The White Falcon - 20.07.2006, Blaðsíða 4
Commissary Note
The Commissary has new hours of operation as of
July 9: Tues. - Fri. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 5
p.m. and closed Sun. and Mon.
Navy Exchange Notes
Subway has new hours of operation: Mon. - Fri. 8
a.m. - 8 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Sun. 12-8
Taco Bell and A&W has new hours of operation:
Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat and Sun. closed.
Laundry/Dry Cleaners has new hours of operation:
Mon. - Tues. 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Wed. - Fri. 10
a.m. - 5:30 p.m., closed Sat. and Sun.
Barber Shop has new hours of operation: Mon.
- Fri. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., closed Sat. and Sun.
Navy Legal Note
Domestic pet control and responsibilities are for
individuals to make transportation arrangements
and provide evidence of proper arrangements when
checking out. Failure to follow this steps may result
in delaying your departure. Non-registered pets need
appointments with the Army Veterinary and can be
made by calling 2786. Contact Navy Legal at 7900
for further guidance.
Basic Allowance for Housing
Approval has been received to start Basic
Allowance for Housing (BAH) for members living
in Family Housing that move families off island to
support the closure. Personnel Support Detachment
Keflavik has the information required for Navy
personnel and is coordinating for the Air Force per-
Temporary Lodging Allowance
NASKEF Housing will no longer sign off on
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA). Members
are allowed to remain in their quarters until their
date of departure.
OPSEC and Privacy act
Due to the base closure, many people will be back-
ing up e-mails and files onto memory sticks, CD’s,
PDA’s and other mediums.
Keep in mind that although the network is unclas-
sified there are Operational Security (OPSEC) and
possibly privacy act concerns. Be sure to properly
safeguard backed up data.
Also with so many jobs being consolidated as
people detach, there is a temptation to give your
account infonnation to the person taking over your
Do not do this.
If you have e-mail and/or data that your replacement
will need, simply coordinate with your ISSO and
they can assist you with ensuring your replacement
has access to necessary data. Sharing your account
is not only against DoD policy, it makes you liable
for anything they do while using your account.
If you require any assistance or have questions
please feel free to contact the Local Network
Operation Service Center (LNOSC) Trouble Desk
by calling 3000.
New Post Office Hours
The Post Office will be open Mon. thru Fri. from
8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
SGLI Premium Changes
The Department of Veterans Affairs has
announced a change to service members’ group
life insurance (SGLI) and family SGLI (FSGLI)
rates that is effective 1 July 2006. SGLI premium
rates per $1,000 of coverage will increase 7 cents
per month. For example, Sailors covered for the
maximum $400,000 will see their monthly pre-
mium increase from $27 to $29. Included as part
of the $29 premium is a mandatory $1 per month
charge for traumatic injury protection under SGLI
A. Sailors who elected less than full coverage
will not have to submit a SGLV Form 8286a to
maintain their present coverage. For example, a
Sailor who elected $200,000 vice $400,000 cover-
age will pay $15, which includes the mandatory $1
per month charge for TSGLI. Reserve members
drilling for points and in a non-pay status currently
covered under SGLI will be billed for the higher
premium beginning 1 July 2006.
B. SGLI premiums are increasing because the
current SGLI premium rate is below the “break-
even” point and therefore is insufficient to cover
the cost of peacetime claims (Note: the cost of
wartime SGLI claims is borne by the uniformed
services, not by service members). FSGLI pre-
mium rates for all age brackets will see a reduc-
tion beginning 1 July 2006, because of “favorable
claims experience.” Additional information about
SGLI and FSGLI rate changes and answers to
frequently asked questions are available at www.
Iceland Defense Force
Col. Craig Croxton,
Public Affairs Officer
FriSpor Kr. Eydal
Administrative Assistant
Olga Kristin Petursdottir
MC2 Matthew Bradley
The White Falcon is pro-
duced by the Iceland
Defense Force (IDF) Public
Affairs Office. The editorial
content of this newspaper is
edited and approved by the
public affairs office of IDF.
The White Falcon is an
authorized publication for
members of the military
services and their families.
Its contents do not necessar-
ily reflect the official views
of the U.S. Government, the
Department of Defense, the
U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine
Corps, the U.S. Army or
the U.S. Air Force and do
not imply endorsement
Questions or comments can
be directed to the Public
Affairs Officer or Editor.
The White Falcon staff can
be reached by calling 4552
or by e-mail at IDF.PAO@> or stopping
by Building 128.
The deadline for story sub-
missions is close of busi-
ness Monday prior to pub-
lication. The White Falcon
is published bi-weekly. The
White Falcon reserves the
right to edit all submis-
The White Falcon is online
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Page 4
The White Falcon
July 20, 2006