Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Síða 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Síða 21
Call us on 555 3565 or visit Whale Watching from Reykjavík Take part in an adventure at sea with an unforgettable trip into the world of whales and sea birds. Conveniently located in Reykjavík’s Old harbour, a three hour tour can bring you up close to whales in their natural habitat. Free entry to the Information Centre for our passengers. P IP A R • S ÍA • 8 0 6 9 3 Taste ebe  Iceland Iceland’s very first Tapas-Bar Tel:551-2344 • Address: Vesturgata 3b • 101 Reykjavík Gre at Tap as fro m k r. 5 50 .- ...with a little bit of spanish thrown in! There are over 70 courses on our Tapas menu so drop by and indulge in our excellent food in the greatest of atmosphere.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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