Reykjavík Grapevine - 20.05.2011, Blaðsíða 32

Reykjavík Grapevine - 20.05.2011, Blaðsíða 32
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Roundtrip from Reykjavík, it totals at about 370 kilometres, or five solid hours of driving. Leav- ing plenty of time to soak up the scenery, the trip lasted ten hours, which was easily doable in one day. DO YOUR HOMEWORK Knowledge of the trip ahead of you is probably the most important thing to have on any trip, so don’t skimp on the research. Major sights along the way are the waterfalls Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss, you pass by the glaciers Eyjafjallajökull and Sólheimajökull, and the beach at Dyrhólaey is definitely worth a detour. There’s not much to do in Vík besides taking pictures, but it’s beautiful and quaintly Icelandic, and about as far south as you can go on the island. Choosing a car is obviously another big part of planning a road trip. Luckily, Route 1 from Reyk- javík to Vík is totally paved and clear of ice most of the year, so a cheap compact car may be all you need. However, if you find some interesting sights off the beaten path, a larger vehicle with 4WD could be a wise investment. LITTLE COMFORTS I rallied my companions and set out at 11:00 and hit the road (another helpful tip: if you’re riding with someone else, BE READY ON TIME). Within minutes, I realised one thing for which I had not planned: I didn’t bring any music. Unless you’re a fan of the agonising mixture of American pop and radio static ubiquitous on Iceland’s FM dial, make sure to bring a formidable music library. It was about the time we passed through the town of Selfoss, I realised another total n00b mis- take I made. I didn’t bring any snacks. It’s amazing how hungry you can get staring out the window, so bring tons of snacks. Munching is also a good way to break up the monotony of driving. Music and snacks: don’t leave home without ‘em. After two hours, we finally arrived at Selja- landsfoss. Although the amount of water flowing over the falls isn’t that much compared to some of Iceland’s other waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss is im- pressive due to its sheer height, and you can take a trail behind the falls. Wear good boots, because by the time I got back in the car my shoes were carrying an extra two pounds of mud. We spent an hour taking photos of Seljalandsfoss from every conceivable angle before setting off. Only twenty minutes away is another gem, Skógafoss. A wide waterfall with a high volume of water, and respectable drop of 60 metres, Skóga- foss is a classic scene. Seriously, ask anyone to draw a waterfall and they’ll come up with some- thing that looks like Skógafoss. There’s a conve- nient staircase to the top of the falls and a tiny path where the brave/foolish can look over the edge. NOT ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST We continued on toward Vík. This is where good research paid off. Earlier that morning, I was flip- ping through my guidebook and spotted a small blurb about a beach facing the island Dyrhólaey. It didn’t sound especially spectacular, and I don’t know what about it piqued my curiosity, but it’s always better to indulge that sense of adventure. On any road trip, don’t ask yourself, ‘why?’ Ask yourself, ‘why not?’ Sometimes the best experi- ences are the ones you almost missed. So off we went in our little Toyota down the rough gravel road. This is where a big SUV would have been nice. The short detour became a mine- field of potholes, mud ruts, and huge rocks just waiting to take chunks out of the bottom of the car. But curiosity was rewarded with stunning black sand surrounded by huge rock formations. We took photos, ran on the beach, wrote messages in the sand, and just revelled in the sheer beauty. So cliché, I know. We bounced back to the main road and twenty minutes later we were in the tiny town of Vík. One unique feature is the church, built on the highest point in Vík and the only refuge should nearby Mount Katla wake up and destroy the town. We grabbed a bite to eat and made our way back to Reykjavík as the sun began to set. When all was said and done, the trip cost around 25.000 ISK for rental and fuel, but that could change depending on what car you choose and what time of the year you go. If you’re a road trip first-timer, the south road journey is a great way to dip your toes in and test the water. 32 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 6 — 2011 Travel | On your own Road Tripping For n00bs A beginner’s guide to the south road Words Steve Ganey Photography Vanessa Schipani “On any road trip, don’t ask yourself, ‘why?’ Ask yourself, ‘why not?’ Sometimes the best experiences are the ones you almost missed The Most Utterly Basic Roadtrip Checklist: 1) Research! 2) Music (unless you love awkward silences). 3) Snacks (no pungent odours, I'm looking at you, fish jerky), and most importantly: 6) Good travel buddies.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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