Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.05.2011, Blaðsíða 19

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.05.2011, Blaðsíða 19
19 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 5 — 2011 I assume to be the case. But I am rela- tively inexpensive compared to what goes on in the greater artworld. Obviously one must take into ac- count that I have to pay a team of fifty people that work with me in my studio, not just on Harpa but on every other project of mine. I work to make sure that the turn- over allows me to have a small profit. In light of all that, I feel I was reim- bursed correctly for my work on Harpa. There is a healthy relationship be- tween the amount of work that has gone into the project and the amount of money I got paid. It is not at all overpriced. I should mention that the numbers that have been speculated about in the Icelandic media—my fee does not come at all close to them [Fréttablaðið reported that the cost of the façade to- talled in excess of 3 billion ISK, and that Ólafur could have received up to 20% of that amount for his fee]. The truth is that I am being paid the same amount I would receive for a very large work of art. If you were to buy a very large pavilion for your garden from my company, I would ask about the same amount of money as I received for my work on Harpa. But this was a very boring way of answering that question, throwing some realism in there. I can understand why people want to know who’s being paid for what. I guess the question peo- ple are asking is at its core: is there any sense in the way the money is flowing? And my answer to that question is: yes, it makes complete sense. I am not be- ing paid incredible amounts of money. A BRUTAL CONTRACT I can also say that as an artist, I have worked a lot on upgrading the legal rights of artists in regard to contract- ing. My team and I have worked with German copyright lawyers on creating a strong contracting basis for artists. These contracts came out of me work- ing with Louis Vuitton and BMW, highly capitalistic companies that handle art in a super commercial way. The contracts have become standards in America and the UK; some people consider them harsh, but I have such strong contracts to ensure my status as an artist and that I would not have to compromise my art while working with commercial entities. Artists are always the ones that don’t consult a lawyer, and they always lose against large corporations. This is a long discussion, but to boil it down, the most important part of these contracts is to ensure that while I am working for a commercial entity, I am also creating a work of art that will not compromise to business concerns or political con- cerns or anything outside of the art itself. The Harpa exterior is a work of art and I look forward to seeing that work of art grow into the city and hopefully into the population. Of course some people might not like it—I am less con- cerned about that; it just means it is on par with every other work of art. So you’re not at all worried about the reception? In truth: of course I am worried about the reception. Not in the sense of whether people think it’s art or not; it’s more important to me that people can identify with the building and the con- cert hall. If they can do that, then I’m happy. Harpa now has to build its own history. If the façade can serve as its identity, that is good, but the signature lies in the success of running the build- ing. Ideally this will be a famous con- cert hall, renowned for its concerts and acoustics, that happens to have a fan- tastic work of art surrounding it. It would be sad if it were thought of the other way, as a fan- tastic work of art with OK concerts. The façade doesn’t make the concerts sound better, but the concerts can make the façade more meaningful. NOT WALLPAPER Is the result as you imagined it would be, when the project com- menced? When I started working on it six years ago, I didn’t know what the outcome would be, but my hopes were that this would be a unique collaboration be- tween art and architecture. Unique in the sense that artistic input and the architectural world would seamlessly work together. And I feel this has been accomplished; the south façade is ac- tually holding up the roof, it does not have columns holding it up. It is a work of art, but it is also structural, mean- ing, it statically holds its own weight—it doesn’t have any hidden columns or support beams on the inside. That’s a design decision. If I had been integrat- ed later into the process, like artists usually are, I would have been present- ed with a finished building with a south wall that needed decorating. This is extremely interesting to me, and it has been an ambition—creat- ing art that does not merely serve as wallpaper, but as the actual wall, so to summer school STUDY ICELANDIC AND HAVE FUN! MAY – JUNE – JULY – AUGUST LANGUAGE AND CULTURE read – write – SPEAK - LISTEN fieldwork - COOKING SMALL CLASSES experienced teachers – new material morning classes – four days a week evening classes – three days a week tel: 551-7700 gsm: 821-7163 Welcome Velkomin www. f j a l ako t tu r inn . i s Opening hOurs Every day from 18:00 – 22:00 Fridays & Saturdays from 18:00 – 23:00 Sundays from 18:00 - 22:00 New Nord i c Cu i s ine in the heart of the city center A unique dining experience like never before The restaurant is warm and friendly and has the atmosphere of old Icelandic and nordic style. Our ambition is in serving high quality food, having a wide selection of good wine and providing the best service. Pond City Hall A ða ls træ ti Tj ar na rg at a Pó st hú ss træ ti Kirkjustræti Austurvöllur Austurstræti Vonarstræti Fja laköttur inn | Aðalstræti 16 | 101 Reyk javík | Tel . 514 6060 | Fax 514 6030 EX PO · w w w .e xp o .is Ideally this will be a famous concert hall, renowned for its concerts and acoustics that happens to have a fantastic work of art surrounding it. CONTINUES OVER


Reykjavík Grapevine

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