Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.05.2012, Síða 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.05.2012, Síða 14
14 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 5 — 2012 “Good things happen slowly,” Björn Bjarnason, Iceland's former Minis- ter of justice, wrote on his blog in March of last year when his succes- sor in office, Minister of the Interior ögmundur jónasson, called for a press conference to announce that the police would soon be granted proactive investigative powers. While Ögmundur and other Left Green MPs often criticised Björn for his ag- gressive efforts to increase police pow- ers during the latter’s six years in of- fice, he is now advocating for increased police powers as part of The State’s crusade against purported organised crime, which is believed to be predomi- nantly manifested in a number of mo- torcycle gangs, including Hell’s Angels. A bill that Ögmundur proposed to parliament last month does not contain the infinite investigative powers that the police have asked for, but it does allow them to investigate people sus- pected of planning acts that fall under organised crime and are punishable by at least a four year prison sentence. While the case is usually presented as the police's struggle to gain greater justifiable investigative powers—in which they have supposedly not fully succeeded—the fact is that, from at least July 1999 to May 2011, the police had unrestricted authority to monitor whomever they wanted due to poorly defined regulations. THE HEADLINE THAT NEVER WAS “UNRESTRICTED SPYING WAS PER- MITTED!” should have appeared as a major headline all over the Icelandic media last year. Yet it was strangely ab- sent, despite an official acknowledge- ment from the Minister of the Interior that this was indeed the case that un- restricted spying on Icelandic citizens had been tolerated and allowed. The matter concerned Mark Kennedy, the British police spy whose seven-year long undercover operations were ex- posed and reported in the international media last year. Disguised as activ- ist “Mark Stone,” he travelled through Europe collecting intelligence about anarchists, environmentalists and ani- mal rights activists. He was for instance stationed in Iceland's eastern highlands in 2005, where environmentalist net- work Saving Iceland was protesting the construction of the Kárahnjúkar dams. In most of the countries where Mark Kennedy operated—short of Ireland and Germany—authorities have remained silent about the matter. But a newly released report on police units provid- ing intelligence in the UK, carried out by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Con- stabulary (HMIC), clearly outlines the aim of the National Police Order Intel- ligence Unit (NPOIU) for which Ken- nedy worked: “the main objective of the NOPIU has been gathering intelli- gence,” such as “knowledge about the infiltrated protest groups, their aims and links with other groups, their plans and methods, and the people involved in suspected serious crime.” In other words, using proactive in- vestigations to collect information in order to prevent possible action. As Minister of Foreign Affairs Ös- sur Skarphéðinsson remarked during a parliamentary discussion about Mark Kennedy last year, the Icelandic police did not have such powers in 2005 and still do not. That should have made any local co-operation with the British spy illegal, just as any other proactive spy- ing initiative would have been. SO MANy MEN, SO MANy MINDS Following the exposé of Mark Kennedy, Ögmundur called for an investigation into Icelandic police authorities’ possi- ble knowledge or collaboration with the British spy which resulted in a report by the National Commissioner's Na- tional Security Unit (NSU). The report acknowledged that information about the protest camp at Kárahnjúkar, its or- ganisers and participants, was passed to the Icelandic authorities. According to the report, this information then led to a “collaboration with foreign police authorities concerning protest groups abroad and the intended protests un- der the banner of Saving Iceland.” “This is the big news,” Ögmundur declared on his blog in May 2011, after the report was published. “Espionage was employed with the Icelandic au- thorities' knowledge and will.” He em- phasised this point in parliament last March, stating: “The infiltrator [Kenne- dy] was able to operate at Kárahnjúkar because of very unclear regulations re- garding the police's investigation meth- ods. Legislation was far from strong enough, and there were rules in force that never appeared publically.” The rules he mentioned are instruc- tions by the State Prosecutor from 1999. For some background: according to laws on criminal proceedings, the respective minister—Minister of Jus- tice until 2010, Minister of the Interior since—should pass regulations regard- ing specific police protocols such as the use of informers and infiltrators. But these regulations did not exist until a year ago, following a request by the National Security Unit. Instead they were substituted