Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.06.2010, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.06.2010, Blaðsíða 38
26 Woolens factory store, located in Vik Víkurprjón ehf Phone: 487-1250 Genuine woolen goods, made in Iceland_______ Also wide selection of souvenirs The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 07 — 2010 The Lord thought of Pompeii, and won- dered why he had let it go at that. In no longer a time than it took to imagine it, he was transported to Italy. He walked around in the shadow of Vesuvius, among the ruins of the ancient city. Its inhabitants were long gone, but their thoughts could still be heard, scribbled here and there among the remnants of their world. “Profit is happiness,” read an in- scription on one of the water founts. “Welcome to profit” read another on a marble f loor not far from the famous brothels which he too had sometimes visited in earthly form when he tired of holy virgins. He had felt young and vig- orous then, full of hope for the future, for the destiny of man who still had so much to learn. The future had come. Nothing had been learnt. In old Pompeii, every house had a statue dedicated to Mercury, the god of commerce and lies. He had preserved many of the statues, just as he had preserved much of the once glittering city. He had wanted to prove this was not wanton destruction, that there was some point to it all. When he watched the city under the burning blanket, he decided to keep it as a reminder. He had let it rain, the cold drizzle beating on the hot ashes rendering everything within encased and eternal. Surely, the complete de- struction of a city renowned for its greed could only be taken as divine intervention by a vengeful god. There was a moral here to be learnt. It was not learnt. Vesuvius became Katla, the Lord as he was constrained by time, not space. He looked down on that ridiculous little cluster of houses that the inhab- itants called a capital city. How so few had managed to cause so much grief was out of all proportion. Like all good sculptors, God was greatly concerned with proportion. With no more effort than the clap- ping of hands, the land would be re- stored to its natural spirits. Its dams and high rises would remain for a while as testament to human folly, before disappearing into dust as everything must. Perhaps, he thought to himself, it was time to do the same to all man- kind. It was, after all, unfair to blame all the world’s problems on the Icelanders. He should open up the earth and let the fires engulf every living thing, once he was at it. Before the Lord could put his hands together and cleanse the world of mor- tal stupidity, he saw four beings ap- proaching. This surprised him. He had heard demented prophets warn of four horsemen at the end of days, but he had never really taken them seriously. God was more of a chaos theorist when it came to outlook. Any event could un- fold in a million different ways, all in turn spawning a myriad of possibilities. That’s what made mankind so interest- ing to observe. And yet, out of all these options, they almost always settled on the worst. They could create Paradise, but instead opted for Hell. Now he was in an Apocalyptic vein. And four riders were approaching. Perhaps he would prove the demented prophets right af- ter all. But their elation would be short lived. When it came to the afterlife, they would be sorely disappointed. The Lord was about to return to work when a thought struck him. If the prophets had been right about the End, had they not also been right about other aspects of existence? Such as in their fear of the Devil. And if he himself, the Destroyer of Worlds, represented the Good, he did not very much want to meet the Bad. A shudder went through him as the creatures came into closer view. Then relief, as he saw that instead of a rider on a white horse, the first was a man be- reft of equestrian assistance. Instead of a conquerors’ bow, he carried a simple walking stick. He wore no crown upon his head, only the simple garb the in- habitants once utilised and yet believed every man to be king. His stature was large, but his manner humble. The second apparition had horns, it was true. This struck fear into the ce- lestial heart, as horned creatures were generally to be avoided during an Apoc- alypse. But this was no Man-Devil, no Daemon from the depths. No, this was simply a bull which, it had to be said, would have looked rather foolish with- out them. The coming of the third creature was heralded by a piercing scream, which sent a shiver down the divine spine that God had not felt since he had first discovered the terrible loneli- ness of his existence. Again he was re- lieved, for the scream, though inhuman enough, belonged to an eagle and not the Anti-Christ. It was the fourth being that did the most to unnerve the Almighty. The fourth had claws and breathed fire and the Lord, who was an avid reader of Dante and a great admirer of the Flo- rentine imagination, began to believe in the truth behind fiction. His appear- ance here and now, through the f lames of a volcano at the End of Days, made him even more ominous. It was only when the Dragon began to speak that the image was shattered. This was not the Evil One come to claim the world as his throne. Rather, he seemed a timid creature, stuttering and coughing f lames with every attempt he made to form a word. The Lord soon realised that the crea- tures were more in awe of him than he was of them. It had been long since he had shown himself publically; he had quite forgotten the effect he had on less- er beings who beheld him. He decided to play his advantage. “What is it you want?” he said, in a stern voice that could bring entire na- tions to heel. “We have come to plead clemency,” coughed the Dragon in a sickly voice. “We come to Iceland’s aid in the hour of its need,” boomed the Giant in a tone that echoed throughout the moun- tains. “Be it the King of Norway or the Almighty itself, we will not let Iceland go down without a fight.” A walking stick against the Word of God did little to encourage his compan- ions, nor did it impress the Almighty. Eagle interjected in order to calm things down. “Perhaps we can make a wager,” it shrieked. The Lord knew that Icelanders could not be trusted in a game of dice. They would only play tricks with the num- bers. Nevertheless, the longer he stayed on the island, the more he had come to admire it. The shoreline here was co- loured in darker hues than his beloved Amalfi Coast but it was, in its own way, just as spectacular. It was among his latest works, a mere 20 million years old, and proved that he still had it. He had written it off as a side project at the time, but perhaps it should be re-eval- uated as a major piece, a spontaneous f light of fancy that worked as well for what it was as the quirkiness of Austra- lia or the endless depths of Brazil did in other parts? Truly, if would be a pity if there was no one left but him to behold it. And yet, was its beauty not lost on a people who understood nothing but cold hard cash, a people without imagination? Was there anyone on the island at all who could appreciate beauty for its own sake? True beauty could only be appre- ciated through honest eyes, and this re- minded him of a bet he had once made in circumstances similar to these. “Show me 50 honest people, and I will spare the country,” he said to the foursome. The four beings looked worryingly at one another. “Very well then, 40?” offered the Lord. Still, there was no reply. “30?” God attempted. For one used to having everything as he wanted, hag- gling was not one of his strong sides. “20,” he found himself saying. Still nothing. “Surely, you must be able to find me 10 honest Icelanders?” “Perhaps we should just move to Norway,” said the Giant. “I’ve heard there is work to be had there for Guard- ian Spirits up in the North. As the four Guardians were about to leave, and the Lord was getting ready to resume his terrible work, a thought oc- curred to him. Some innocents still be- lieved in the fairness of his intentions, and it now seemed unfair of him to kill everyone who had been led astray by a few. Should a country not be judged by the essence of its spirit as seen in the fruit of its greatest minds, rather than by the folly of its financial captains? If he could find something worth saving even here, then the same would surely apply everywhere. He was not a God of Good or Evil— both were merely the consequences of the actions of men. He was the God of Creation, and it was according to men’s creations that they would be judged. “Very well then,” the Lord said. Name me one single contribution that the Icelanders have made to mankind, and I will spare both them, and it.” God Returns To Iceland pt. 3 Literature | Short story vALUR GUNNARSSON ILLUSTRATION By MEGAN HERBERT This is the third section of a four part short story by former Grapevine editor Valur Gunnarsson. We have read the entire thing, and we can tell you right off the bat that it is a pretty damn awesome read. So stay tuned for the stun- ning conclusion, THE YEAR OF THE OX, in our next issue. Four Spirits


Reykjavík Grapevine

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