The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 20.10.2004, Side 2

The White Falcon - 20.10.2004, Side 2
cr~K Town vvmnmys m 2:QQp,m* m Kw The Naval Media Center’s radio program, “Talk of the Town” airs Mondays at 2 p.m. on K104FM, Thunder 1530, and Roller Channel 9. Monday, October 18 Lt. Jennifer Nussbaum from the Fleet and Family Support Center was the guest. Here are some of the community issues they discussed: Navy uniform changes: There are 4 variations of uniforms for enlisted and officers that are being tested in the fleet. Pictures of the concept uniforms are available online The uni- forms are designed to replace utilities, wash khaki, coveralls, woodland green, aviation green, winter working blue and tropical working uniforms. Navy officials say the plan is that in the initial stages that feedback will play a vital role in what they will look like. Classes at Fleet and Family Support Center: Classes are ongoing, people can pick up calendars at the FFSC to see what classes are avialable and when they are scheduled for. Domestic Violence Awareness Month: [Lt. Nussbaum] Oct. is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is a nation-wide situation. We want to get the word out to make people more aware that domestic violence does happen and that we want to be able to stop it. On a base of this size there isn't much that goes on that people don't know about. What I've found in a little less than a year that I've been here, that often when a case came in the neighbors knew about it. People suspect, they know about it, but they just didn't turn it in. To promote awareness about the subject we put an article in the White Falcon and we are putting together informational bits to put in the plan of the week and on the NASKEF intranet, so people should be checking for that. Information that if you knew someone who might be in that type of situa- tion, what you could do. What you could do to help instead of standing by and doing nothing. Potentially you are saving someone's life if you step in and help. The reality is that with domestic violence it starts out, sometimes, at a low level, but if you don't stop it and intervene that it gets worse and worse each time and somebody could die. Sometimes it hap- pens early on that someone dies because it got out of hand, beyond what the expection was. So it's very important to catch it early. We also have the greatest success rate of being able to stop it and ending up having a healthy marriage if you can catch it early and stop the pattern. People can make anonymous calls, so that they need to know to that when if you call to report it, when I do follow up with the individuals to see what is going on, that I'm not going to say well your neighbor so and so called to say that she's been hear- ing a lot of fighting going on. Your identity will be • protected. Call the Fleet and Family Support Center Family Advocacy Representative at 4401 to report domestic violence. We are also setting up briefings with some of the spouse support groups so that they are' receiving the same training as the troops so that they can be educated and know what domestic violence is. What does fall under those paramaters. A lot of times people who are in those types of situations think, well this isn't a whole lot of fun but I don't know if it is domestic violence or not, or that he didn't mean to push me or that it was an accident that I got hurt. Changes in classes at FFSC and U.S. Naval Hospital Keflavik, Iceland: The hospital has taken over for the FFSC in administering the stress and anger management classes. So from this point on, people who want to participate in these classes should call the mental health clinic at the hospital to sign up for these classes. Women's Health Symposium: U.S. Naval Hospital Keflavik, Iceland is hosting a Women's Health Symposium Oct. 28 at noon at the Three Flags Club. The symposium will highlight bone, heart, breast, reproductive, colo-rectal and skin health as well as provide information about diabe- tes. contact Health Promotions at 3230 for more information. Race for the Cure 5K walk/run: Will Oct. 30 at 10 a.m. Register by the Oct. 25. Call Health Promotions at 3230 for more information. Prizes will be awarded. Basewide Trick or Treat hours: Sat. Oct. 30 from 4-7 p.m. Please ensure you are wearing your reflec- tive gear. Mother Nature and winter are well on their way and with that darkness. So please ensure you wear your reflective gear so you can be seen. Look in next week’s edition for the results of the next “Talk of the Town.” E-mail your questions to or call the Naval Media Center during the broadcast at 4615. White Falcon relocating The Public Affairs Office and White Falcon will be relocating Oct. 27-29 from Bldg. 936 to Bldg. 128. There will be no interruption of services. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences this relocation may cause. Our new offices will open Nov. 1 in Bldg. 128. Please continue to submit classified ads, News You Can Use items and articles to pao@idfcfk. or call us at 4552 by our deadline of Monday at 5 p.m. to ensure your submission can be entered. Thank you for supporting your local newspaper. The White Falcon The Pearl of Iceland’s Highlands October 20, 2004


The White Falcon

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