Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Blaðsíða 37

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Blaðsíða 37
Music, Art, Films and Events Listings + Eating, Drinking and Shopping + Map Your essential guide to life, travel and entertainment in iceland Issue 14 - 2011 At the end of the summer after sheep have spent months grazing in mountains, it’s time for the annual ‘réttir’. That’s when farmers on horseback go into the mountains to round up the sheep and lead them back into a fold—a circular enclosure sur- rounded by smaller enclosed spaces. Farmers and their families jump into the mix of sheep and separate their sheep into the smaller enclosed spaces. Remarkably, many farmers recognise their sheep from afar and even call them by name, but of course each sheep is also marked with a tag on its ear. To see it is truly wonderful. And you should see it, but if you’re not going to make it, you should at least go check out the exhibit called ‘Réttir’ at the Reykjavík Museum of Photography. There you can experience it vicariously through the photos taken by award-winning photographer Hjalti Sigfússon at the Haukadalsréttir in the Dalasýsla county over the last few years. His photos document the event—the farmers, the sheep and those who come to help or simply watch the event (which takes place the first Saturday after September 12 in that particular area). Missed Réttir? Go check out this photography exhibit Reykjavík International Literature Festival DON'T MISS!


Reykjavík Grapevine

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