Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Page 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Page 46
B14 | Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 06 2008 | Article Despite its picturesque landscape and all, obtain- ing the title “photographer” in Iceland has long been a rather strenuous process. Most Icelandic photographers are educated abroad, but in recent years Sissa’s School of Photography has inspired a dawn of a new era in photography education where seasoned Icelandic pros pass their knowl- edge on to newcomers. The alleged discharge, though, is only fac- tual for about half the students, as Sissa now offers an 18 month extension to the previously one year study. When Grapevine caught up with her she informed us that this was in fact the reason for the school’s founding, and her students simply wouldn’t forsake her. And so the brief seminar she began with in ’97 has evolved into the only decent private photography school in Iceland. She ex- plains that over these ten years, photography has morphed from being somewhat of an underrated industry in Iceland into being a respected form of art and the request for such education has in- creased. When asked about the difference between other educational institutions of the same kind in Iceland, Sissa replies that her school is more fo- cused on artistic creation than technical aspects. The school does not follow the old tradition where the same professional mentors students for up to two years. Instead, they have a wide selection of photographers who swap their disciples every now and then, which results in a more diverse stu- dent experience. The only drawback to Sissa’s school is its lack of degree offerings. But students gradu- ate only with a certificate of completion. Árni, a graduating student of Sissa’s, doesn’t look at this as an obstacle but has great faith in Sissa’s ability to obtain her permit to administrate degrees soon. He looks back on his year as a great experience and says all prejudices about the ‘over the top tu- ition for not so excellent education’ are based on nescience. Thirteen students are involved in this year’s showcase and their number also represents their vast difference in intonations. So, if you are into champagne, live jazz and interesting photos, show up at the opening in Hól- maslód 6, May 31 at 15:00. Sissa’s School of Photography Clockwise from top left: Viktor Svan, Anna Margrét Óskarsdóttir, Guðfinna Magnúsdóttir, Edda Björns- dóttir, Leifur Wilberg.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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