis Bar is always open for a little reminder of the one of the many relationships between Icelanders and their environment. It’s a room for those in need of a little reminder of the sombre days of dimness, a real pick-me-up from the summer sun. Auglýsing Auglýsing 11:00-17:00 every day This year’s summer exhibition will address the theme Environment and nature in Icelandic 20th- century art. Handverk og Hönnun Mon-Fri 09.00-16:00 Summer Exhibition of contemporary and traditional Icelandic art and crafts. Iðnó - Theatre Summer Season of Light nights July 5th - August 27th. Every Monday and Friday at 8.30 p.m. (dura- tion 2 hours). Light Nights is presented in English. Volcano show: Red rock cinema 11:00-22:00 every day If you don’t want to wait for the next volcanic erup- tion, then just go watch a video of the last, it’s less dangerous and much more reliable then nature. Admission 750ISK Gallery Kolbrún S. Kjarval Uniquely designed, hand-made ceramics Ásmundarsafn, Sculpture museum 10:00-16:00 every day The Man and Material. A retrospective exhibition of works by Asmundur Sveinsson. Telecommunications Museum Tue,Thu&Sun 11:00-17:00 Pictures and items related to the history of tele- communications. Reykjavík Zoo and Family Park 10:00-18:00 every day Icelandic horse and sheep, along with local variet- ies other animals in the zoo. Right beside it is the Park, which has various activities for the whole family. Reykjavík Botanical Garden 10:00-22:00 every day All kinds of plants and flowers on display. Kjarvalsstaðir Art Museum 10:00-17:00 every day Roni Horn: Her, her, her and her: Photographs taken in the Reykjavik Swimming Hall. Francesco Clemente: New Works. Exhibition of new works by the famous Italian artist. Ends August 15. Works from the Kjarval Collection. An overview of Kjarval’s work which shows how he developed as an artist. Einar Jónsson Sculpture Museum Tue-Sun 14:00-17:00 Works of Einar Jónsson, Iceland´s first sculptor. Hafnarhúsið, Reykjavík Art Museum 10:00-17:00 every day I Didn’t Do It. Private exhibition of Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson - the museum’s summer exhibition. And part of the Erró Collection on show. Ends August 15 Sigurjón Ólafsson Sculpture Museum Tue-Sun 14:00-17:00 Sigurjón Ólafsson’s Works in public Space: Poster exhibition and sculptures related to Ólafsson’s monuments and public sculptures. Reykjavík Museum of Photography Mon-Fri 12:00-19:00, Sat&Sun 13:00- 17:00. A collection of Finnish contemporary photographs. Museum of Medical History Sun,Tue,Thu,Sat 13:00-17:00 Artefacts, tools, instruments and pictures on the subject. Icelandic Institute of Natural History Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun 13:00-17:00 Geological, botanical and zoological exhibits, dis- playing the nature of Iceland. Saga Museum 10:00-16:00 every day. The Saga museum intimately recreates key mo- ments in Icelandic history and gives a compelling view into how Icelanders have lived and thought for more than a millenium through the use of life size likenesses Reykjavík Electricity Museum Tue-Sun 13:00-17:00 A historical survey of the uses of electricity in the city of Reykjavik, from the time of the first hydro- electric station at Elliðaár, in operation from 1921 onwards. Reykjavík City Library Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00 Books and periodicals in Icelandic as well as Eng- lish, Scandinavian and other languages. Also has a childrens and a comic book section. Gallery Fold Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00 Sat 11:00-17:00 Sun 14:00-17:00 One of the largest Galleries in Iceland, works by many know artists. Handverk og Hönnun Mon-Fri 09.00-16:00 Craft and design. Craftspeople transfer – in mod- ern and dynamic ways – nature’s shapes, colours and materials to their work. Gallery Meistari Jakob Mon-Fri 11:00-18:00, Sat 11:00-14:00 The gallery is run by eleven artists who work in ce- ramics, textiles, printmaking and paintings and you will always find one of them at the gallery. Gallery Tukt Mon-Thu 13:00-18:00, Fri 13:00 - 17:00 Various artists. Teddi - Workshop 10:00-18:00 every day Open workshop of tree sculptures of Teddi Nýlistasafnið, The Living Art Museum New exhibition, see more details in picks. Starts August 14th. Hafnarborg Art Gallery Wed-Sun 11:00-17:00 Paintings: New paintings by Þorbjörg Höskuldsdót- tir. A also exhibition Rendezvous contemporary art from Düsseldorf and Hafnarfjörður. Whice includes paintings, drawings, objects and installations made by Zipora Rafaelov, Ansgar Skipa, Jón Thor Gísla- son, Joachim Stallecker and Kristbergur Pétursson. Gallery Ófeigur Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00, Sat 10:00-16:00 Photoexhibition “Reykjavík with eyes of Gunnar Hannesson” b. 1915 d. 1976. Starts August 14 FRIDAY AUGUST 6 Austurbær The musical Hair: Is known world over for its catchy music and hippie ambiance. Some of Iceland´s most popular entertainers are involved in the show. SATURDAY AUGUST 7 Hallgrímskirkja Church Lunch time Organ Concert: Stephen Tharp, Organ Icelandic opera Reykajvik Summer Opera premier: Happy End is an opera by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht. See