Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.12.2008, Side 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.12.2008, Side 4
4 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 18—2008 LETTERS Sour Grapes Say your piece, voice your opinion, Send your letterS to letterS@grapevine.iS or text +354 893 9589 Welcome Card Reykjavík Enjoy the Thermal Pools, Museums, Public Transport and discounts. 24 / 48 / 72 hour cards - Great Value For Money Sold at the Centre and most Reykjavík hotels. As a retired Canadian banker, I want to suggest an alternative restructuring mon- etary plan for Iceland, and as a friend believe it can provide hope for future gen- eration rather than another mountain of debt and the eventual loss of your rights and assets. Question: if Egil's treasure were found today would it have value? The answer of course is yes because it was supposed to be gold and silver, which has a value today just as it did in Egil's time and it would have kept up with in- flation and still be 'worth a fortune' in present times. The most successful currency in the history of man has been those tied to the gold standard. A coin containing gold has immediate world-wide value and can not be discounted nor manip- ulated. The best example is the "Soli- dus" (or nicknamed the 'Bezant') that was coined by emperor Constantine in Constantinople in the 4th century A.D. It contained 65 grains of gold and this currency became accepted all over the known world for 800 years. If the Be- zant were in existance today, it would still have a real value. 65 grains of gold equals .1369 troy ounces, multiplied by current gold price of $700USD/ounce, equals $95.83 in US dollars. This would be the current and indisputable world- wide value of the Bezant today. What other ancient currency can make this claim? The problems that got Iceland into this mess and indeed so very many other countries, is the debt-based mon- etary system that prints worthless piec- es of paper and issues them as debt. It was debt that got you into this situation and the "experts" now say, more debt will get you out. It's like paying off the Visa Card with the Master Card, and I believe the reason so many of your citi- zens are thinking of leaving Iceland to- day is that in their heart they know that these future loans and increased debts will enslave all future generations of Icelanders as well as hand over your as- sets of fishing and energy and airspace, etc, etc to the bankers of the world. My suggestion is this: As a person might go into bankruptcy and start over, so should Iceland. Say to the world, "we are very sorry, but this is what has hap- pened. We will endeavor to repay our debts when we get going again." And to 'get going again' accept a loan from a like-minded country like Norway (cur- rently said to offer $650 millionUSD val- ue) and with this money buy gold and mint a new currency tied to gold. As with the Bezant it can have a defined number of grains with a 99.99% purity and will immediately have world-wide acceptence and value. Of course the current 'expert' bank- ers will aggressively challenge this because they want their debt machine to continue, but I have no doubt that a NISK (new Icelandic Kroner) tied to gold will protect the value of your cur- rency in future and allow you economy to restart. To go along with this, the new banks of Iceland must stop issuing Fiat money (paper) and stop the practice of 'fractional reserve lending' (increas- ing the money supply with no value at- tached). The banks now become issu- ers of 'script money' backed and fully exchangeable' into gold. In this way there will not be inflation to take away the value of the currency, and as gold is accepted around the world, the NISK would also be guaranteed that same ac- ceptance. Banks should return to their original function of safe-keeping real assets, and not the printers of worthless paper and speculative investors. This, then is the concept to restart your economy and restart trade with the world, but most of all to keep your heritage and your assets for the future generations of Icelanders. John Zufelt Dear John, While the Grapevine tends to agree with all extreme measure and radical ideas, and I do believe that your points are valid, I fear that our current monetary system is to intrenched in our collective psyche for us to be able to revert back to the gold standard. But, if you set up the petition, I'll sign it. Editor. Dear I know your country is impact of eco- nomic. Have any cooperation chance in trade with us? we are a company in Taiwan of Asia. Chan Dear Chan, Thank you for your kindness. Now if you would put all your money in an en- velope and mail it to the address on the preceeding page. Editor. Hi! I got tired to watch icelandic people wasting money! I have had enough and give you my tips for free! EVERY YEAR HUNDREDS OF TOUR- ISTS VISIT GEYSHIRES AND GULLFOS FOR FREE!! FREE! Why? Start taking some payments. Susana Dear Susana I disagree wholeheartedly. I strongly believe that our natural wonders should remain open to all free of charge. Enjoy- ing nature is a birthright, not a privi- lege. Besides, these good people have already spent a fortune coming over here to see the Geysers and Gullfoss. And they spend considerable amounts while here, so indirectly they are paying anyway. In any case, I think the small amount of money this might return will do little to improve our situation. Editor. I don´t know how to respond this but some people from England now call- ing me as a terrorist just because I live here. This is what one ofthe guy left me message - "o muji terrorist .. hamro gov ko paisa khane?? Translation in English would be - hello terrorist , why you are taking our gov- ernment money ? brown did very good job freezing icelandic assets u livin in a country full of terriost which implies that u are terrorist aswell " This guy is fully ignorant and he has lack of knowledge of the term "terror- ist" in deeper concept. If it was even said by native Englishman I would still say - lack of of knowledge of the term. I wish Icelandic government will take some legal action that anti-terrorist law been applied against Iceland. Anil Dear Anil, In so far as I can make sense of your let- ter, I think you have suffered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You should maybe look into joining the In Defense initiative at www. Editor.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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