Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.05.2010, Blaðsíða 37

Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.05.2010, Blaðsíða 37
THE STRIPPING DEBATE CONTINUES! We still wish the Feminist Association of Iceland was more willing to engage in discourse on the subject. Their missive in last issue was kind of drab, and conversation-ending. Get on it, association! Interview | Stripping In March, the Icelandic parliament voted in favour of the so-called “strip law” ban- ning “naked exhibitions as a profession.” Wondering how employees in those “restaurants” feel about this, I set off to a strip club, Óðal, to interview the staff there. In a completely empty bar (it was a week-day) that—except for the stage— could have been any ordinary nightclub, I met an opinionated bartender and a charming girl in a skimpy outfit who both agreed to talk to me. What struck me the most is that nobody seems to know what the law means. So far, girls are not allowed to strip completely naked, so the law would technically not change anything unless the parliament invents a new defini- tion of nudity. That also means nobody knows what is going to happen when the law comes into effect. The employees of Iceland’s strip bars might be thrown out at a moment’s notice or they might just continue dancing, stripping down to their undies and serving their costumers’ needs. Asked what he thinks about the new law, the Eastern-European bartender said it made him feel like back in the old communist days of his home coun- try, where “people were drowning in all kinds of useless rules and regulations.” He went on to wonder whether shut- ting down Iceland’s four strip clubs (yes, there are four of them) was as crucial as people are trying to make it out to be, and whether there weren’t other, more pertinent problems in Iceland at the mo- ment. Talking to the admittedly charming stripper with her sweet smile (who also hails from Eastern Europe), the answers I got were about as uninformative as they could get. The following is a transcript of our non-conversation: How long have you been in Iceland? 5 or 6 months. Why did you come here? I just came here to work. My friends are working here and I wanted to join them. Do you like it? Yes, I like Iceland. And how is working here? Good. It depends on the days. When there is a lot of customers, it’s fun. Oth- erwise it can get a bit boring. So you like your work? Yes. Have you worked as a stripper be- fore, in your home country? No, this is my first job as a stripper. At home, I worked in an office. Did you get bored with that? No, I just wanted to change and improve my English. Why did you decide to do stripping? Because my friends have been working with this job for a long time. And when I came here, I didn’t speak very good English and I just knew a few words. And now every day, I can practice my English when I speak to the costumers. For this job, I need English. If I just sit here with a stupid smile, I don’t make money. Also, I just like dancing. How are the customers? Are they mostly Icelanders or tourists? Mostly foreigners. Sometimes, Iceland- ers come here. But in a normal week, there are more tourists. During the weekend, we get some Icelanders as well. Are the costumers nice? Not like that. Sometimes, some nice cus- tomers come around, but not every day. but they’re not rude or anything? No, they’re not. How long are you planning to work here? I don’t know. Just for a while. Do you work every night? Usually, yes. It’s very short working hours; I’m off the whole day. Does someone tell you how to dance and talk to the customers? Are there rules for that? My friends taught me how to do this, the dancing and stuff. And when it comes to talking to customers, it’s different ev- ery time. Some customers have a lot of questions; some just want to talk about their lives. Are there sometimes problems with customers? The other day, some drunken customer came here. We have security for that. The customers can’t ever touch you. This is just a normal job, nothing bad or nasty about it, you know. How many girls work here? 3 to 6. Have you heard about the new law in Iceland that will ban strip clubs? Yes, this is a stupid thing. If they close the strip clubs I’ll just go to another country. I don’t wanna go back to my home coun- try, though. You would go to another European country? Yes, but only if the strip clubs close. My Icelandic isn’t good enough for a normal day job. And I don’t want to work at Bó- nus or something like that. Why do you think the law is stupid? Because in a normal week, every normal club here is closed. And then, the tour- ists come here just to have a drink or listen to music, not necessarily to check out the girls. but there are other pubs that are open during the week. (Shrugs) So you don’t think stripping is some- thing bad? No, not at all. For example, when guys buy a private dance, they just sit in a sofa and the girl is dancing, that’s all. There’s no prostitution or anything like that. Are you against prostitution? Yes, definitely. So you think this is just dancing? Yeah, that’s all. When you give private dances, you’re never naked? No, not here. But in other countries, of course private dancers can get naked. Would you be okay with getting na- ked? Yes, because the customer can’t touch me. So if he likes me, why shouldn’t he look at me? I’m just dancing. SOpHIA VAN TREEcK JuLIA STApLES “Just Dancing” An attempted interview in one of Iceland’s dens of inequity 25 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06 — 2010 Rauðará Rauðarárstíg 37 / 105 Reykjavík Tel: +354 562 6766 / Icelandic Cuisine at Hotel Reykjavík Present this page and receive 10% discount Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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