more on page 19. SUNDAY AUGUST 8 Hallgrímskirkja Church Summer Evening at the Organ with Stephen Tharp. Klink og bank artist workplace Poetry night at Klink and Bank, see more details in picks TUESDAY AUGUST 10 Viðey Island Guides walk with geologist Ásta Þorleifsdóttir. On this walk she will focus on the erosion of Viðey by the sea. Sigurjón Ólafsson Sculpture Museum Summerconcert: Kristjana Helgadóttir, flute, Ingól- fur Vilhjálmsson, clarinet and Gunnhildur Einarsdót- tir, harp. Compositions by Edison Denissow, Guilo Castagnoli, Giacinto Scelsi, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Toru Takemitsu. THURSDAY AUGUST 12 Hallgrímskirkja Church Lunch time Organ Concert: Guðný Einarsdóttir, Organ Icelandic opera Reykjavik Summer Opera: Happy End SATURDAY AUGUST 14 Nýlistasafnið, The Living Art Museum Opening of a exhibition ALDREI – NIE – NEVER Hallgrímskirkja Church Lunch time Organ Concert: Matti Hannula, Organ Icelandic opera Reykjavik Summer Opera: Happy End Austurbær The musical Hair: Is known world over for its catchy music and hippie ambiance. Some of Iceland´s most popular entertainers are involved in the show. SUNDAY AUGUST 15 Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum Handcrafts Day: demonstrations of old handcraft techniques. Church service at 2 pm. Hallgrímskirkja Church Summer Evening at the Organ: With Matti Hannula who is among the most respected organists of present-day Finland. TUESDAY AUGUST 17 Viðey Island Guided walk with Örlygur Hálfdanarson, who will tell visitors about the history of the island, with the focus on the village, where Örlygur was born and brought up. Sigurjón Ólafsson Sculpture Museum Summerconcert: Olivier Manoury bandoneon plays his own compositions as well as works by others. THURSDAY AUGUST 19 Klink og bank artist workplace The Amazing Design Kids open their exhibiton Icelandic opera Reykjavik Summer Opera: Happy End LISTINGS : august 6 - august 19 Want to be seen in the listings? Send us a mail to and your event will be announced in the next issue, and the best thing is that being in the listings is free! ONGOING ASÍ museum Tue-Sun 14:00-18:00 Exhibition by the artist Hafstein Austmann, the name of the show is Colours of the water Ends August 15 Gallery Sævar Karl Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00 Exhibition by Sigríður Bachman Ends August 6. Exhibition by Kristín Reynisdóttir. Starts August 6. Safn Wed-Fri 14:00-18:00. Sat&Sun 14:00- 17:00 The works were the artists’ most current works at the time of the museums purchase. Also exhibi- tion by The German painter Katharina Grosse and also exhibition by Eggert Pétursson. Gallery Sævar Karl Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00 Exhibition by Kristín Reynisdóttir Hafnarhúsið, Reykjavík Art Museum 10:00-17:00 every day Private exhibition of Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson and the summer exhibition at the Reykjavik Art Museum-Hafnarhus. Ends August 8 Gallery of the Icelandic printmakers as- sociation Tue-Sun 14:00-18:00 Exhibition by ólafur Þórðarson Ends August 8. Exhibition “Culture Night”, danish grafik. Starts August 14. Culture House 11:00-17:00 every day A summer exhibition entitled The Poetic Edda. The exhibition is intended to provide visitors with some insights into these ancient poems. Many of Iceland’s national treasures are on display in the Culture House’s featured exhibition Medieval Manuscripts – Eddas and Sagas. Exhibition Home Rule 1904. Gerðarsafn, Kóparvogur Art Gallery Tue-Sun 11:00-17:00. RECENT AQUISITIONS: Upstairs two world faumous danish designers, Börge Mogensen and Hans Wegner. Downstairs many icelandic househould designers. Starts August 14. Nordic House Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00, Sat&Sun 12:00-17:00 7-A View from the North: Travelling exhibition - 7 artists from the Nordic Countrie. The artists in this group have exhibited extensively and received awards and recognition for their work on an international level. Admission: Icel. kr. 300.- Kling og Bang Gallery Thu-Sun 14:00-18:00 Exhibition by world famous american artists Paul McCarthy and Jason Rhoades Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat&Sun 10:00- 18:00 Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum is Reykjavík City´s folk museum and the largest open air museum in Ice- land. It is composed of around 30 buildings from different periods, most of which have been moved from downtown Reykjavík. Austurvöllur out door exhibition Icelanders: Photography Exhibition in Austurvellir, A Meeting with the Icelanders over a period of two years, photographer Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson and author Unnur Jökulsdóttir travelled the length and breadth of Iceland and visited people from all over the country. Passion Gallery 12:30-18:00 Mon-Fridays, 12:00-15:00 Saturdays Contemporary art gallery Gallery i8 Thu&Fri 11:00-18:00 Exhibition by Jeanine Cohen. Cohen has never been to Iceland, however. Her work is the result of a more general kind of intense observation. National Gallery of Iceland CULTUREARTS and H .S . 25


Reykjavík Grapevine

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