by those State Pros- ecutor’s instructions which, due to their less formal status (compared with laws and regulations), were not published in a conspicuous manner but rather filed away in drawers and cabinets, so to speak. Although these instructions are hard to come by they still are accessible and, according to the document, their purpose was simply to “prevent crimi- nal activities,” for instance with the use of an informer “who supplies the police with information about criminal activities or people linked with crimi- nal activities.” Most notably, the docu- ment's eleven pages are free of a single definition of what criminal activities the instructions concern, unlike the regu- lations created last spring, which are confined to “well-founded suspicion” of acts or planned acts that are punish- able by at least eight years of imprison- ment. This simply means that until spring 2011, the police literally had a carte blanche regarding whom they could spy on for whatever reasons they chose. Unbeknownst to the public, these in- structions allowed unrestricted espio- nage. These powers are now lost, partly lost due to Mark Kennedy's exposé and the following NSU investigation. THE PERMISSIONS TO COME While admitting that he had not even seen the bill submitted by Ögmundur last month, Snorri Magnússon, Chair- person of the Police Federation of Iceland, still maintained to newspaper Fréttablaðið that the proposed permis- sions were too limited. Snorri explained that the police want permission similar to what their colleagues in Scandi- navia work with which allow them, as he noted, to “lawfully monitor certain groups in society even though they are not necessarily about to commit crimes today or tomorrow, and collect intelli- gence on them, which then might lead to official cases.” This is not part of Ögmundur’s bill, which states that in order to justify the use of proactive investigative powers, the police must know or suspect the planning of a violation of penal code ar- ticle 175a, punishable with at least four years of imprisonment. Its execution has to be an operation of an “organ- ised criminal association” defined as a “companionship of three or more per- sons with the main objective to system- atically commit criminal acts, directly or indirectly for profit.” The bill has only been briefly de- bated in parliament and has yet to go through second and third discussion before undergoing voting. But judg- ing by the discussion in parliament last month, it will receive majority support— only members of The Movement have seriously criticised the proactive inves- tigative powers. One of them, Margrét Tryggvadót- tir, recently pointed out that the police seem to have quite a decent overview of the given crime groups, even claim- ing to know their exact number of mem- bers. Along with recent admissions that for the last couple of years the police have received judicial permissions for wire-tapping in more than 99% of re- quested instances, this got her to ques- tion the real need for increased powers. Author and filmmaker Haukur Már Hel- gason echoed this criticism in a series of blog posts last year, nominating “the brand name Hell's Angels” as “the big- gest favour done to expansion-greedy police force.” Nonetheless, the police and mem- bers of three parties who together make up two thirds of parliament are asking for more. In a parliamentary proposition submitted last year they ask the Minister of the Interior to pre- pare another bill, this time regarding the aforementioned Scandinavian in- vestigation powers. The proposition is currently in the midst of parliamentary process and though Ögmundur might claim he doesn’t like it, it is question- able if he could actually resist such a majority will. Additionally, recent polls suggest that the right wing conserva- tive Independence Party will gain a ma- jority in the coming 2013 parliamentary elections, in which case it is certain that the police will not have to wait too long for the “good things” to happen. Despite what has been presented by official police statements and through most media coverage, this would cer- tainly not be indicative of a new period of increased investigation powers. It would be but a step backwards into an already realised future. Iceland| Espionage BACK TO THE FUTURE “This simply means that until spring 2011, the police literally had a carte blanche regarding whom they could spy on for whatever reasons they chose. Unbeknownst to the public, these instructions allowed unrestricted espionage. ” The unrestricted spying of yesterday… and tomorrow? Words Snorri Páll Jónsson Úlfhildarson Photography Juli Vol You probably never engage in any criminal activities, right? So, do you believe the cops should be allowed to spy on you at will? You've got nothing to hide, right? It's not as if whatever it is you like doing now might at some point be decreed illegal or immoral or used to put pressure on you by a rogue police officer or even the police force itself, right? Right?


Reykjavík Grapevine

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