Aðventfréttir - 01.01.2007, Page 11

Aðventfréttir - 01.01.2007, Page 11
NEWBÖLD COLLESEa mind-opening experience Newbold College offers a unique educational expenence. Its particular strengths include: • beautiful campus, conveniently located • small class sizes • excellent híghly qualified lecturers • international environment • affordable fees • authentic spintuality Academic experiences available: English, History, Psychology, Sociology, Accounting, Management, Marketing, Counselling, Theology and English as a Foreign Language. Newbold College Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 4AN, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1344 407421; Fax: +44 1344 407405; Emaíl: admissions@newbold.ac.uk Website: www.newbold.ac.uk Your life joumey will take you in all kinds of interesting directions. A qualification from Newbold College is not only a great experience in itself, but it will help prepare you for your next step in life-whether that is postgraduate studies, travel or your first real job. You can go just about anywhere you like with a Newbold College qualification. So where's it gomg to be? 'SJT Nánari upplýsingar um nám á Newbold er hægt að nálgast á skrifstofu Kirkjunnar AÐVENTFRÉTTIR • Janúar 2007



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